Illinois School Code requires that all incoming ninth graders have a physical examination prior to their freshman year of high school. Students are required to provide proof of immunization for:
- Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis (Dtap, DTP, TdaP)
- Polio • Hepatitis B • Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR)
- Varicella (unless proof of having disease)
All Illinois immunization requirements can be accessed at: https://dph.illinois.gov/content/dam/soi/en/web/idph/publications/idph/topics-and-services/prevention-wellness/immunization/immunization-requirements-chart-2021.pdf
The student’s original freshman physicals are kept on file in the Health Office and can be used for athletic participation. The original freshman physical examination must be completed on the Illinois Department of Human Services’ Certificate of Child Health Examination form, turned in during Onsite Registration or your student will not be allowed to begin the school year. You can obtain a copy of this form below.
A sports physical form does NOT qualify as a freshman physical and will NOT be accepted as such. If your student is participating in high school athletics prior to you completing Online Registration, please be sure to provide the Athletic Office with a copy of your student’s physical examination.
Please note the following on your student’s State of Illinois Physical Examination form:
- Health history must be completed, signed and dated by the parent or guardian.
- Immunization section must be completed, signed and dated by a doctor or the Health Department.
- The physical section must be completed, signed, and dated by a doctor.
Link to Community Health Care Access
Link to Lake County Health Department
Illinois 12th grade meningitis vaccination requirement ILLINOIS STATE LAW:
The State of Illinois requires that all 12th grade student show proof of having received two doses of meningococcal conjugate vaccine prior to entering the 12th grade. The first dose shall have been received on or after the 11th birthday, and the second dose shall have been received on or after the 16th birthday, at least eight weeks after the first dose. If the first dose is administered when the child is 16 years of age or older, only one dose is required.” If your child has not received one dose of the meningitis vaccine (Brand name: Menactra or Menveo) after their 16th birthday prior to the first day of senior year they will be excluded from school. In summary 2 shots if child received first dose in 6th grade 1 shot if child received first dose on or after age 16
Dental Exams
Prior to May 15 of each school year ninth grader must present proof of having been examined by the dentist. If a student in the ninth grade fails to present proof by May 15th, the school may hold the child's report card until one of the following occurs: the child presents proof of a completed dental examination, or the child presents proof that a dental examination will take place within 60 days after May 15th.
Physical Form
For Freshman and Transfers
Senior Immunization Form
New Requirement from 2019
Immunization Exemption Form
Religious exemption Click Here
Medical objection Click Here
Medication Authorization Form
Dental Exam Form
Eye Exam Forms
IHSA SPORTS Physical Form
ZB - Health Office Assistant
Ms. Brenda Quebrado
ZB East - Health Office
Email: yolanda.mckenzie@zb126.org
Phone: 847-731-9804
More info
Executive Director of Student Services
Email: jacob.carlson@zb126.org
Website: zbths.org
Location: 3901 West 21st Street, Zion, IL, USA
Phone: 847-731-9356