Jaguar Journal
October 2024
Jepson Families,
It is hard to believe that we almost have a quarter of the school year behind us! October is a busy month, and this newsletter contains lots of important information about what you and your student can expect in the coming weeks!
All parents and guardians are invited to join us from 5:30-7:30pm on October 17th for Jepson's annual Parent Academy. This is a valuable opportunity to learn more about topics such as Social Media, Cyberbulling, Vaping, Mental Health, College and Career Readiness, Aeries Parent Portal, Parent Square, and Google Classroom. Childcare will be provided. We hope to see you there!
Report cards will be sent out via Parent Square on October 18th. This is a great time to talk with your student about their academic progress and challenges so far this year. Our new Quarter begins on October 15th.
Remember that our PTC Fall Fundraiser is still in full swing! Please continue to share the 99 Pledges platform with family and friends. More information can be found below.
We look forward to sharing an exciting month ahead with you and your student!
Go Jags!
Melissa Mainini
Important Upcoming Dates
- October 10: Fall Rally
- October 11: End of Quarter 1
- October 14: School Holiday (No School)
- October 15: Start of Quarter 2
- October 17: Parent Academy
- October 18: Report Cards Sent Via Parent Square
- October 21-25: Red Ribbon Week
- October 26: Halloween Dance
- October 31: Halloween
- November 1: Dia de los Muertos
- November 11: Veterans Day (No School)
Please refer to the 24-25 VUSD Middle School Calendar for more important dates.
Jaguar Parent Academy
- Understanding Aeries, Parent Square & Google Classroom
- Social Media & Cyberbullying
- Vaping
- College & Career Readiness
- Mental Health
Sessions will be offered in English and Spanish. Childcare will be provided.
Thursday, Oct 17, 2024, 05:30 PM
Jepson Middle School Gym
There are many services that the Counseling Department offers to our Jaguars. One of them is the Jaguar Zen Den. The Jaguar Zen Den is a calm space for students to come if they need a break. There are many coping resources in this space to help destress.
When students sign in, they can sit in the Zen Den for 10 minutes and then a counselor will come check on them. Students can access the Zen Den is by signing up through the Counseling Google Classroom.
There is still time left to participate in the Battle of the Teams School Wide Fundraiser! This is Jepson’s LARGEST fundraiser of the school year. The fundraiser runs until October 11th. Funds raised will go towards: clubs, new enclosed bulletin boards, sport uniforms, student & teacher recognition and more! The fundraiser is easy! You can help in two ways…. SHARE the page and DONATE! Any amount and any number of shares helps!
To access the fundraiser, visit the 99 Pledges website. From there you can search for a student to donate on their page and to share their page. Thank you for your help and support in making this fundraiser a success!
Jepson Winter Sports
- Winter sports will begin in November! There will be informational meetings advertised in mid-October for Wrestling and Basketball. Listen to the bulletin for those dates.
- Basketball tryouts are Monday, November 4, to Wednesday, November 6.
- Wrestling will begin practices on Tuesday, November 5.
- Be sure to have all of your physical clearance paperwork completed before tryouts and practice start!
- If you have any questions, you can email Chris Marino at cmarino@vacavilleusd.org.
Super Saturdays
All students are invited to attend Super Saturdays at Jepson this year! These voluntary sessions take place from 8:00am-12:15pm once a month and provide students with opportunities to receive extra academic help, participate in enrichment activities, and recover attendance from full-day absences. All sessions are facilitated by a certificated staff member. Please refer to the Super Saturday calendar for upcoming dates.
Halloween Costumes
Students may wear Halloween costumes to the Halloween Dance on October 26th and to school on October 31st. Please be aware that the following guidelines apply to all costumes!
- Costumes must follow the Jepson Dress Code. Refer to the student handbook.
- Students may not wear masks or any other item that covers their face.
- Costumes may not be a promotion of violence. No weapons or imitation weapons.
- Costumes may not disrespect, make fun of, or appropriate an individual, group, or culture.
- No inflatable costumes.
Vacaville Parent Project
Parent Project is put on by the City of Vacaville's Youth Services and is intended to provide parents/guardians with the tools they need to support pre-teens and teens with many different types of behaviors. Sessions begin on October 9th and occur every Wednesday from 6:00-8:00pm.
Youth Mental Health Symposium
NAMI San Francisco is hosting a virtual symposium on Zoom for parents and families on October 24th. Experts will discuss how parents and caregivers can support the mental health of children and teens, with a specific focus on technology use. More information can be found here.
Christmas Wishlist
The Christmas Wishlist program aims to provide the Vacaville community with support during the holiday season. Click here to learn more about how to apply for the program.
PE Clothes
Our PE Teachers encourage students to have two sets of PE clothes. Students can purchase PE clothes anytime throughout the year from their PE Teacher. Sets of PE clothes consist of a shirt and shorts. The cost is $10 for an individual clothing item or $20 for the set. Cash and checks (made out to Willis Jepson Middle School) are accepted.
Lost and Found
Crutches & Medical Equipment on Campus
Students utilizing crutches and other medical equipment must provide our office with appropriate medical documentation. Please click HERE to read more about the guidelines.