October 21, 2024 (Edition 2)
The HGRESA Math Average was above the State Math Average on the FY24 Georgia Milestones in Grades 3, 4, 6, and 7. In Grade 5, the HGRESA average was within 0.8%. In Grade 8, the HGRESA average was within 2.4% of the state average. In Algebra, the HGRESA average was within 5.4%. Way to go, HGRESA Students!!!
HGRESA was above the state average for Grades 5 and 8 in Science.
HGRESA was above the state average for Grade 8 in Social Studies.
The HGRESA 4 Year Graduation Rate was above the State 4 Year Graduation Rate. HGRESA Average: 89.6% State Average: 85.4%
Students will be recognized at the HGRESA Banquet on Thursday evening, April 17 at the DuBose Porter Building.
11th Grade
Jared Schrader - East Laurens High
Juleymi Sanchez - East Laurens High
Kayla Totty - Bleckley County High
Rishi Saxena - West Laurens High
10th Grade
Talmage Duke - Dublin High
Several of the students in the Heart of Georgia RESA schools have been recognized in the Fair Bear Writing Contest for Grades 4-6. Please join us in congratulating these students.
LETRS: Lang. Essentials for Teachers of Rdg./Spelling
- The 2023-2024 Cohort 1, LETRS for Administrators is scheduled for November 6. The 2023-2024 Cohort has already completed the 5th unit on Oral Language and Vocabulary.
- The 2024-2025 Cohort 2, LETRS for Teachers has completed the Face to Face, Day 1 Training.
For additional information on the Lexia LETRS program and processes, please refer to this LINK.
Federal Programs Cross Functional Monitoring Process
The GDOE Federal Programs Division will facilitate a Cross Functional Monitoring session at HGRESA on Oct. 29 from 8:00 - 4:00.
5080, F-F, Onsite HGRESA, GaDOE FY25 Cross Functional Monitoring Training
Available GDOE Resources:
The Georgia Department of Education is offering a series sessions for HGRESA Gifted Coordinators and teachers of the gifted. The following sessions are offered Face to Face at HGRESA: Nuts and Bolts, Creativity, and Talent Development. The other sessions are virtual and include grade band specifics. This link will take you to the list of courses and the registration.
Classroom Management Modules: Dr. Harry Wong
The online classroom management modules will no longer be available for HGRESA after December 31st. We encourage you to take advantage of these resources soon.
Writing and Art Contests
- Contest judging will be delayed due to HGRESA trying to support districts with differentiated schedules as a result of the weather conditions.
- District contacts listed on the email database will receive a notice of the postings.
- The second Art Contest on Thankfulness entries are to be uploaded by November 15.
- Writing Contest #2 will occur on November 21 or 22.
- K-2 writing papers should be uploaded by November 22.
PSC School Safety and Anti-Gang Endorsement
The Georgia Professional Standards Commission will conduct an informational session on November 20 from 9:00 to 10:00 AM. Specifics will be included for those who want to add this endorsement.
GaDOE ELA Workshops
The HGRESA will host several GDOE workshops to help prepare for the new ELA standards in FY26. We encourage district and school leaders, academic coaches, and teachers to attend.
GDOE Sessions to Help with New Standards Implementation in FY26
November 14 from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM
3975.1, Analyzing Georgia's K-12 ELA Standards: Foundations and Language for Grades K-5
November 15 from 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM
3975.2a, An Introduction to the Science of Reading and Adolescent Literacy for Grades 6-12
November 15 from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
3975.2b, Analyzing Georgia's K-12 ELA Standards: Language for Grades 6-12
March 10 from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM
3975.3, Analyzing Georgia's K-12 ELA Standards: Texts and Practices for Grades K-5
March 11 from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM
3975.4, Analyzing Georgia's K-12 ELA Standards: Texts and Practices for Grades 6-12
Keynote Speaker + Multiple Breakout Sessions
Other Recent ELA Resources
Explaining New ELA Standards: You Got This! Series by Dr. Belita Gordon
Dr. Belita Gordon served as the HGRESA liaison on the GDOE state ELA committee. She has been working with HGRESA for many years helping with writing and reading. She conducted several sessions this summer on how mentor texts could be used to implement the new standards. She has also begun dissecting the standards and providing written documents to help teachers begin to learn about the standards. She has completed grades 6, 7, and 8.
