Bulldog Paw Prints
September 6, 2024
Color Run, 2024 - 2025
We held our Belle Aire Color Run on Saturday, September 7, and it was a fantastic time. We had a great turn out, the weather was fantastic and there were so many cheers and moments of laughter. Please join me in extending a huge thank you to Krystin McGuire, Tracy McCullough and Mariana Marrero for their organizational efforts and coordination and to all of the volunteers who helped make this event such a great success. We can't run this type of event without the partnership of you, so please consider how your helping hands and your skillsets may support our school throughout the year.
We are excited to announce the Downers Grove Oktoberfest that's set to kick off this coming weekend. Stop downtown to celebrate fall and to connect with the community while also supporting the Education Foundation of Downers Grove. The Foundation is a non-for-profit organization that donates 100% of its proceeds directly to the District 58 schools. More information can be found in the link below:
Student Council: Attention Fifth and Sxith Grade Students
Picture Day is Coming!
This year's school picture day is scheduled for Monday, September 16, and we will start working through the classrooms in groups first thing in the morning.
You will be receiving a hard copy of the flyer if you'd like to purchase school pictures this year, and I've attached a digital copy for you as well.
Fall Benchmarking
We have completed our fall benchmarking for reading and math, and we will be diving into the data that those assessments yielded in the coming days. The data will be used to identify strengths and opportunities growth, to guide planning and instruction and to meet students where they are individually. Reports on those assessments will be sent to you via email.
Belle Aire will recognize Patriot Day on Wednesday, Sept. 11 by flying the American flag at half-staff, observing a moment of silence, and sharing the following message with all students during morning announcements:
September 11, is Patriot Day. On this day, the President requests that the American flag be flown at half-staff and that we observe a moment of silence.
Patriot Day is a day we remember the events of September 11, 2001, and we honor and celebrate the courageous service of our firefighters, police officers, paramedics and military. On this day in our nation’s history, in the face of tragedy, we saw courage: firefighters, police officers, and paramedics rushed to help. We saw selflessness: strangers helped strangers. We saw love: people from around the world sent cards, supplies, and comfort. In honor, respect and remembrance of this important event in our nation’s history, we will now observe a moment of silence.
Today is an opportunity to turn something negative into a positive activity by honoring the good work of others and by doing good works ourselves. Today, look for opportunities to be courageous, selfless, and loving, and if possible, say thank you to those who work so hard to keep us well and safe.
Safety Reminder
Over the past few weeks, I've been breaking down the Belle Aire Beliefs and Practices document, and the school and district has been publishing insights as to how we are working with our students on safe, respectful and responsible behavior. I wanted to republish a message from Dr. Russell's August message and repost the Beliefs and Practices and the D. 58 Handbook an additional time to help us all keep safety in the forefront of our minds.
Some of our safety measures present in our district include:
- Offering Safe2Help, a monitored system where students can safely and confidentially report a crisis, threat or bullying involving themselves or someone they know.
- Screening all school visitors via the Raptor System
- Using a lanyard and identification system for all staff and visitors
- Embracing the ALICE Model, a comprehensive approach to prepare for and respond to emergencies
- Passing a referendum to build more secure entrances at all schools (in progress).
- Regularly reviewing safety expectations with students in an age-appropriate manner
Another key component of school safety starts at home. Parents and guardians, please discuss school safety with your child(ren) and monitor their social media usage. Please have a serious conversation with your child(ren) about why it is not permissible to make a threatening statement (even in a joking manner) online or in person. Also, please share with your child(ren) that they cannot bring any type of weapon or lookalike weapon to school, including toys.
District 58 does not allow a weapon or lookalike weapon on a bus, at a school activity or at school. If your child(ren) makes a threatening statement or brings a weapon or lookalike weapon to school, they will immediately be referred to the Downers Grove Police Department. Police consequences may include arrest, referral to the State’s Attorney and the Juvenile Court System. Further, your child(ren) will receive significant consequences at school which may include expulsion (see Board Policy 7:190).
Please also talk with your child(ren) about the importance of, “If you see something, say something.” School personnel must be promptly notified of anything that may not seem right so we can investigate all situations in coordination with law enforcement.
We realize this message may be unsettling. However, this is a serious matter, and by proactively addressing our safety measures and expectations, we hope to facilitate a safer school district. We appreciate your partnership in keeping District 58 safe, and thank you for your support.
District 58's Family Handbook
Families received and signed off on District 58's Family Handbook during registration last winter. As a new school year begins, we encourage families to carefully review the handbook again with their child(ren), as it offers an overview of the District’s policies, procedures, resources and student expectations.
Mark Your Calendars
Monday, September 9: 2:00 Dismissal
Tuesday, September 10: Run/Walk Club (3:00 - 3:30 p.m.)
Friday, September 13: PTA Fun Lunch (for those who participate); Downers Grove Oktoberfest Begins
September 16: School Picture Day