Heights Happenings
IB World School
April 1, 2024 Volume 9 Issue 6
Our Children...Our Future...Our World
Heights Mission: Heights Elementary IB World School is dedicated to developing balanced, lifelong learners through educational excellence, a global perspective, reflection and action.
Heights Vision: To Be A World Class School.
Heights PBIS Statement:
We strive to be a school that models positive behaviors which develop the whole child and social skills. We have a common culture and language which supports student growth and high expectations to empower our students to become well-rounded global citizens through teaching and recognizing positive behavior.
About Us:
School Hours: 7:55 am—2:10 pm
Doors open: 7:30 am
Breakfast: 7:30-7:45 am
Heights Contact Information:
Address: 15200 Alexandria Ct. Ft. Myers, FL 33908
Telephone: 239.481.1761 Fax:239.481.3154
Website: het.leeschools.net
Twitter: @HeightsIB
Facebook: Heights Elementary
After School Program: Lisa McElyea
504 Accommodations: Bryanna Van Helden
Contact information Changes: Michele Curry
Transportation: Anika Carter
Gifted testing: Lisa Alexander
Clinic: Nurse Carey
What Is Happening At Heights This Month?
April 1st: Easter Monday (Schools closed)
April 3rd: 1st grade Broadway Palm Field Trip
April 4th: 4th & 5th grade FAST Writing
April 5th: 2nd grade Student Led Conferences
- 8:15-9:00 Best, Peterson, Strange
- 9:15-10:00 Kebhart, McElyea, Roberts
- 11:30-12:15 Gins, McDonald, Tresch
April 5th: NEHS Meeting (2:45-3:30)
April 8th: Heights House Color Monday
April 10th-12th: 4th grade Student Led Conferences
- April 10th: Stamper & Celej (12:30-1:00)
- April 11th: Gutierrez (10:00-10:30) and Sleeper & Licata (12:30-1:00)
- April 12th: McDole & Elrubaie (10:00-10:30) and Williams & Peak (12:30-1:00)
April 18th: 5th grade Exhibition Night (6:00)
April 19th: PreK & Social Communication Rock The Spectrum Field Trip
April 19th: Heights Choir at the Mighty Mussels (7:05)
April 24th: 3rd grade Student Led Conferences
- 8:15-9:00 DiRe, Franz, & Law
- 10:30-11:15 Glavin, Javorowsky, Madore, & Wood
- 9:00-9:30 Fort, Joyce, Gurney, & Anderson
- 11:00-11:30 Roth, Benedon, Eddy, & Nilsson
April 30th: SAC Meeting (6:00 in the Heights Media Center)
Assistant Principals Week:
National Assistant Principals Week is April 1st-5th and a time to recognize the significant role assistant principals (APs) play in the overall academic achievement of students nationwide. This week we have the opportunity to recognize our APs for all of their hard work and dedication to the Heights students, staff, and families. Thank you Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Thorstad for everything you do. You both are the BEST!
Heights IB In Action:
- In Kindergarten our students have been enjoying their Inquiry-based Adventure room. Students have been using play-based, hands-on learning to inquire about different adventures from around the world.
- In First Grade, our students have been learning about Where We Are in Place and Time and how to use different tools to discover location. Students completed a map scavenger hunt using compasses and maps to find their way around our school.
- In Second Grade, our students have been learning about cycles in nature. They had the opportunity to visit and learn about our Heights Sprouts School Garden and all the things we are growing (and eating!) here at Heights. Then they visited Farmer Mikes to see more about how a real farm works and pick produce of their own. As they transition to their next unit of inquiry, students will be hosting a Career Day to learn about Role Models as well as goods and services.
- Our Fifth Graders are reaching the end of their Exhibition projects. Students will be presenting to the school, parents and community on April 18th. We are proud of their hard work!
Notification of the Presence of Asbestos-Containing Materials in the School
To the Chairperson of the Parents Teachers Association and the Students of Heights Elementary
This school has been recently inspected and certain asbestos-containing materials or assumed asbestos-containing materials such as: fire doors or roofing materials that are tested prior to repairs or removal as needed, have been located in the school buildings. Please be aware that the School District of Lee County has an active management plan designed to ensure that the building is maintained safely for all occupants. These materials are being controlled in accordance with the Asbestos Management Program for the School and following the limitations and procedures of the policies and requirements of the Asbestos Operations and Maintenance Program of the School District of Lee County.
The report listing the location, quantities, and condition of all known materials and contains the details of the control procedures is available at the school office for your inspection during normal school hours. Copies of the whole or parts of the school’s asbestos file can be supplied to you at a cost of $0.15/page
Heights PTA News
Come one, come all to support the Greatest School on Earth!
Our Annual Auction will be held on Friday, April 26th at St. Charles Yacht Club. This year's theme is A Night Under The Big Top! Tickets sales are ONLINE ONLY and end on Friday, April 19th. Ticket quantity is limited so don't wait to purchase!
Our final General Membership Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 30 following MORNING DROP OFF in the Heights Library. Join us to vote on the 2024-2025 slated board members & see a year in review for all that PTA has accomplished this year.
End of the School Year Skate Night on Thursday, May 2 at Spinz. The flyer with ticket sale information will be sent home with students in April.