Dr. Kevin Raczynski's Feedback for Writing Series
Dr. Kevin Raczynski continues to work with us in addressing the ELA Writing area. We have many resources (including videos) that he has completed. These can be found under our CODE classes (Classes/Courses on Demand for Educators). Below are the latest postings that HGRESA has provided.
6054.1, CODE, Raczynski, Techniques for Providing Feedback on Student Writing, Grade 1
6054.2, CODE, Raczynski, Techniques for Providing Feedback on Student Writing, Grade 2
6054.3, CODE, Raczynski, Techniques for Providing Feedback on Student Writing, Grade 3
6054.4, CODE, Raczynski, Techniques for Providing Feedback on Student Writing, Grade 4
6054.5, CODE, Raczynski, Techniques for Providing Feedback on Student Writing, Grade 5
6054.6, CODE, Raczynski, Techniques for Providing Feedback on Student Writing, Grade 6
6054.7, CODE, Raczynski, Techniques for Providing Feedback on Student Writing, Grade 7
6054.8, CODE, Raczynski, Techniques for Providing Feedback on Student Writing, Grade 8
6054.9-10, CODE, Raczynski, Techniques for Providing Feedback on Student Writing, Grades 9-10
6054.11-12, CODE, Raczynski, Techniques for Providing Feedback on Student Writing, Grades 11-12
Math Support
The Heart of Georgia RESA is contracting with Oconee RESA to provide math support. Dr. Kim Ward is employed by Oconee RESA but offers support to both RESAs.
HGRESA also provides support via online support resources from Dr. Tim McNamara and Mr. Brad Sanders. Dr. McNamara is currently overseas providing math support.
Mr. Brad Sanders is available in the afternoons to provide support, as requested. His primary focus areas are high and middle schools. He is currently providing support to two alternative schools.
Dr.Tama Freeman can provide Numeracy Project support at the elementary school level.
Mrs. Michele Dyal is available to provide math support at the middle and high school levels.
Upcoming Job Alike Sessions
Please refer to the Job Alike/Collaboratives area on the www.hgresa.org website to locate upcoming sessions. LINK Please mark your calendars and plan to attend.
School Climate Support
The Heart of Georgia provides much support with school climate. Please refer to the following available resources. If you want to scedule onsite consultative assistance in the school climate area, please email connie@hgresa.org.
School Climate Consultative Assistance
- Dr. Mitch McGhee (PBIS, MTSS Tier I)
- Mrs. Michelle Dyal (School Climate)
- Dr. Brad Anderson (Transportation, School Climate)
Online CODE Resources
HGRESA staff members strive daily to communicate in more effective ways. Emails are sent often using the EMAIL DATABASE. District and school staff members are asked to review this email database and keep it updated to receive current information. If the email is incorrect, staff members are asked to correct.
Each year, an electronic planner is created which includes relevant and current leader roles in each district. When edits are needed, please contact jbeck@hgresa.org, jlewis@hgresa.org, or connie@hgresa.org. PLANNER
Professional learning and registration information can be accessed in various ways.
A) Professional Learning Calendar: This calendar includes all face to face or online sessions that are occurring. If you click on agenda on the right, you can view more details.
B) Quick View: This is a list of everything that is available at HGRESA. This takes a few minutes to upload because of the quantity. This database is searchable with a search box or can be searched via Control F.
C) CODE PL: This is a database of Classes on Demand for Educators at all times and Resources. Please review the two tabs at the bottom that are named: Latest, Categories.
D) FF/Live PL: This is a database of all face to face sessions and online, live sessions that are being offered daily. The list is posted by calendar dates.
E) Job Alike Collaboratives: These sessions are used to communicate information. It is important that those with these job titles try to attend as often as possible to stay abreast of information, but more importantly to develop a network of support in specific areas.
F) HGRESA Heartbeat: A few months ago, the first edition of the Heartbeat was released. This is another attempt to keep district and school leaders informed.