Wrangler Weekly
Week of September 29, 2024
Message from Ms. Bratton, principal
Here it is -- October!
Our students have done a great getting back into the "school groove" the past six weeks, and our students are being safe, respectful and responsible on campus.
There is a lot to be excited about in October; we will be...
- hosting our first pep rally
- starting our Wrangler Time Club
- celebrating Red Ribbon & SV Homecoming week
- dancing it up at the PTA dance
Speaking of the dance next month, I want to take this opportunity to communicate expectations to earn attendance to the dance. If a student receives two or more days of ISS starting Monday, September 30 or has days assigned in OSS at any point this semester, they will not be allowed to attend the dance on Oct. 25. Grades will not effect a student's attendance at the dance; however, parents are always welcome to set that expectation for responsibility with grades.
Please be sure to check your child's progress in Skyward: progress reports were pulled on Thursday, Sept. 26 and these determine UIL eligibility until the first quarter report card on Oct. 18. If your Wrangler needs extra support, please reach out to the teacher so they can help create a plan that will build success.
Wishing everyone a fantastic Comal County Fair Day Weekend!
Go Wranglers!
Mrs. Bratton
P.S. IF your Wrangler is bored on this long weekend -- push them to create! Reflections deadline is coming up! Details below.
Attendance Matters. Every Student. Every Day.
SBMS attendance for the week of 9/23-26:
6th grade: 98%
7th grade: 96%
8th grade: 96%
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Wrangler happenings this week!
Monday September 30:
Tuesday October 1:
Football vs PRMS, 7th home/8th away
Spirit Sign order deadline
Wednesday October 2:
Thursday October 3:
Volleyball vs BMS, 7th away/8th home
Friday October 4:
Saturday October 5:
Chess Tournament at PHS
Wranglers of the Week!
Nominate here!
Fence sign orders due Oct 1
SHOW YOUR WRANGLER SPIRIT!! NEW Wrangler Gear is Here!! Need a New Wrangler Spirit Sign? We have spirit shirts, clear stadium bags, and many other items to show your school spirit? Click HERE to visit the Cheer Booster Spirit Store.
DEADLINE for the next order of Spirit Signs is Tuesday, 10/1, at 4pm. We will continue to place orders throughout the year. A minimum of 10 sign orders is required before we are able to submit our school orders. Fence sign orders have a turnaround time of approximately two weeks.
Reflections entries due Oct 7
It's PTA Reflections time! Showcase your talent in any or all of the following categories: Visual Arts, Literature, Photography, Dance Choreography, Film Production, & Music Composition. Our theme this year is Accepting Imperfection. Entry forms can be found HERE. Contest rules can be found HERE.
All entries are due to Mrs. Womble in the SBMS Library by Monday, October 7th. Contact shayla.womble@comalisd.org with any questions.
Girls Basketball Tryouts - Oct 16-18
The girls basketball team tryouts will take place October 16-18th beginning at 630am. 7th grade girls in the mini gym and 8th grade girls in the main gym. Please know that your student must be passing at 6-week grade check to be eligible for tryouts.
A Message from Nurse Keith
We are starting to see some illnesses on campus. Please be aware of Comal ISD policy regarding fever, which requires that all students and staff be free of fever (100 degrees and above) for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever reducing medications, before returning to school. Thank you for working with us to help prevent the spread of illnesses at school.
Do you need assistance from the Angel Tree Project?
SBMS is partnering with the Bulverde/Spring Branch Angel Tree Project. We are offering holiday assistance to families in need, who have children enrolled in CISD schools.
If your family has fallen on hard times and would like assistance with Christmas gifts, please contact:
Nurse Nancy Keith at 830-885-8809, nancy.keith@comalisd.org.
Student Support Specialist Katherine Gaston at 830-885-8859, katherine.gaston@comalisd.org
Bulverde Pumpkin Patch - Oct 19
Come support our Wrangler National Junior Honor Society on Saturday, October 19 starting at 11am. Your NJHS members will be manning the bouncy castle at this annual fall festival that's fun for the whole family located at 3800 West Ammann Road.
Career Day - Nov 15
We are excited to share the many different career opportunities our students could have in the future. There is a future for every student, and we want to help them realize it.
Would you like to share your career with our students? Do you know someone who would love to share their career with students?
