Klatt's Weekly News
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!
Wishing Klatt Families a VERY HAPPY Holiday & Happy New Year
As our students and families leave for break, we wish for you to have a safe and joyous holiday break. Be sure to be kind and give grace to those around you. Many find the holiday season to be a time of merriment, traditions, and memory-making. There are many more , whom find this time of year to be extraordinarily stressful. We have a wonderful community here at Klatt. We ask for you to keep your ears and eyes on alert and your heart open. Extend a hand of kindness to those around you who may need a dash of cheer.
December Calendar
Winter Break
Worldwide Holidays
Bodhi Day
Celebrated on 12/8. Learn more here!
Three Kings Day
The 12th Day of Christmas. Learn more here!
This important Japanese holiday takes place on 12/31.
Really Cool Info About Holidays and Their Ancient Roots
Michaelmas? Candlemas? May Day? Learn about the quarter and cross-quarter days here, dating back to the ancient Celts.
Vacation Enrichment Activities
This is a great list of simple, no-cost learning-enriched activities that all families can do over winter vacation.