Henry Elementary School
December Newsletter

Contact Information
Principal's Corner
Dear Henry Families,
Anna Henry Elementary is now accepting enrollment for the upcoming 2025-2026 school year. Families can now log into their ParentVue accounts to register your student for Pre-K-6 during the 2024-2025 academic school year.
In December, our Gila Monsters are learning about “Empathy” with our Character Strong Curriculum that is presented in our classrooms. One way to think about Empathy is when we strive to understand other people’s needs and feelings. Have you ever seen a friend or family member that is sad, and you feel sad with them? That’s empathy.
With the colder morning temperatures, please encourage all students to look for missing clothing in our school lost and found rack that is located inside of our cafeteria. We have several sweatshirts and jackets that are looking for their owners. Additionally, we are asking that all vehicles pull forward to alleviate traffic on Igo Way during morning drop-off. Please do not allow students to exit vehicles along the painted red sidewalk, as this is a safety concern. Please also be on the lookout for youngsters crossing with families that are using the designated crosswalks to enter campus.
We are approaching the end of the semester, and our students are finishing up grade level lessons in their classrooms and completing middle of the year assessments which include DIBELS for K-3 students and TUSD Quarterly Benchmark Assessments for students in grades 2-5.
To help us maintain OMA Gold classroom instruction and field trips, we are asking that you will consider supporting the State of Arizona Extra-Curricular Activity (ECA) tax credit fund. This program directly benefits your students at NO COST TO YOU! Your donation will enable you to receive a TAX CREDIT of up to $400 for couples filing together ($200 for single parents or couples filing separately) on your Arizona State Income Tax Return. This is a credit, not a deduction, which means the entire donation comes back to you in the form of a higher refund check, or a lower tax due amount. Meanwhile, our students receive enhanced extracurricular opportunities that support our educational program (e.g., field trips, technology, and Opening Minds through the Arts classes. Donation information can be shared in the school office or online at our TUSD website. Please consider sharing this information with extended family members and friends.
We have some exciting December school events happening this month with OMA concerts and our Winter events. Please see the dates below.
Family Glow Party Friday, December 6, from 6:00-8:00 p.m. in our multi-purpose room
Kindergarten & Gr. 2 OMA Dance Performance Thursday, December 12, at 8:30 a.m.
Grade 4 OMA Orchestra & Band Concert, Monday, December 16, AT 1:00 PM
Grades 5, & 6 OMA Orchestra & Band Concert Tuesday, December 17, at 1:00 p.m.
Teacher Grading Day Friday, December 20, NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
Winter Break is December 23 - January 3, NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
School resumes Monday, January 6, 2024, at 7:42 a.m. (Breakfast 7:15 a.m.)
Thomas Heminger, principal
Native American Heritage
We have a wonder display in our library and hallway celebrating Native American Heritage. Please feel free to stop by the school library to see it
Upcoming Events
- December 6th, Family Glow Party, 6-8 pm
- December 20th, Grading Day, NO SCHOOL
- December 23rd -January 3, Winter Break, NO SCHOOL
If you have not yet created a ParentVue account, please take a moment to open the link.
Henry PTA
Please join the PTA even if you cannot attend every monthly meeting. It is a great way to stay up to date on community news and events.
To join click on the word giveback below: