Farmington Elementary Newsletter
May 31, 2024
Message From Mrs. Petersen
Hello Farmington Families,
And just like that, another school year is drawing to a close. Thank you for sharing your children with us, and trusting us with their care and education. Thank you for your patience as we worked to figure out the best pick-up and drop-off procedures for our new parking lot. Thank you for participating in our family and community activities. Thank you for being a part of the Farmington Elementary Community. Your support means everything to us.
I hope this school year brought opportunities for your child to feel success and challenge, that they learned about their content areas as well as social learning, like how to be a great friend. Please continue that learning throughout summer. Pick up a book and read it together, have fun outside and share the things you're noticing around you, listen to music to find the rhythm and beats, and best of all-build those memories together!
Fifth grade families, we wish you all the best as your child travels into middle school. This year's class was full of laughter, brightness and empathy-a wonderful combination! We are excited to see all they will accomplish in the future.
We'll see you next year,
Angie Petersen
Farmington Principal
District Assessment Coordinator
May 31st & June 3rd, 4th Details
May 31st-Room Swap
Today, students participated in a grade swap where they went to their learning spaces for next year to meet the teachers, see the classrooms, and learn a little bit more about the exciting learning opportunities that await them next year!
June 3rd-Farmington Fun Day
Students in grades 3-5 will enjoy outdoor activities in the morning, then we will have a whole school outdoor lunch and yearbook signing. Students in grades K-2 will be doing the outdoor activities in the afternoon.
Here are a few reminders for our fun-filled day:
Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather as they will be outside for the majority of the day, unless it’s raining. If it rains, Fun Day activities will take place indoors.
Keep in mind that your child may get wet during some of the outdoor activities.
If you would like to send a beach towel for your child to sit on while they eat their lunch, you may.
Please make sure your child brings a refillable water bottle with their name marked for the day.
We encourage you to send sunscreen with your child. Please also send a note with your child, giving permission to use the sunscreen and whether or not they will need help applying it. Students will not be allowed to share sunscreen.
If you are interested in volunteering during the Farmington Fun Day, please sign up using this link.
June 4th-Last Day of School (Full Day)
- Morning: All School Assembly (End of the Year Celebration)
- Afternoon: 5th Grade Promotion (1:30 in the FES Gym)
- If you plan to attend the 5th grade promotion and haven't yet RSVP'd, please let your child's teacher know. We want to make sure we have plenty of chairs and refreshments!
Report Cards & Summer Office Reminders
- Report Cards will be available through Skyward Family Access on Tuesday, June 11th
- If you need to contact Mrs. Seiser or Mrs. Petersen during summer, the best method for a response will be email. You can also call and leave a message if you'd prefer
- Class assignments will not be available until the week before school starts-during summer we have to keep lists flexible as our enrollment fluctuates. Your child's teacher will become visible to you in Skyward when you click on "schedule".
- Supply lists will be available by the end of June on the district webpage.
Summer Digital Library Access
From Mr. Meyer (KSD Librarian):
Students have access to our ebook and digital audiobook collection throughout the summer on Sora. They can check out up to five books at a time and have five holds at a time. Sora can be accessed through the link in the Library Resources folder on Classlink or through the Sora app using the same login credentials that students use to login to their Classlink at school. Second graders and up have been introduced to Sora at school. First grade and younger do have access to it, but will need help navigating it. Here are some resources to help:
Library Website's Ebooks & Digital Audiobooks page
A Message From Our PTO
Thank you to our volunteers and families that donated to make our events a success! We are excited to work together next year! Please keep an eye out on our Facebook page and the first family newsletter regarding information for our first meeting for next school year!
Important Password Information from our Technology Department
Keeping our passwords private and our accounts secure is of utmost importance to us. Therefore, all current 5th grade and 8th grade student passwords will be changing on July 8th. This change is necessary as 6th grade and 9th grade students have increased password security requirements.
In late June, an email will be sent out to student email accounts containing their new password. We kindly ask that you remind your child to write it down in a safe place for future reference. Once the password changes are made, your child will not be able to use their current password to access their accounts.
Feed Our Families
Kewaskum Public Library Summer Programs
Repeat Information From Previous Newsletters
Routines and Procedures
School Day Times
For future reference, you can find the link on our webpage: >parents>volunteer>ADULT APPLICATION
Pick-Up and Drop Off Routines
Each family has been assigned a number to help with the efficiency of pick-ups. Cards were handed out to most families at Open House with the student's last name and the family number on the card. If you need another card, please contact Mrs. Seiser. You can replicate the information on your own piece of paper, making sure the number and last name are large enough to be visible from 5 to 6 feet from your vehicle.
If you will be picking up your child(ren) at the end of the day, please park in the right lane of the Pick Up/Drop Off area. stay in your vehicle, and have your card visible. The first car in the line should park at the end of the sidewalk on the right hand side. A staff member will come out read the cards, and send that information into the building. Next, those students will come out, load their cars, and those 5 cars will be waved to leave. Then, all cars will pull up 5 spots and we will repeat the process. If everyone follows the same protocols the line will be efficient and most importantly, it will be a safe way to dismiss all students. Students will begin to be dismissed to vehicles at 3:45.
Families utilizing our before or after school care through Forever Friends should enter through Door 3 (door nearest to the gym).
October 2023 UPDATE:
So, what can you do if you arrive and the pick up/drop off loop is full during pick-up at the end of the day?
- You could choose to park in the visitor's lot and walk to the front door with your family number to pick up your child.
- You could choose to drive around the block and come back at a later time.
- You could choose to plan to come to pick up your child anytime after 3:46 (by this time our first two sections of vehicles have been dismissed and there typically is no longer a line).
- You could choose to wait on the road-again, we are hoping vehicles only wait on the east shoulder of the road, (the side closest to the building) to create more space for traveling vehicles on the road.
Additional reminder: when you're in the vehicle line, please pull as far forward as possible-this allows us to get more vehicles off of the road.
**These routines may change during the year if we find the current procedures do not fit our school needs. Any changes will be communicated to you through a newsletter/Skyward message.**
Mental Health Walk-in Clinic for Children
Children's Hospital of Wisconsin recently opened the Craig Yabuki Mental Health Walk-in-Clinic for children ages 5-18 at their main campus. The clinic runs seven days a week from 3:00 PM- 9:30 PM. More specific information can be found here. If you know of someone in need, please share this information with them.
Principal, Angie Petersen
Location: 8736 Boltonville Road, Kewaskum, WI, USA
Phone: 262-626-3102