Weekly Wildcat Newsletter - Mar. 19
Northwestern Middle School News and Notes
Good afternoon Wildcat Country!
We had an eventful week at Northwestern Middle School! The new quarter began with new Connections courses and several students returned to F2F school. We hope everyone had a great week!
3rd Quarter Progress Reports are now available in Parent Portal.
We were able to say thank you to our two Board members this week as a part of School Board Appreciation. Thank you Katie Reeves and Katha Stuart for visiting NMS on Wednesday. Pictures of our Student Council President and Vice-President presenting gifts are below.
Updated Information: The district announced the employee vaccine plan which will include some remote learning days in the coming weeks. Northwestern will be remote for all students two days during the week of March 22 and three days during the week after Spring Break. See the schedule for actual dates below.
Voting for School Governance Council representatives will begin on March 24. The candidate declarations for the teacher and parent positions are included in this week's newsletter.
I have included the testing calendar for Georgia Milestones. As we work to finalize our testing plan, we will communicate those details in our future newsletters.
If you have any questions, you can email me directly at petersonj1@fultonschools.org.
Have a GREAT weekend! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone Tuesday morning!
3rd Quarter Progress Reports
School Board Appreciation Week - March 15-21
Thank you to our Student Council President, Xavier Lawery and Vice President, Mauri Willa for presenting gifts to Ms. Reeves and Ms. Stuart on Wednesday. Thank you also to Ms. Paula Perque, our Student Council sponsor.
SGC Voting Window
NMS Parent SGC Candidate
NMS Teacher SGC Candidates
Remote Learning Days for Staff Vaccines
At the March 18 FCS Board Meeting, a schedule change was announced for face-to-face instruction the week after Spring Break. FCS face-to-face students will now be back in class on Thursday, April 15, and Friday, April 16. Originally, it was announced that all students would be remote for the entire week after Spring Break (April 12 – 16), so please note the change and mark your calendars accordingly. This decision will have no effect for FCS students currently in remote learning.
Thank you for helping to keep our colleagues, your students, and our workplace safe, and for your commitment and partnership with Fulton County Schools.
8th Grade Ceremony
Thank you to all of our 8th grade families who completed the 8th grade ceremony survey last week. Our goal is to celebrate our 8th grade students in a safe, fun, and memorable way. We also want to ensure our ceremony is an inclusive event that allows all of our students and families to participate. After meeting with the committee twice and reviewing the survey feedback, I have decided we will honor our 8th grade students with a drive through ceremony that will take place on Tuesday, May 25. I am excited turn our attention to planning this event that will be fun for all of our 8th grade students, families, and school staff. Stay tuned for more details including the time of the event after Spring Break!
Georgia Milestones Calendar
May 3: Physical Science EOC & 8th Grade Science EOG
May 4: 8th Grade Social Studies EOG
May 6: 6-8 Math EOG (Part 1)
May 7: 6-8 Math EOG (Part 2)
May 11: 6-8 ELA (Part 1)
May 12: 6-8 ELA (Part 2)
May 13: 6-8 ELA (Part 3)
Help Grow the NMS Garden
This year we are looking forward to revitalizing the Northwestern Middle School garden with vital native plants. This open-air space will provide an outdoor classroom as well as countless teaching opportunities on the importance of native plants in our area. From serving our butterfly and insect population, to providing beauty to our campus, these plants will thrive in our environment for years to come. We hope you will partner with us and create a lasting legacy in honor of your student’s time here on our campus. Follow this link to sponsor a flower(s) in the garden https://northwesternpto.membershiptoolkit.com/NMSGarden
New Student Device Information
Many of our students are enjoying using their new Lenovo ThinkPads. This is a reminder that students are not allowed to download anything on their district provided laptop. To do so violates the Code of Conduct and can cause problems with the device’s functioning. We also recommend protecting against damage that may result in a fine by purchasing a screen protector and/or padded sleeve to protect the laptops. There are inexpensive options on Amazon.
