NSE Tiger News
September 2024 Newsletter for parents
Attendance Trophy
New School year means new competition between the grades. Encourage your student to be at school every day. Adjust appointments around school when possible. Get a good nights sleep and make sure they eat a healthy breakfast everyday.
Spotlight on the classroom
This month we spotlight Mrs. Cline's class. Last month, Mrs. Cline's 4th graders learned details of a book they were reading.
Event Information
Fall Festival
Saturday, Oct 26, 2024, 10:00 AM
North Sumner Elementary School, North Sumner Road, Bethpage, TN, USA
WE are the Tigers and we R.O.A.R
Stay connected with us !
Website: https://nse.sumnerschools.org/
Location: 1485 North Sumner Road, Bethpage, TN, USA
Phone: 615-888-2281
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/northsumnerelementarybethpagetn/
Twitter: @sumnertigers
Douglas Brown
Douglas is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters