Dorr Press

Mark Your Calendar - Upcoming Events
Here are the upcoming events at Dorr Elementary!
Mar 7th: Report Cards Posted After 4pm
Mar 11th: Parent/Teacher Conferences 4pm - 8pm
Mar 13th: Parent/Teacher Conferences 4pm - 8pm
Mar 18th: Preschool, Young 5's, Kindergarten Round Up 6pm-7pm
Mar 19th: Author Visit
Mar 20th: PTO Movie Night
Mar 27th: 3rd Grade Music Concert @ FAC Center 7pm
Mar 28th: PTO Popcorn Day
Apr 15th: PTO Meeting 6:30pm
Apr 18th: PTO Popcorn Day
Apr 18th: Progress Reports Posted After 4pm
Apr 24th: PTO Muffins With Mom
Apr 25th: PTO Muffins With Mom
Dorr Families,
Parent Teacher Conferences are being held next week! Our teachers are excited to share all the growth student's have made! Conferences are a vital part of your student's academic journey. Meeting with your student's teacher helps build an understanding of classroom routines and academic expectations. It also allows parents to be directly involved in their students education, creating a positive support system that spans both classroom and home life.
After your child's conference, stop by the 10 cent used book sale in room 203! There are a lot of great books that need new homes and have plenty of life left in them!
Educationally Yours,
Mrs. Seniura
CKH Connection
Dorr Family,
As we continue to recognize positive behaviors at Dorr Elementary, we are encouraging our students to embrace courage during the month of March.
Courage is the ability and strength to face challenges, even when they feel difficult or intimidating. It’s not about the absence of fear, but about persevering despite it. Courage means standing up for what is right, trying something new, or stepping out of your comfort zone — even when it feels uncertain.
Let’s inspire our students to be brave, take positive risks, and support one another as they grow in confidence and resilience!
Ms. Johnson
2nd Trimester Perfect Attendance
2nd Trimester Near Perfect Attendance
Hop On Board Little Wildcats!
2025-2026 Preschool Information
Dear Families and Community,
We are excited to present this special edition newsletter, focusing on the upcoming 2025-2026 preschool enrollment process. As we embark on this new journey together, our commitment to providing high-quality preschool experiences for all children remains our top priority. We understand that this is a significant transition, and many of you may have questions and concerns about what lies ahead.
Our team is dedicated to supporting you through this process, and we will do our utmost to provide clarity and guidance every step of the way. We believe that open communication is essential, and we encourage you to reach out with any inquiries or feedback. Together, we can ensure a smooth and successful enrollment experience for our little learners. Thank you for being an integral part of our preschool community!
March Is Reading Month!
Reading Can Take You Places!
March is reading month at Dorr Elementary and we are celebrating all month long! Students can turn in completed weekly reading logs for a fun prize! Students who turn in all 4 weeks worth of reading logs will be entered in a drawing for the reading month grand prize! Check out the fun reading dress up days and reading activities below!
Author Visit Book Orders Are Due Mar 10th! Get Yours Today!
Happening In The Halls
Bus Ambassadors
Dorr has a group of Bus and Hall Ambassadors that assist with dismissal every day. In rain, cold temps, missing busses our younger students rely on them to help out while boarding the busses.
These are our two outstanding Bus Ambassador Captains Phoebe Steffler and Lincoln Bredeweg.
Orchestra Students Visit Dorr Elementary!
Recently, Dorr Elementary students were treated to a special concert from our Middle School Orchestra. The Orchestra demonstrated their instruments and played a few songs for our students! It was a great way to learn about music!
Mrs. Berens named "Dancing With The Star Staff" Champion!
Our very own Mrs. Berens competed in the "Dancing With The Star Staff" competition to benefit the High School Theater Dance program. She was one of 7 staff members from around the district competing for the coveted Mirror Ball Trophy. The competition was tight, but in the end Mrs. Berens was named the champion!
Mrs. Berens would like to thank the Dorr Elementary family for all the kind words and support! She is so proud to bring the trophy home to Dorr Elementary!
Congratulations Mrs. Berens!
Jumping For Joy...... And Spelling
Mrs. Gonzales' kindergarten class are growing their spelling knowledge by leaps and bounds..... literally! They love to work with Aide, Mrs. Harnish, on their sight words. Learning doesn't have to be at a desk, and boring! Our staff are always on the hunt for fun, outside of the box ways to make learning fun!
Family Reading Night Fun!
Dorr Elementary held their annual Family Reading Night. This night is filled with fun reading activities, as well as local celebrity guest readers like, School Resource Officer Shaffer, members of the Dorr Fire Department, and members of the Wayland Union Board Of Education! It was a great night, enjoyed by all!
Lost and Found
It's the time of year that our lost and found areas start to grow! If anything in these pictures look familiar, feel free to come on down and take a look!
In a school of over 300 kiddos, there are bound to be look alike items. You may consider labeling your students items with a sharpie. This will help our staff reunite lost items with their owners!
Reminder Parents!
March Lunch Menu
*Menu subject to change.
Please contact Food Service for questions.
Community Education
Check out these fun classes offered by Wayland Community Education! Pre-registration is required for all classes. Register on-line at http:/wayland.revtrak.net or call Community Education at (269) 792-9153.
Attendance Questions Explained
Students are expected to be in their seats, ready to learn by 8:50am each day. Students who arrive AFTER 8:50am but BEFORE 9:05am will be marked as AM TARDY. Students who arrive AFTER 9:05am will be marked as 1/2 day AM ABSENT.
Students are expected to complete the school day at 3:50pm. Students who need to be picked up between 3:30pm and 3:49pm will be marked as PM TARDY. Students leaving BEFORE 3:30pm will be marked as 1/2 day PM ABSENT.
If your student is ill, please contact the office to report their absence. It is helpful if you report the students symptoms as it helps us identify break outs of illnesses across classrooms and grades.
Students who are absent will be coded as follows:
Unexcused absence: Students who are absent for illness or other reason, and parent has notified the office will be marked as unexcused absence. The reason for absence will be noted.
Unknown absence: Students who are absent and the office has received no communication from parent/guardian will be marked as unknown absence.
Excused absence: Students who are absent and return with a doctors note that includes the dates/times the student is to be excused, will be marked as excused absence.
Students who obtain 5 & 7 unexcused or unknown absences during the school year will receive a letter from the school bringing the absences to your attention.
Students who obtain 10 unexcused and/or unknown absences during the year will be asked to meet with the principal and may be subject to truancy. Wayland Union Schools district policy outlining attendance can be found in the student handbook.
Helpful Links For Parents
Y5's-5th Grade Student Handbook
The Student Handbook has been updated for the 2024-2025 school year. Please take a look at our Student Handbook to familiarize yourself with our policies, procedures, and expectations. For your convenience, we have included a link directly to the handbook. This information can also be found on our website, waylandunion.org under student links.
Dorr Elementary Is On Facebook and Instagram!
Please note: Questions should still be directed to the school directly. Questions asked on Facebook posts will not be answered.
About Us!
Email: berensj@waylandunion.org
Website: https://waylandunion.org/schools/dorr-elementary/
Location: 4159 18th Street, Dorr, MI, USA
Phone: 616-681-9637
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dorrelementary/