We still have some Microsoft Surfaces that have not been returned to NMS. We need all these devices back—even if they are damaged or non-functional. If your student does not need a replacement laptop, you may come to NMS and drop the Surface off on the cart just inside the front door. If your student would like to receive a Lenovo ThinkPad, you will need to email Mary Deininger and arrange a time to drop off the Surface and pick up a ThinkPad. If we do not receive these Surfaces back by Friday, March 26, you will be fined for a lost device. The fine for a first time loss is $250. You may pay online (just scroll down to FCS Device Loss-1st Offense).
Remote Student Pictures
COVID-19 Parent (Student) Reporting Portal
Rising 9th Grade Cambridge Bears
Dear Future Bears,
I am SO EXCITED to welcome you to BEAR COUNTRY! To help gear up for your first year at Cambridge, I am buying you each a t-shirt. But not just any t-shirt – some Cambridge swag designed by YOU – our future Cambridge Freshman. Between now and April 23rd, I will be accepting t-shirt designs from you. The top 3 t-shirt designs will win a prize and be voted on by the entire Rising 9th Grade class. The final winning design will be announced at our Bear Hunt event at the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year where EVERY Rising 9th grader will receive the shirt! So, get out your artistic Bear side and get ready to make your mark before you even walk in the door. All t-shirt submissions should be emailed to agans@fultonschools.org by April 23rd at 4pm. The top 3 design winners will be announced on April 30th. I cannot wait to see what you create and I cannot wait to see you wearing your new t-shirts as you walk through the doors of Cambridge next year! Bear Country can’t wait to welcome the Class of 2025! GO BEARS!!!
Come Sub With Us at Northwestern!
Fulton County Schools is providing a temporary pay incentive to substitutes starting December 1st through the remainder of this school year. The following are the added incentives:
- Add an emergency substitute daily rate incentive (see below) that expires as of May 31st.
- If occurs, FCS will pay a quarantined individual substituting in the (teacher role only) a $75 flat daily rate for a maximum of 10 days during the quarantine period. The quarantine must be directed by a FCS COVID-19 Response Team nurse and the result of a direct contact with a positive COVID-19 staff/student while substituting at a FCS school. This is a one-time incentive.
- Increase the maximum number of substitute workdays per month from 17 to 20 days for the remainder of this school year.
New Substitute Rates with incentive
Keep Students Healthy Checklist
- Students are required to wear a face covering/mask while at school. Staff are also required to wear face coverings.
- If your child is sick, please keep them at home and make sure they are fever free for at least 24 hours before return.
- If anyone in your household has tested positive for COVID-19 and you have been advised to isolate or quarantine, please adhere to the public health guidance and do not send your student to school until after the noted timeframe.
- Encourage your student to wash hands frequently.
- If your child becomes sick while at school, you will be expected to be pick-up your child immediately.
- Please alert school administration of any COVID-19 related concerns.
Parent/Guardian Visits to School
We are attempting to limit visitors to the school and ask that our community only visit for essential reasons. We will make allowances for student who have forgotten things at home. There is no charge for breakfast or lunch in the cafeteria at this time, so parents/guardians do not need to deliver food for their students.
When visitors come to the school, they will be asked to complete a health assessment before entering the building. Wearing a mask is required and visitors will have their temperature checked upon entering the building. If you have to pick up your student or visit the school, please plan for these additional steps and come early.
Clinic Information
Medications may be brought to the school. Prescription medications must be in the original container and labeled. All medications must be accompanied with proper medical forms. Please go to https://www.fultonschools.org/Page/7525 for forms and healthcare plans. Medications will be accepted by appointment only. Please call Mary Crandall at 470-254-8514 or send an email to crandall@fultonschools.org.
- In the event that your student has been exposed to Covid please inform an Administrator and your concern will be forwarded to Student Health Services for further evaluation.
- If your child develops a fever while in school, they will be isolated and you will need to pick them up immediately.
