WEMS Raider Newsletter
August 23, 2024

WEMS Raider Newsletter
August 23, 2024
From the Principal's Desk
Good Afternoon Raider Families!!!
We have had a great second week of school filled with more i-Ready diagnostic testing, our classes have really begun digging into the contents, and students are already showing what they know in their classes. We encourage all parents and families to have discussions with their children about what is being taught, the things the students are learning, things they might have liked or understood really well, and the things they still have questions about. It's not always easy having those conversations but these conversations are super important for our students as they help further educate the students by allowing them to "re-teach" what they learned.
Thank you for all your support of our students and WEMS! Have a great and safe weekend.
Jonathan Vaughn
WEMS Volleyball are the Davies County Summerfest Tournament CHAMPIONS!
Running a school is too big of a task for one or two people alone so over the next few weeks we want to emphasize and share the many teams that make up our WEMS Team.
Meet The Front Office Team
Megan Allen
Mrs. Allen is our school's Guidance Secretary. On a daily basis, Mrs. Allen helps to ensure the proper enrollment and updated records for each and every student at WEMS. Mrs. Allen is also a leader in WEMS by helping lead the WEMS Parent, Teacher, Student Association.
Sandy Birk
Mrs. Birk is our WEMS Attendance Secretary working to make sure we have each and every single one of our students every single day in every single class. Mrs. Birk also helps oversee Guest Teachers for our school so every class is fully supervised.
Jacki Cannon
Mrs. Cannon is our newest addition to the WEMS Front Office Team. Mrs. Cannon brings a passion for kids and people as she serves our students and families. As the voice on the other end of the phone when a parent calls, Mrs. Cannon works to help every parent and every student regardless of the need.
Karen Dubose
Karen Dubose is our amazing WEMS Nurse! Well-versed and trained, Nurse Karen is ready to help address the medical needs of our students each and every school day, from daily medical needs to the occasional accident requiring attention.
Tammie Fields
Mrs. Fields is a WEMS staple having served the students and staff at WEMS for many years behind the scenes as the school's bookkeeper. Working with every school personnel and group, Mrs. Fields ensures the proper ordering and purchasing what we need.
Student Transportation Changes By 1 PM
Any changes a parent needs to make to their child's transportation need to be called into the front office by 1:00pm on the day of the change. Feel free to call us at (270) 843-0151 to let us know if you child is changing their afternoon mode of getting home.
Weekly Focus For Our Families
Unless otherwise stated, all games will begin at 5:30pm.
Jonathan Vaughn, Principal
Mike Hoots, Assistant Principal
Michelle Harris, Guidance Counselor
Brett Kreilein, Warren County Sheriff's Office SRO
Contact us:
Warren East Middle School