Mensing's Monday Memo
Week of August 21-25 "Know Thy Impact"
Week at a Glance
Lounge Duty: Cholli Williams
DIBELS Testing Week: K-2- schedule can be found on following link:
M: Lunch: Pork Rib Bar-B-Q Sandwich, Rainy Day" Schedule, Administrator Meeting 1:30- 4:00, Mindset Monday
T: Lunch: Cheese Pizza Sliders, Discipline Assessemblies: K-2: (MPR) 8:45 3-4 (MPR) 9:20 5-6 (MPR) 10:35, Thankful Tuesday
W: Lunch: Chicken Burger, GATE Testing (MPR) 9-10:30 am, Staff Safety Meeting: (MPR) 2:15, Words of Wisdom Wednesday
Th: Lunch: Xtreme Bean and Cheese Burrito, Thumbs-Up Thursday
F: Lunch: Chicken Alfredo, Color Day, Funny Friday
This week we celebrate...
Happy Birthday 8/27 Latunjia Johnson
Successful first two days of school
The 996 students that are part of our Berkshire school community.
Something to think about
No significant learning occurs without a significant relationship of mutual respect.
-Dr. James Comer
Build relationships with your students and among your students first, the rest will follow. Building relationships must be deliberate with specific activities that result in the teacher and students sharing who they are, what they think is important as well as what we all have in common. Stand at your door and greet each student individually. Get every student’s voice into the room everyday by inviting every student to share something in response to various prompts.
Shout out!
For working so hard to make our new lunch procedures run smoothly
Nicole, Shannon, and Trina for all their help with lunches getting students to the right places, willingness to step up and help out wherever needed.
Formal Certificated Evaluation Schedule
This year I will be completing Certificated Evaluations for all probationary, temporary, and those whose names end in M-Z. I need to have all evaluations completed by the 30th of April. Please see me within the next two weeks to set up an observation date for your evaluation. I appreciate it.
I want to ensure you that this evaluation process is very different from when Nicole, Trina, and I walk through to observe your class and provide feedback. These weekly walk-throughs are ways to celebrate, hone your craft, and provide constructive feedback. Nothing that occurs during this time will be used in the evaluation process.
Teachers' Corner
Submit a story, success, aha! moment, funny, photo, announcement, etc. that you would like us all to know about. Email it to me and I will put it in the newsletter.
Solar Eclipse
Yard Duty Week of 8/21-8/25
Please be sure to be at your supervision area promptly at 8:00 a.m. Morning duty supervision areas are Area 1 in Play Structure and Basketball Courts behind M1 Area 2 Bathrooms, LInes, and grab a radio. Area 3 Tetherball courts near Play Structure, Shade Structure, and Field. Area 4 Ball wall and tetherball courts near the portables. Area 5Basketball Courts by B-Wing, 4th-grade lines, and Hall. Duty starts at 7:40 a.m. Thank you, Chase!
21-Aug Camp (Area 1) Beck (Area 2) Ruddy (Area 3) K. Pannell(Area 4) Barton(Area 5)
22-Aug Lawrence (Area 1) Cacopardo (Area 2) Ramirez (Area 3) Salinas(Area 4) Camacho(Area 5)
23-Aug Cornejo (Area 1) Brown (Area 2) Daniels(Area 3) Mesa(Area 4) Hughlett(Area 5)
24-Aug Dominguez (Area 1) Granucci (Area 2) Williams (Area 3) Pereida (Area 4) Decree (Area 5)
25-Aug Carter (Area 1) DiMaggio (Area 2) Menjivar(Area 3) J. Pannell (Area 4) Roam (Area 5)
Primary Dismissal: Bus: Menjivar Lot: Ruddy
Intermediate Dismissal: Bus: Roam Lot: Dominges
Notes from Amy
Each day during morning announcements I have a daily theme as noted in the daily schedule above. Please encourage your students to turn in clean jokes and riddles to the office. Weekly one will be chosen to be featured along with their name every Friday during announcements. These are called Friday Funnies.
Painted and a few unpainted picture frames will be available in the lounge for you to grab this week. Decorate and fill the frame with pictures of your family. We will start putting them up as soon as we receive them. I would like all the frames to be completed by September 6th. Thank you.
Benchmark Advanced Interim Assessments will be part of our assessment schedule this year. Nicole and Trina will be around to see if students are loaded into the Benchmark site.
Need information- Visit the Berkshire Hub:
When contacting Chase or Sarah for Tech Support, please try if possible to not disturb them during their class time.
Regarding the new way to record PE minutes, there is a P.E. Tutorial on the Berkshire Hub.
The cafeteria asked me to remind you that if you purchase a hot lunch you will need to pay that day. Thank you.
This week I will be sending out a list with what type of badges and pins can be added to your lanyard and how to earn them. Be on the lookout.
I tell everyone I know what an incredible and dedicated staff I have. I am very thankful for all you and what you do daily to make a difference in the lives of children. From your kind words, use of Whole Brain Teaching Techniques, your positive attitudes and willingness to do whatever is asked of you, to your overwhelming compassion and dedication to your profession. Thank you so much.
Thanks for signing up for Lounge Duty! If you have not had a chance to do that yet, please let me know.
Upcoming Events
STAR Reading and Math: August 18th-September 1st
DIBELS Fall Benchmark: August 21st-September 1st
Discipline Assemblies: August 22nd: (MPR) K-2 8:45, 3-4 9:20, 5-6 10:35
GATE Testing: (MPR) 9-10:30
Staff/Safety Meeting: (MPR) August 23rd- 2:15
Discipline Assemblies: August 22nd
Leadership Team Meeting: September 5th
Copies of Discipline Plan, Welcome Letter, Schedule: Sept. 6th
Back to School Night: September 7th
Staff Meeting: September 19th
Bus Evacuation Drill: September 15th
PLC Professional Development: September 20th
Gaye Heath 95% Professional Development- September 26-27
School Pictures: September 29th
Curriculum Corner
Known by many as the Learning Pit, the Learning Challenge is used around the world to promote challenge, dialogue and a growth mindset. It was created by James Nottingham The following are links in which you will find a plethora of activities to introduce and teach the Learning Pit. and
Anchor Charts to Teach Close Reading Skills: