Lebanon Owl Pages
May/June 2024

MSAD #60 Vision Statement
Inspired Learners- Empowered Citizen
MSAD #60 Mission Statement
We empower all students to develop enthusiasm for learning, foster confidence through successes and failures, provide service to others, and achieve their personal, social, and academic best, leading to fulfilling and engaged lives for all.
Dear Lebanon Families
It's hard to believe we are already entering the month of May. The next few weeks promise to be very busy. Given our last day with students is June 7th, there will be a lot happening over the next month. Please see all the upcoming events below.
May/June 2024
Wed - Fri., May 1st-3rd: Kindergarten Screening
Mon-Fri., May 6th-10th: Staff Appreciation Week
Mon., May 6th: PTO Meeting @ 5:30 Hanson Art Rm
Thur., May 9th: Art Show 5:30 Hanson School
Fri., May 10th: Special Olympics @ NHS
Mon., May 13th: 4th and 5th Grade - Field Trip to Merrill Auditorium
Thur., May 16th: Spring Concert - Band/Chorus @ 6:30 pm - NHS
Fri., May 17th: 2nd grade concert (1:45-2:15)/3rd grade concert (2:30-3:00) Hanson Gym
Mon., May 20th: Kindergarten and 1st grade - Field Trip to Sanford Performing Arts Center
Tue., May 21st: Band Students - Field Trip to Hilltop Fun Center
Thur., May 23rd: 5th grade Step Up Day to NMS
Mon., May 27th - NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
Fri., May 31st - DAY OF THE ARTS
Thur., June 6th - K-5 Field Day; 5th Grade Celebration @ 2:15pm (More info to come)
Fri., June 7th - Last day of school for students (Dismissal @ 12:00pm)
Attendance News
Attendance Matters
We Track Attendance Every Day!
We post the percent of students in attendance each day for 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th grades. The goal each week is 96%. Here is the monthly average by grade level 2-5 for the month of April.
Average Attendance Month of April
2nd Grade - 91%
3rd Grade - 93%
4th Grade - 94%
5th Grade - 92%
What can you do to help us reach our goal of 96% attendance each day/month?
Set regular bedtime and morning routines
Lay out clothes and backpacks the night before
Introduce yourself to your child’s teachers
Avoid family trips when school is in session
Schedule medical appointments outside the school day. If an appointment has to be during school, arrange for your child to be in school before and after the appointment
Come up with backup plans with family, neighbors or other parents to get children to school
If you see a pattern of your child avoiding school, contact their teacher, principal, or school counselor, allowing us to work together to make learning a positive experience
Spring Assessments
Spring State and District Assessments will begin next week. Students in grade K-2 will be taking the NWEA and students in grades 3-5 will be taking the NWEA Maine Through Year State Assessment. It is important students come to school rested. In addition, students in grade 5 will be taking the Maine Science Assessment, only given in grades 5, 8 and 11. Please encourage your student to take their time and do their very best on these assessments. They have worked hard all year and we want them to show their growth.
Cell Phone/Smart Watch Use
Just a reminder electronic devices from home are not to be used during the school day. Please refer to our Family Handbook for this information.
Math Resources for Families
Math practice doesn’t have to be “homework” for either children or their adults. In May’s Monthly Math Moment we take a field trip to the local library to investigate ways to work math into a common family routine, reading. Using children’s literature, families can spark math conversations in a variety of contexts. Tune in to hear some of librarian Marcy Polleta’’s favorite children’s books and how your local library can support your growing mathematician too!
Amanda McIntire
K-5 Math Coach
Screen Free Week - May 6th-12th
Lebanon Owls, join Screen-Free Week, a global invitation. During the first week in May take a break from entertainment screens and experience more peace, connection, and fun!
Anyone can participate! Simply choose the platforms/apps/devices used most for you or your family, set a goal and enjoy the free time fun and option
Ms. Prince, the P.E. teacher will send home a log to keep track of alternative activities you participate in during screen free week. Bring the log in to school on the 13th to be entered into a drawing and receive a small prize and certificate for your participation.
Around the School
Checking out the Eclipse
April 8th brought lots of anticipation and excitement with the viewing of the eclipse. Students received special glasses and met on the playground to view the eclipse with teachers and their school peers.
Learning About Bees in 3rd Grade
Third grade classrooms invited in a local beekeeper. Each class learned how to safely keep bees. Students sampled honey from the bees, wore the special clothing and handled tools used by the bee keeper.
Gloves for Bee Keeping
Checking out the honey
Learning about bees
Genius Hour
Students in 5th grade chose a topic of interest to research. They learned about their topic and developed a plan to demonstrate what they knew to share with other students, parents and community members. Many great projects were on display.
Fairy Tale Dilemmas in STEAM
Second graders worked collaboratively in STEAM to solve a problem with the theme of a well known fairy tale. They used resources to build and construct structures that met given criteria. Then each structure was tested to see if it held together.
A House of Sticks
A Successful Structure
Working on the Problem
Community Meeting
Craftsmanship was the character trait we focused on during the month of April. During the April Community Meeting, the following students were recognized as members of the Character Club for demonstrating Craftsmanship in their work at school.
Kindergarten: Cullen Connors, Kinzi Gagnon, Lily Hill, Paityn LaGace
First Grade: Kiara Gray, Stormie Heffernan, Ivan Moreland, Kyla Stuart, Flynn Welch
Second Grade: Hadley Boucher, Dahlia Casciotti, Dylan Gainsley, Nora Kovacs
Third Grade: Deklan Dyer, Blake Gray, Domenico Soster, Andrew Thorsell-Carpenter
Fourth Grade: Kylie Adams, Dylan DeFelice, Audrey Keating
Fifth Grade: Avery George, Camden Heath, Liam Maslowski, Paige Stuart
Congratulations to the new members of the Character Club!
Counselor's Corner
We Need Your Input
If you have not taken the time to give us your feedback and input, please take a few minutes to complete the spring survey.
Career Day at LES
Nurse's Nook
Owl Code of Conduct
Respect-Responsibility-Empathy & Compassion
Lori Lodge, Assistant Principal