…smore of what we did this week
We watched Brainpop Jr. and listened to the music of Louis Armstrong, Jimi Hendrix, and Beyoncé to further our Black History month curriculum.
We visited the Los Angeles Coliseum, the Orange Bowl, & Lincoln Financial Field virtually. We counted over 200 cans that we will donate next week. We voted, recorded, graphed and read results for the SuperBowl winner. We also continued our more/less/ & equal to learning. We practiced simple addition and subtraction in small groups.
Thanks for a super week of learning and fun.
…smore of what we will do next week
We will meet a new letter buddy blend, read sight words, donate cans, and practice math. We will explore and use different math tools as well.
No school 2/18 & 2/21. Thanks for your donations, talks, emails, support, and your best children in the land. If you have questions please ask.
Enjoy your weekend and stay safe, Mr. Alaxson & Mr. Pat.
Valentines Day list for you
Max Dominic Nicholas Cole Alijah Crosby Andy Ben