Torringford Tigers
November 2024
A Message from Mrs. Galullo & Mrs. Austin
Dear Torringford Families,
As we step into November, we want to share our appreciation for each of you and for the wonderful spirit of our school community. This month, we’re encouraging our students to think about gratitude—reflecting on the people, places, and experiences that bring joy and meaning to our lives. You may notice your child talking about what they're grateful for, and we hope you’ll find opportunities at home to continue these conversations.
November is the perfect time to celebrate the small things that make a big difference. Our school is grateful for the support you provide, the enthusiasm your children bring each day, and the shared commitment we all have to help them learn and grow.
As the weather cools, please remind your child to bundle up for outdoor activities. We want everyone to enjoy their time outside comfortably!
Thank you for being such a valuable part of our school family. Your support, involvement, and encouragement mean so much to us, and we look forward to a season filled with learning and gratitude.
With Thanksgiving break approaching (November 27th to 29th), we want to take a moment to express our gratitude for the many blessings within our school community
We are incredibly thankful for our students and their families, whose commitment to learning inspires us daily. A big thank you to our teachers and staff for their dedication in creating a safe, welcoming space where students can thrive. We also want to extend our gratitude to our amazing PTO and volunteers—your support makes a meaningful difference for our school community.
Thank you for your ongoing support and partnership in nurturing a positive and enriching educational experience for our students.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
In partnership,
Mrs. Galullo (Principal) & Mrs. Austin (Assistant Principal)
Let's Partner for Success
Sign Up for Parent-Teacher Conferences Today
Parent-teacher conferences are a valuable opportunity for us to connect, share insights, and work together to support your child's learning journey. Conferences will take place on November 21, 22, and 25.
By meeting, we can celebrate your child's progress, address any challenges, and set goals to help them thrive academically and socially.
Your involvement and collaboration make a meaningful difference, so please sign up and join us in making this a great year for your child!
Please reach out to Georgia Austin at 860-489-2300 ext. 1402 if you need assistance in signing up for a conference.
We Are Here to Help You
Family Supports
If your family is ever in need of support, please know that our dedicated social workers are here to help. Whether it's guidance, resources, or just someone to talk to, they are available to support you and your family. Don’t hesitate to reach out — we’re here for you!
Deb Mordecai at dmordecai@torrington.org or
Jim Dziekan at jdziekan@torrington.org.
Torringford Tigers are PAWSOME
Torringford Tigers are RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and SAFE!
In October, 332 Pawsome cards were awarded. Congratulations to the following Torringford Tigers:
- Ivy Tavarez: PE GAME with Mrs. Chateauneuf and Mrs. Young
- Hendricks Mphela: Lunch with Officer BOB
- Wallace Ware: Reading with Ms. Farella & a Friend
- Jasmine Calle: Art project with Ms. Fayer
- Madison MacDonald: Music Lesson with Mrs Ritter
- Hailey Vaillencourt: Time with Nurse Denise and her Therapy Dog 'Finley'
We appreciate your partnership in promoting a positive learning environment for all students. Please be sure to celebrate your student when they share with you a PAWSOME award received at school.
A Message from Our School Nurses
To report your student's absence,
please call the school office at 860-489-2300 (option 1)
before 9:00 AM.
If you have any health concerns,
please don't hesitate to reach out to Nurse Allison or Nurse Denise!
School is Better with YOU!
A daily routine helps kids feel their best,
Bringing calm and easing stress.
If your child is well and feeling fine,
Coming to school helps them shine!
Every day of school is an important opportunity for students to learn as well as connect to peers and their teachers.
Please reach out to Georgia Austin or Deb Mordecai with any attendance concerns.
Torringford School Was Overrun with Storybook Pumpkins
Click HERE to view all of the Storybook Pumpkins!
Mark Your Calendar
- Week of November 18-22: Food Drive: Help Us Make a Difference!
- November 21,22,25: Early Dismissal (1:30); Parent Conferences
- November 26: Early Dismissal (1:30); PLC
- November 26: Deadline to RSVP for Family Literacy Night
- November 27-29: NO School - Thanksgiving Recess
- December 4: Family Literacy Night (RSVP Required)
- December 13: Connecticut Children's PJ Day
- December 19: Early Dismissal (1:30); PLC
- December 23 - 31: Winter Recess; NO School
Growing and Learning in Pre-Kindergarten
Kindergarten Wonders ~ Fun and Learning in Full Swing!
In Math, kindergarten uses math centers to help us practice and integrate what we are learning. Math centers take the form of games.
Here we are playing “Bingo” by matching quantities arranged in different ways and “Number Race”, which matches quantities and helps us practice number writing.
In Math, we have been working on skills such as patterning, counting with one-to-one correspondence, comparing numbers, addition to 10, geometry, and numeral writing.
We practice these skills in our math workplaces.
In ELA, we’ve been practicing using our high-frequency words and letter-sound knowledge to write simple sentences. We also learned about using suffix -s to make nouns plural and using speech bubbles to show the characters’ dialogue.
