Amazing Grace
Newsletter - September 2024
Principal's Message
Dear Grace Christian Academy Families,
As we enter the fourth week of the school year, I would like to take a moment to reflect on the wonderful start we have had together. I am truly excited to see our students embracing new challenges, forming friendships, and diving into their studies with enthusiasm and joy. This month has brought with it a renewed sense of purpose and community within our school. It is heartwarming to witness our students’ dedication to their education and their growth in our supportive environment. I encourage you to engage with your children about what they are learning. Your involvement is invaluable to their academic and emotional success. Thank you for your continued partnership and support. Together, we are creating a nurturing and enriching atmosphere that allows our children to thrive both academically and spiritually. Should you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to reach out.
God Bless,
Mrs. Heather Barber, Principal
Grace Christian Academy
Team work in action in our 2nd grade classroom!
We love Mrs. Lisa!
Solving problems today to unlock a bright future for tomorrow!
Scholarship Payments (K - 12)
- EMA accounts are in the proccess of being funded.
- GCA is in the proccess of submitting invoices to be paid.
- You will be notified when you have an invoice to approve.
- Once notified, please login to approve the 1st quarter invoice
Lunch Reminders
- These items should be paid for with cash duing your child's lunch period.
- Items and prices are on the GCA Baldwin App. Go to: Documents - Lunch Options
We offer hot lunch on Tuesday's (Everybody's) and Thursdays (Papa Sean's)
- These items must be ordered and paid for on the GCA Baldwin App. Please do not send cash.
- To order go to: Quicklinks - Lunch (Place order by 9AM)
- To pay go to: Quicklinks - Online Payments - Scroll to the bottom for GCA Payment options
Speech Therapy
- Free of charge to families
- Must be initiated by a parent
- Services will be provided at GCA during the school day
- This process can take a little time
- Don't delay, get started today
Please contact Beth Salter - saltere@duvalschools.org - (904)348-5218
Upcoming Events
- Monday, 9/02 - Labor Day, No School
- Monday 9/9 - Wednesday 9/11 - MAP Testing (K-2)
- Monday 9/16 - Thursday 9/19 - MAP Testing (3rd-11th)
- Friday, 09/20 - Progress Reports
Grace Christian Academy
Email: gcaoffice@gcabaldwin.org
Website: gcabaldwin.org
Location: 479 Center Street North, Baldwin, FL, USA
Phone: (904)266-9532
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gracechristianacademybaldwin