Easley Weekly Update
Everything You Need to Know for the coming week.
November 6, 2022
a note from the principal
No School on Tuesday and Friday
Tuesday is a Teacher Workday and there will be no school for students. There is no school on Friday in recognition of the Veteran's Day holiday.
Make-Up Picture Day
School picture make-up day is Monday, November 14th.
Student Absences
Please don't forget to let your child's teacher know when they are going to be out of school. If a teacher has not heard from a parent/guardian, and knows to expect the student to be out, they must stop what they are doing with students to make contact with you and track the student down. I've put this practice in place to ensure the safety of our students. I would hate for a student to not show up at school and for a parent to not know until the end of the day. Teachers are always going to call or message if you haven't let them know, so please help us out and be sure to let your child's teacher know ASAP if your child is going to be out of school.
Clothing Donation For Front Office
If you happen to be cleaning out closets in the next few weeks, we are in need of sweat pants, leggings, or any kind of elastic or soft pants. Students sometimes need a change of clothes at school due to spills at lunch, falls in the mud, or bathroom accidents, and we like to keep a stash of clothing in the front office. In addition, if your child goes home with a change of clothes from school, it would be helpful if you can wash the clothing and send it back in to school.
PTA Meeting
Our next PTA meeting is tomorrow evening at 6:30 PM in the media center. You can also join on Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent out on Bloomz.
From the PTA:
Easley Holiday Giving Tree
As the holiday season approaches, we often take time to reflect on our blessings. However, not all families find themselves in favorable circumstances and there are children and families within our own school community in need. This holiday season the PTA is brining back the "Holiday Giving Tree" to help these students and families.
How can you help? Beginning early next week, you will be able to sign-up online through a Sign-Up Genius link for items you would like to purchase for donation. From November 14th to December 9th, you may purchase the items and return them to the school office. Please do not wrap your donations.
If you have needs within your own family or are aware of the needs of another family in our community, please contact me, Principal Hauser, directly before November 11th. I will be able to discuss the needs and maintain complete confidentiality. You can reach me at Jennifer.Hauser@dpsnc.net or 919-560-3913, x13225.
Thank you for making Easley a great community for our children and families.
Teacher and Staff Appreciation Pie Drive
Please join the Easley PTA in showing our teachers and staff how THANKFUL we are for each and every one of them! We will be hosting a pie drive so that each staff member receives a pie for the Thanksgiving Holiday. Pies must be store bought and can be dropped off Monday 11/21 at the front office or in car pick up line immediately after school until 6pm (end of after school care pick up). Please sign-up below to let us know how many and what type of pie(s) you are donating. Thank you!
Easley Garden Committee:
Want to really put your family's mark on a specific section of the gardens and make it "your own?” Sign up to help! Resources such as plants, watering can, birdseed, etc. provided. More info and signup: Care for/Sponsor a Garden Bed or Task
Duke Concessions – Now Including Basketball Games!
Do you want to help support our school while bonding with other Easley families, teachers, and staff? We still have openings to work concessions at some upcoming Duke football and basketball games. Easley PTA receives a portion of the sales. More information and a sign-up can be found at this link for football and this link for basketball. If you have any questions please contact Sara Harrel at sara.harrel@gmail.com.
Lunch Information
Please click on this links below for more information about setting up a student account and/or applying for free or reduced lunch.
Setting up a student account and adding funds.
Free/reduced lunch application
Volunteer Opportunities
We are so excited to have volunteers back in the building! Your child's classroom teacher will inform you of volunteer opportunities. In order to serve as a volunteer you must complete the registration form and background check. Please view the links below for more information.
Volunteering in Durham Public Schools
School Nurse Contact Info
Hannah Donahue, 919-667-5544
2022-2023 PTA Meetings at 6:30 PM in the Media Center
November 7
December 5
January 9
February 6
March 6
April 3
May 1
June 5
Save the Date PTA Community Events
August 11 - Welcome Back Hot Dog Dinner
August 29 - September 2 - Scholastic Book Fair
October 15 - Fall Festival
February 13- 24 - Apex Remix Fundraiser
April 21 - Spring family event
Easley Spirit Wear
Spirit wear Store. Get all your Easley gear here.
Meet the Easley Staff
Please click here to learn more about the Easley teachers and staff.