We’re working hard in our My Reading and Writing workbooks to apply the skills we’re learning in our phonics, reading, and writing lessons.
Kindergarten students are learning their letters and sounds and working on blending sounds to read CVC words.
This group of students is working on building words and changing one sound at a time to create new words. This is called word chaining.
These students are working on word mapping with CVC words.
During Play, we painted our storybook pumpkin characters.
We painted using techniques our art teacher, Mrs. Fayer, taught us.
We received several new toys this month.
Students are enjoying constructing butterfly gardens, taking care of our new baby dolls, and taking on the role of a veterinarian to take care of our stuffed animals.
We are practicing how to share and take turns with these exciting new materials.
In Science, we visited the Pollinator Garden to see what it looks like in the fall. We found seed puffs from the milkweed and spiky cones from the purple cone flowers.
We noticed that lots of the leaves are brown in the garden and we wondered why. We found out that there are lots of seeds in the brown flower heads and we left them there for the birds.
We learned how to use a science tool. We were very responsible and safe with the binoculars.
Making Our Thinking Visible
Our first step in learning how to use vertical thinking spaces is learning how to use the space cooperatively in kindergarten.
We talked to each other in our small group about something we did over the weekend. Then we recorded our discussion with drawings and some first sounds of words.
We learned more about how to share one marker to make our work even more collaborative soon.
Soon we were ready to do cooperative math tasks using our brand new vertical thinking spaces.
Here we are displaying our thinking about quantities and having discussions about more and fewer.
Pumpkin Day
On Pumpkin Day, we dissected and carved a pumpkin to learn about its parts, read about the pumpkin’s life cycle, went on a virtual field trip to a pumpkin patch, and decorated our own foam pumpkins.
The children created a Leaf Man Pumpkin based on Lois Ehlert’s book Leaf Man. They also created their own leaf characters.
Book Character Day Outfits
On Book Character Day, we read the book Creepy Carrots and practiced our fine motor skills to create our own creepy carrots!
Veterans Day
In preparation for our Veterans Day assembly, we made patriotic windsocks to decorate the school.
We learned about fire safety and got to check out a real fire truck!
First Grade Fun ~ Discover the Excitement!
Gr. 1 Mrs. Hagymasi
Using our new magnetic ten frame mats to show our thinking with the game I have, you need, how many more to make ten.
Figuring out our missing addend in our addition fact to make ten.
So many wonderful characters in Mrs. H.’s class!
Ms. Yunt’s class made a contribution to the pollinator garden! We smashed our storybook pumpkin open so that it can either be a food source for critters or decompose to help nourish the soil.
Second Grade Scoop: Fun and Learning Awaits!
Star Jar = PAWSOME!!
Mrs. Deloy’s 2nd Graders filled the Star Jar for having PAWSOME behavior! We worked on being Respectful, Responsible, and Safe as a TEAM!
Our goal was to earn a Popcorn Read with our favorite Stuffie or Desk Pet! What is a goal you are working to achieve?
Throughout the school year, Grade 2 is learning about habitats and animal adaptations.
In Science, we study specific bird adaptations. As we birdwatched from our classroom window, we saw a woodpecker hang on the brick of the school, trying to feed off of the bird feeder. He was hanging by the claws on his feet. We’ve seen many other birds stopping by for a bite to eat!
Fall Fun on Fridays
We were able to explore the outside! We are learning about different leaves. The Palmate leaf is made of a compound leaf that has smaller leaflets attaching to a common point. A Pinnate leaf is featherlike with a central axis and smaller side branches (veins) going through it.
Name that leaf!
- Red - Palmate
- Yellow - Pinnate
I am learning that the digits in a 3-digit number represent hundreds, tens, and ones.
I am learning that 100 can be thought of a group of 10 tens.
Mrs. Giampaolo’s class earned 150 points and earned a special day to wear their pajamas and bring in their favorite stuffed animal. Way to go!
Third Grade Thrills ~ What's Up in Class!
This month in 3rd grade, we have been working hard on reading a variety of books. Our students work with a small group to discuss the book and answer questions about what they have read.
The student enjoy talking about what they have read and sharing their ideas with their classmates.
Students in Mrs. Monroe’s class have been working together to solve a math thinking problems.
The students love to share their own ideas on how to solve the problems with their classmates.
The students are building their thinking skills along with their ability to work with others on the same math problem.
From the Desk of Mrs. Chateauneuf & Mrs. Young
Meet the Staff at Torringford
Torringford Elementary School
Torringford School is a safe and welcoming community where we take care of people and foster positive relationships. Our team spirit supports and acknowledges everyone. Optimists persist to meet challenges with the flexibility and empathy to create healthy, enthusiastic, life-long learners.
Educate. Explore. Inspire.
Email: gaustin@torrington.org
Website: http://torringtontorringford.ss16.sharpschool.com
Location: 800 Charles Street, Torrington, CT, USA
Phone: (860)489-2300
Facebook: facebook.com/TorringfordTigers