Please complete this form (SBMS Career Day))or contact Vera Borg at vera.borg@comalisd.org if you would like to help make an impact on the futures of SBMS students.
Parking Spot Raffle
You have a chance to park up front and the PTA uses the funds to help our students and school…it’s a win-win! Want a break from the car pick up line? Buy a raffle ticket for our 2nd 9 week White Parking Spot in the front parking lot!
Help support SBMS PTA upcoming events and teacher grants while trying to save yourself from the long lines! Drop off and pick up for a 9 weeks starting 10/21/24 to 12/20/24.
The raffle is active online! Visit the link below to bid. Good luck, everyone! The system will automatically end and notify the winner on 9/30 at midnight. It will also auto email the winner!
School Dance - Oct 25
C’mon out to the Cowboy Swag Boots & Beats dance! See details here.
Thank you to our generous sponsor, mediatink, for sponsoring this fun event.
Spirit Wear
Time to get your groove on with SBMS spirit wear!
Check out these awesome caps!
Don’t miss out…..get your caps, school t-shirts, hoodies, sweats, drawstring bags, duffle bags, clear tote bags and SB decals.
Click here for all the cool stuff: https://ch2v-1212.givebacks.com/store?limit=21&live=true
Thank you Silver Level Sponsor
Sending a huge Wrangler thank you to Star State Plumbing for being a Silver Level Sponsor! Thank you for being such a great community partner! We appreciate your support of SBMS.
Our hometown plumbing experts, where quality counts! Please keep them in mind for all things plumbing!
Clothing & Shoe Recycling for Education
Cleaned out some drawers and closets? Going to soon? Then… the Bins at SBMS are ready for you! Simply drop those items off and feel the “whew!”
While you’re at it, any other textile items that need a new home can go, too! Jackets, undergarments, shoes of any type, accessories and handbags are welcome! See the list below for suggestions.
The school benefits from donations and you get more room in your closets…it’s a win-win!
Just drive on through the drop-off/pick-up line on the Arlon Seay side of the building and you’ll see the Bins. See you soon!
Sponsorship Opportunities
Spring Branch Middle School would love to add a few more sponsors for the 2024-25 school year to help fund this amazing organization!
Wonderful exposure for your business including your company’s logo up on our fence, which is passed by all the parents of Arlon Seay Elementary and Spring Branch MS during pickup and drop off, drawing lots of exposure in our community.
At certain sponsorship levels, we will do social media ads for your business, reaching more than 1,000 people in our community and beyond.
The opportunity to support a great organization that fills the gaps for our school community.
Please reach out if you’re able to help or have any questions!
SBMS Tutoring Opportunities
October 7: Reflections entries due
October 8: Football vs NBMS, 7th away/8th home
October 9: PSAT (8th only)
October 9: GVAC Cross Country District Championship, Comal County Fairgrounds
October 10: Volleyball vs CMS, 7th home/8th away
October 12: Volleyball district tournament
October 14: Student holiday/staff development
October 15: Choir concert
October 16: RESCHEDULED Pep Rally
October 16: Fall band concert
October 16: Football vs MVMS, 7th at SVHS, 8th at CLHS
October 16-18: Girls Basketball Tryouts, 6:30am
October 17: Dyslexia Night at Support Services
October 18: Theater Fall Showcase
October 18: End of first quarter
October 19: Bulverde Pumpkin Patch NJHS Fundraiser, 11am-7pm
October 22: Football vs CMS, 7th away, 8th home
October 24: Girls BB vs NBMS, 7th away, 8th home
October 26: Girls BB vs PRMS, 7th away, 8th home
October 29: Football vs BMS, 7th at PHS, 8th at SVHS
October 30: Girls BB vs SVMS, 7th home, 8th away
November 9: Bulverde Jubilee Parade, downtown Bulverde
November 15: Career Day
December 11: 8th grade to SVHS for Rising Rangers
Geronimo Fall Stream Cleanup - Oct 19
Spring Branch Middle School
Email: brandi.norton@comalisd.org
Website: sbms.comalisd.org
Location: 21053 Texas 46, Spring Branch, TX, USA
Phone: (830)885-8800
Facebook: facebook.com/CISDSpringBranchMS
Instagram: sbms_wranglers
Twitter: @SBMSWranglers