NMS Clubs and Student Activities
Northwestern is excited to offer a variety of clubs and activities this school year. Please visit the NMS website’s Quick Links and select Student Clubs and Activities to learn more about our offerings.
NMS Student Newspaper
Milton High School Cirque
Milton Cheerleading
Northview HS Red Cross Club
The Northview Red Cross Club is a microcosm of the humanitarian organization, the American Red Cross. We focus on providing for our community from the emergency and health perspective through projects like, blood drives, disaster presentations, and preparedness classes. We also raise awareness about certain issues or topics that need more attention, especially from the younger audiences like elementary and middle school students. One of these topics is International Humanitarian Law, which concerns the rules that must be followed to protect civilians during war. Our presentation aims to educate students, our target audience being middle school students, on these principles in hopes of spreading knowledge on this topic and making this topic a future priority.
This virtual presentation will occur outside of the school day and is an opportunity for families and students to learn together from home. Northwestern Middle School is advertising this opportunity, but is not affiliated with the Northview HS Red Cross Club.
Please sign up at the link below if you are interested in attending our virtual presentation. A date and time are forthcoming. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfpDic3fw95jJ3bwtG0WXGN6mUHUj0TPqKjVmFdlofT462KcQ/viewform
February Staff of the Month
Teacher of the Month: Vivian Perez - 6th grade Spanish
Professional of the Month: Katherine Wickliffe - Principal's Assistant
PLC of the Month: 7th grade Social Studies - John Crumb, Elijah Micah, Leah Robinson, Carl Winter, Kelley Hummel, and Nikki Rockstroh.
A Little Luck to Our Teachers
The PTO delivered a little luck and love to our teachers and staff on St. Patrick’s Day. A goodie bag with a scratch off lottery tix, gold chocolate coins and money mints.
Help Our Garden Grow
NMS is overhauling the garden area just in time for Spring. Check out the garden store and purchase a native plant for the garden, only $7 each. https://northwesternpto.membershiptoolkit.com/NMSGarden
Career Fair
The 7th Grade Career Fair will be virtual this year and we need volunteer speakers and helpers. The fair will consist of a variety of speakers answering pre-set questions on videos posted securely on FlipGrid. If you are interested in sharing your career path and want to learn more, please contact Michelle Cardillo at michcard74@hotmail.com.
We will also need volunteers to help pull the videos together. If you have experience with FlipGrid, video editing, interviewing, or simply want to help out, please contact Michelle at the above email address.
Looking for Volunteers for Next Year
The NMS PTO invites you to be a part of our Wildcat family. Please consider a role with our PTO, we have a few open positions on our PTO board for the upcoming school year; Co- president, secretary, Parliamentarian, VP of Ways & Means, VP of Student Services.
There are also committees that need a team to support them; Yearbook, Parking Liaison, Spirit Wear, Business Partners, Straight A Ice Cream Recognition, Staff Appreciation, Clinical Liaison, Community Outreach, Student Enrichment, Website Management, Volunteer Coordinator.
There is something for everyone. We encourage you to join us as we support our teachers, staff and students at Northwestern. Grab a friend and volunteer together!
Do You Own Your Own Business?
or Know Someone Who Does?
Northwestern Middle school invites you to partner with us to enhance the educational experiences of our students and support the needs of our teachers. Become a Business Partner and your financial donation will be greatly appreciated. In return, the NMS PTO would display your business logo to our NMS families in various communications, websites and on campus throughout the year. Click HERE to learn more about our Business Partner levels and ways to partner with us.
Northwestern Middle School
Home of the Wildcats!
Email: nmsfrontdesk@fultonschools.org
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/northwesternms
Location: 12805 Birmingham Highway, Milton, GA, USA
Phone: (470) 254-2870
Twitter: @TheNMSWildcats
NMS Front Office Hours
Outside of these hours, you can send an email to our front office staff at nmsfrontdesk@fultonschools.org.
Thank you for your continued support of Northwestern Middle School!
Joel - Principal
Northwestern Middle School: Teach Hard, Love Harder - The Wildcat Way!