AMS Eagle Report
Newsletter for Parents, Students, Teachers & The Community
Athens Middle School
Email: kim.moore@acs-k12.org
Website: ams.acs-k12.org
Location: 100 U.S. Hwy 31, Athens, AL, USA
Phone: 256-233-6620
Facebook: facebook.com/AthensMiddleSchool
Twitter: @amseagles
Congratulations to AMS students Tori White and Baani Makhija who placed in the Martin Luther King, Jr. essay contest. Tori placed 1st in the Sixth through Eighth grade category and Baani placed 2nd.
Makeup picture day is Tuesday, February 18th. If you missed the fall date, plan to have your picture taken on this day. If you want a retake from the fall, please bring a signed note from home.
7th Grade Science building DNA models
Important Dates
From the Nurse
Illness Guidelines
Fever: A student with a fever of 100.0 or greater should not come to school. A student with a fever of 100.0 or greater will be isolated from the classroom. If no one can be reached to pick up the student, 911 may be called to transport the student for medical treatment. This will depend on the assessment by the school nurse based on the clinical symptoms of the student. A student MUST be fever free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication (Tylenol, Motrin, etc.) before returning to school.
Vomiting: Students should not return to school until they have NOT been vomiting for 24 hours.
Strep Throat: Student may return to school with evidence of physician diagnosis and a minimum of 24 hours of antibiotic treatment.
Medication Guidelines
ALL medication MUST be hand delivered by the parent or guardian to the nurse. This includes all students who “Self-carry” and/or “Self-Administer” medications. Students are not allowed to carry
medication on them while at school without proper physician orders, on file with the nurse, giving permission to carry medication.
If you need bus service for your K-8th student, you must sign up through Returning Student Registration (Re-Enrollment) or New Student Registration. Learn more at acs-k12.org/transportation. Reminder that bus service is not available for Athens High School or Athens Renaissance School students. If you have any questions, contact ACS Transportation at (256) 233-6637.
Student Fees
Technology Fee
Mandatory Device Protection Plan Fee to be paid by Student/Parent/Guardian
Non-refundable Per School Year Fee:
Regular Fee $25 per student
Free/Reduced Lunch Fee $15 per student-Applies to students currently qualified for free/reduced lunch
Multiple Child Fee $20 per student-Applies to parents/guardians with multiple children enrolled in Athens Middle School who do not qualify for free/reduced lunches
You can bring check or exact change to Mrs. Batts in the AMS Library
Payment plans may be established if needed prior to the receipt of the device. Parents should contact the school office regarding this process. These fees are required per academic year.
AMS Student Service Fee
Student Service Fee – the fee includes the yearly cost the school incurs for providing/supporting your student with postage, PowerSchool, registration materials and student handbook, etc.
My School Bucks
An easy way to add lunch money to your student account is through MySchoolBucks. Create or log in to your student account at myschoolbucks.com and view immediate information about your student account balance and purchases. Need help? Funds can be added to your student's account at MSB on the web or download the MSB app. You may also submit a checkto the schoollunchroom. All checks must be made payable to Athens City Schools CNP or ACS CNP. Please write your child's name and homeroom on the check or envelope.
Breakfast Menu
Lunch Menu
*Spring sports are coming*
ALL Kids
Progress Report and Report Card Schedule
2024-2025 School Calendar
Website Update
We have recently updated our district website to a design that we hope will be more user friendly on all devices. We appreciate your patience in the weeks ahead as we continue to make updates and refinements to all pages. Please note a couple of important changes:
Our SCHOOL addresses have changed slightly. Be sure to update your bookmarks.
- FAME Academy at Brookhill: bes.acs-k12.org
- HEART Academy at Julian Newman: jnes.acs-k12.org
- iAcademy at Athens Elementary: aes.acs-k12.org
- SPARK Academy at Coward Elementary: ces.acs-k12.org
- Athens High School: ahs.acs-k12.org
- Athens Intermediate School: ais.acs-k12.org
- Athens Middle School: ams.acs-k12.org
- Athens Renaissance School: ars.acs-k12.org
- Renaissance Virtual School: renaissancev.acs-k12.org
- Athens City Schools District: acs-k12.org
Get the free app now!
Never miss a weather alert, school closing or important update. Download the ACS mobile app to stay connected at all times. Use the app to can check calendars, lunch menus, and receive "push" notifications about school events and weather emergencies. Download the free app today at the App Store for iPhones or Google Play for Android devices. Search "Athens City School System."
Be sure to allow alerts, pushes and banners in your phone settings under "notifications" to properly receive notifications. In the app settings, please select the schools from which you wish to receive updates. Contact our office with any questions. 256-233-6600
AMS Partner in Education
Administrative Team
Mrs. Leslie Sedberry, Assistant Principal
Email: leslie.sedberry@acs-k12.org
Phone: 256-233-6620
Mr. Neil Turner, Assistant Principal
Email: orlando.turner@acs-k12.org
Phone: 256-233-6620