Endeavor Update
August 16th, 2024
Focusing Our Commitment to Unlimited Success!
Endeavor Bell Schedule
Student Parking
The following is needed for a student to drive to Endeavor:
- A valid Texas driver's license
- Proof of liability on your vehicle
- A parking permit issued from Endeavor
Students who drive to school without a license run the risk of receiving a citation from our campus Constable and will not be allowed to drive off of the campus with their vehicle. See Mrs. Barrientos in the front office for a permit.
There are a few Chromebooks that are "Locking Up." Those issues have been report to the technology department and will be corrected ASAP.
Lunch Info
For the protection of our students, food deliveries and visitors who are not on a student's emergency contact list are not allowed during lunch. Along with students having an option for a free lunch, there are microwave ovens available in the cafeteria for students to use. Milk and fruit are available to students who bring their own lunch at no charge.
Harris County Elections Needs Civic Minded Students!
Are you interested in giving your child a firsthand look at the democratic process? In Texas, high school students aged 16 years and older can get paid to work on Election Day at $17.00. We would like to encourage students across Harris County to apply to work in the upcoming November 5, 2024 cycle. Please note this is not a guaranteed position. Absences from school are excused for students who participate.
Students can apply online and find more information by clicking directly on the link below
Endeavor's Comfort Dog
As a part of our ongoing efforts to provide social and emotional support services to our students at Endeavor, we have collaborated with Interquest Detection Canines to provide a School Comfort Dog. The Comfort Dog will be on our campus once a month beginning August 30 to interact with students in order to bring a positive change in a student's emotional or physical state, diffuse tense situations, and open up new possibilities to our educational environment.
Mrs. Thurik will be working with the Comfort Dog and will primarily be in the student entrance when here.
Important Dates
September 2: District Holiday (Labor Day)
September 27: Student Holiday (Professional Learning Day)