Attendance Matters
Attendance rates are a very clear representation and reflection of the success of school. It speaks very clearly on how parents are active in their child’s education, how excited students are to come to school, how effective teachers are in providing an exciting learning environment, and how the school and parent organization are in providing a stimulating, positive school community.
Why it Matters
If students don’t show up for school regularly, they miss out on fundamental reading and math skills and the chance to build a habit of good attendance that will carry them into college and careers.
When students attend school regularly, they can see outsized literacy gains.
5 Reasons to Be In School Everyday
1. Prepares your student for a brighter future.
2. Your student's grades and reading skills will improve.
3. Your student will develop stronger social skills and friendships.
4. Helps create a positive attitude which will increase your student's academic achievement levels.
5. So much fun taking place in our Heights classrooms that your student gets to enjoy.
IB PYP April Profile Word: Balanced
The IB Learner Profile Balance aims to develop learners who are balanced. Our goal is to allow students to discover and understand the importance of balancing different aspects of their lives. Focusing on the intellectual, physical and emotional in order to achieve well being for themselves and others. We would like for our students to recognize their interdependence with other people and with the world in which they live.
How can families help develop students who are Balanced at home?
- Create a daily schedule that includes time for school work, outside physical activity, arts and music, rest, balanced meals.
- Allow time for a variety of activities daily with your children (school activities, indoor play, outside play, active play and quiet activities).
- Model doing a little bit of everything in front of your child: play, learn, exercise, rest, eat healthy foods.
- Praise your child for demonstrating a balance lifestyle
- Visit many different places to learn: libraries, museums, nature trails and nature preserves, parks, Historical Parks.
- Explore different hobbies: yoga, jogging, knitting, cards, collecting stickers.
Interims and Report Cards:
Quarter 4:
- April 24th – Interims
- June 3rd – Report Cards
Parents may review their student's grades at anytime on Focus. Your student's grades will be up to date on the assigned interim and report card days listed above. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the school.
Requests for the 2024-2025 School Year:
As we near the end of the 2023-2024 school year, I know many of you are beginning to think about your student’s placement for the upcoming school year. With our mission statement in mind, we pride ourselves on looking at each of our students and what they need individually to help them become balanced, lifelong learners through educational excellence. Your feedback as a parent is always valued. We ask that you keep in mind each year we are faced with many challenges when creating class assignments. There needs to be a semi-equal distribution of students by gender, achievement levels, and behavioral concerns (and balancing all three of these factors simultaneously is no small feat.) Special considerations must then be made for the placement of English language learners and students with special needs. Often student-teacher personality conflicts are considered, as well as interpersonal conflicts between students who need to be separated from certain peer conflicts. Heights is built on establishing solid positive relationships. With this in mind, we will be moving away from accepting teacher requests for the 2024-2025 school year. We know your students well, and our administrative team along with your child's current teacher will work together to place your child/ our student in the class we feel will best help them thrive not only academically, but personally as well. We ask that you trust us to build classes next year that will be healthy and balanced throughout the grade levels. Thank you for understanding.
Coming Soon:
May 7th: 5th grade Science FAST
May 13th: 3rd grade ELA FAST
May 14th: 1st & 2nd grade ELA FAST
May 15th: 1st & 2nd grade MATH FAST
May 16th: 4th & 5th grade ELA FAST
May 17th: Kg ELA FAST
May 20th: Kg MATH FAST
May 21st: 3rd, 4th, 5th grade MATH FAST
End Of The Year Celebrations:
May 22nd: 5th grade Awards (8:15 am) Tokan, Walklett, Chesnut, & Elverd
May 23rd: 5th grade Awards (8:15 am) Caruso, Mintz, Driscoll, & Junkin
May 23rd: 5th grade Drive Through Celebration (6:30)
May 24th: Kg End of the Year Celebration (8:15 am) Pittard, Douglas, Bates, Lewis, & Naugle
May 28th: Kg End of the Year Celebration (8:15 am) Fastenau, Kee, Caudill, & Bovinett
May 28th: 5th grade End of the Year Field Trip (Busch Gardens)
Notification to Parents Regarding Out-of-Field Teachers:
Florida State Statute 1012.42 recognizes that teachers at times must be assigned duties in a class outside the field in which the teacher is certified. The following teachers at Heights Elementary are certified, but may be assigned one or more classes outside their areas of certification and are required to take appropriate steps to comply with the statutory regulation:
Michele Ware and Carmen Diaz
In addition, the following teachers are engaged in training to add the endorsement, English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), to their certificates: Nicole Driscoll, Courtney Sleeper, Monica Fastenau, Jennifer Kee, Gina Celej, Julie Ramsay, Stephanie Bovinett, Michele Ware, and Carmen Diaz.
The School Board of Lee County:
Board Members:
District 1 - Samuel Fisher, Board Chair
District 2 - Melisa W. Giovannelli
District 3 - Chris N. Patricca
District 4 - Debbie Jordan
District 5 - Armor Persons
District 6 - Jada Langford-Fleming, Board Vice Chair
District 7 - Cathleen O'Daniel Morgan
Christopher S. Bernier, Ed.D.
School Board Attorney:
Kathy Dupuy-Bruno, Esq.