Mustang News
January 2025
Upcoming Events
Winter Break
Students return from Winter Break on Monday, January 6th.
Wednesday, Jan 1, 2025, 08:00 AM
Family Spalding Night
For K-3rd grade families
Thursday, Jan 9, 2025, 06:00 PM
Dr Martin Luther King Jr Day
There will be No School.
Monday, Jan 20, 2025, 08:00 AM
Book Fair
The Scholastic Book Fair will be here Monday 1/27-Thursday 1/30. Families can shop with their child during Student Led Conferences Wednesday 1/29 and Thursday 1/30.
Monday, Jan 27, 2025, 08:00 AM
Site Council
Join us in the library to hear monthly updates from school administration on school wide goals, upcoming activities, and budget reports. PTO will also provide updated information about upcoming fundraisers and events. Grade level teams or special areas may also be invited to present information.
Tuesday, Jan 28, 2025, 05:00 PM
Pima Butte Library
Student Led Conferences - Early Release Days
Wednesday 1/29, Thursday 1/30, and Friday 1/31 are all Early Release days for Student Led Conferences. Students will be dismissed at 1:35pm all three days.
Wednesday, Jan 29, 2025, 01:30 PM
Spirit Day - Sports Day
Friday, Jan 31, 2025, 08:30 AM
School & Family Partnerships
- We use the free Class Dojo app to communicate school-wide and for teachers to connect with their families. Teachers are also available by email. Please allow staff a full school day to respond to calls, emails and messages.
- Join us twice a year for Parent Teacher Conferences (in the fall) and our upcoming Student Led Conferences (1/29-1/31). These events offer a formal time for families to check in with their child’s teacher(s) regarding their progress. You can always reach out to your child's teacher between conferences if you need to schedule a meeting with them.
- ParentVue offers each parent an opportunity to monitor their child’s grades, classwork, and attendance. Students in grades 3-5 also have access to StudentVue, which allows them to monitor their grades and classwork. If you need assistance with your ParentVue account, please contact the front office.
- Site Council is a monthly meeting of school administration, staff, PTO, parents/guardians, and community members. During these meetings, the principal provides updates on school wide goals, upcoming activities, and budget reports. PTO provides updated information about upcoming fundraisers and events. All are welcome to attend.
- If you need to report or discuss issues in your child’s class, please first reach out to their classroom teacher for assistance. If you need to speak with the Principal, TOSA or a teacher, please schedule an appointment with them. Staff have supervisory duties during arrival and dismissal and are not available for impromptu calls/meetings during these times.
We are excited to have the Watch DOGS program at our school this year. WATCH D.O.G.S.® (Dads Of Great Students) is a nation-wide program that helps engage the entire school community by using fathers and father figures to bring positive male role models to school campuses. This demonstrates for students that education is important because they see parents/guardians taking time to show up, serve the school, and build a community and culture of participation and inclusion.
If you're interesting in volunteering as one of our Watch DOGS, please email Mrs. Petersheim.
We have a wonderful Parent Teacher Organization here at Pima Butte. If you'd like to volunteer with the PTO, please send an email to: PTO.volunteer.pbes@gmail.com
Counselor Corner
Parent Surveys
Important Links
Contact Us
Front Office: 520-568-7150
Attendance: 520-568-7154
Health Office: 520-568-7153
Front Office Email: PBESrecords@musd20.org
42202 W. Rancho El Dorado Parkway, Maricopa AZ 85138