NSJH Weekly Announcements

Desired Daily Experience Survey
Have you filled out our Desired Daily Experience Survey yet? Click to access your survey! https://www.north-scott.k12.ia.us/district/strategic-planning-2025
Important Dates
March 3th & March 6th: Spring Conferences 3:30-7:00
March 8: Public showing of Snow White and the Seven Endings 7PM
March 8: SEIBA Jazz Festival, Dav. Central HS NSJH Play at the High School Auditorium 7:30 am
March 9: Band Showcase Concert, 6:00 pm in the PIT (5:30 report- Seniors report at 5:00 for pictures)
March 11: JH Solo Fest Orchestra
March 17 - March 24: (Spring Break Week) No School
March 25: Class of 2030 Washington DC Parent Meeting 6-7PM
April 2: Caregiver Night 5:30PM
Friday, April 18 (Conference Comp) No School
Monday, April 21 (Professional Development) No School
Monday, May 26 (Holiday) No School
Caregiver Night
Sponsored by
Special Education Advisory Committee Informational Meeting
Caregiver Night is your chance to explore the ACHIEVE Family Portal! We're excited to show you how this user-friendly tool can empower you to stay connected and informed about your child's special education needs. Come demo the software and see how it can make a difference. Feel free to bring a device to learn how to set up and navigate your account.
- Wednesday, April 2, 2025
- 5:30 - 6:30 pm
- Regional Innovation Center
Contact Heather Shults for more information at 563-285-4810 or heather.shults@north-scott.k12.ia.us
If you did not receive an email invitation to create an account please email, achievesupport@iowa.gov for assistance. For more information about ACHIEVE Family Portal, visit the Iowa Department of Education ACHIEVE Family Portal webpage.
North Scott Junior High Presents
History Day Success!
Congratulations to our participants
Here is a list of our state qualifiers who will be going to Ames, IA in April:
Katelyn Peck-Senior Paper
Morgan Vanorsdal-Individual Senior Exhibit
Madelyn Hillman-Senior Individual Exhibit
Liza Clark, Camila Miller-Junior Group Exhibit
Lillian Farro-Senior Performance
Mallory Deutmeyer-Senior Documentary
Congratulations and we are SO proud of these Lancers!
Lancer Way
As a school, we want to encourage more involvement of all of our students in the classroom. Over the next four weeks, we will be sharing conversation starters that we would encourage you to have with your child to get them thinking about what their involvement in the classroom looks like and ways they could continue to improve their Be Involved score in the Lancer Way.
As a North Scott Staff, we appreciate the support that our parents and caregivers are providing at home for our students. Thank you!
WEEK 2 Conversation Starter: What class do you feel most involved in and why? Are there classes that you aren't as involved in? what could you do to be more involved?
Thank you to all the families that participated in Spring Conferences
If you were unable to sign up for Spring Conferences please don't hesitate to reach out to your child's teachers at any point with questions or concerns. Our staff directory can be found below. Thank you
Track and Field Junior High Sign Ups! NOW OPEN
Interested in signing up for Junior High Track?
If you have any interest in signing up for the spring track season please select the link below to register through BOUND
This March Madness, it’s all about the game.
But whether you’re on the court or off, there’s one rule that always wins—The Golden Rule!
The Golden Rule says, “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” It’s the
best play you can make. Whether you’re on the court, at school, or with your
In the heat of the moment, we all have choices. Instead of getting upset, try
being calm and respectful. The best way to handle things is with kindness,
not conflict.
Just like sharing the ball on the court, it’s important to share kindness, respect,
and understanding in everyday life. It’s those small, smart choices that make
you a true team player.
Listening to others is just as important as speaking up. By really listening and
showing empathy, you can create better friendships and solve problems in a
way that helps everyone.
Following the Golden Rule is all about making the right choice, treating others
with respect and kindness, even when it’s hard. That’s what being a good
teammate is all about!
This is Officer Jahns, and YOUR North Scott Junior High School Basketball
Team asking YOU to remember the LANCER WAY, make the smart choices.
Treat others how you want to be treated, and make kindness your MVP!
New Attendance Information for 24-25
With the passing of Senate File 2435 and changes to Iowa Code Chapter 299 Compulsory Education, we want to provide you with our updated procedures for responding to student absenteeism.
5 days of absences (5% of a semester): A courtesy letter will be emailed to inform caregivers of excessive absences.
9 days of absences (10% of a semester): The state defines this 10% mark as "chronically absent." An email and certified letter will be sent to caregivers to notify them of "chronically absent" status and the county attorney's office will be notified.
14 days of absences (15% of a semester): The school will contact caregivers to schedule a required School Engagement Meeting, where an Absenteeism Prevention Plan will be created.
18 days of absences (20% of a semester): The state defines this 20% mark as "truant." The school will notify the School Resource Officer, who will consult with the county attorney's office. Truancy charges may be filed
To report a student absence call your schools main office and press 1 for the attendance office.
FFA & AG Program
Congratulations to NS FFA Members
Discovery FFA Knowledge Exam- Silver Rating- Julie Enlow & Logan Carney
Green Atoms Ag CSI Team- Silver Rating- Liam Burmister, Alaina Nemeth, Raylan Hobkirk, Makayla Miller
Sand Cats Ag CSI Team- Silver Rating- Mason Carter, Willow Green, Vivian Ohsann, Denton Holst, Payton Lanham
Country Kids Ag Impact Team- Silver Rating- Braxton Voss, Lincoln Wilhelmi, Keegan Edgren, Joseph Dunn, Hayden McQuillien
Cow Warriors Ag Impact Team- Bronze Rating- Ava Lafrenz, Emily Freund, Cora Handley, Kinsey Luckritz, La'Ryiah Williams
North Scott also hosted this year & over 951 FFA members and guests were present from 60 school districts. Shout out to those FFA members who volunteered & helped with the event! These members included Corbin Fulkerson, Camilla Miller, Timothy Mickelson, Scarlett Bunce, Levi Powell, Brennon Boeding, and Nora Diep.
T-Shirt Design Contest
I am so EXCITED to announce something NEW!
1-800-Tshirts is hosting the 1st annual T-Shirt Design Contest for students!
The winning student will win a swag box full of FFA & 1-800-T shirt goodies & 25 t-shirts with their design on them.
BUT WAIT.... There is MORE
The winning design will be in all Fall FFA 2025 stores with the student's name and chapter showcasing their WINNING design!
Please reach out if you have any questions about the contest!!
tracy@1800tshirts.com or 1-800-874-4787
Do not forget you can treat yourself to a 20% discount on some great FFA apparel
Important links
Infinite Campus
Parent Portal Login
Canvas Parent
Classroom gradebook/assignments
Iowa HS Sports management site
Important Forms
Info to Save
Continuous Notice of Nondiscrimination: It is the policy of the North Scott Community School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age (for employment), marital status (for programs), sexual orientation, gender identity and socioeconomic status (for programs) in its educational programs and its employment practices. There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination. If you have questions or a grievance related to this policy please contact Ms. Erin Paysen, Equity Coordinator, 308 N. Main Street, Donahue, IA 52746. Telephone: 563-282-9627