White Oak Middle School

Happy Labor Day Weekend! 💛🖤
Can you believe we are almost to progress report time?
Our Warriors are learning "The Warrior Way" and setting the foundation for a strong academic year. Relationships are a focus for us as we Game On: Level Up in Middle School.
Our first volleyball and football team against Barbers Hill are happening. The Warrior Spirit is on fire, and I am pleased with our students and staff settling into the 45 minute schedule. We also started the Securly Hall Pass system as well as are testing for Aimsweb to get a baseline for your child's abilities in Reading and Math. .
I encourage you to set weekly goals with your Warrior about grades. We have a daily 6th period Advisory class where they work on ZAPing (Zeroes are Not Permitted.) Tutoring is offered daily, according to the schedule below, if your child is absent or needs additional help. Empower your Warrior and yourself by setting up notifications in Skyward to ensure your child is passing. Please see the grading policy below.
Thank you for you support. Get rest! Happy Labor Day!
Warriors RISE UP!
💛Principal Mayes
Secondary Grading Policy pg. 58-60 in the Student Code of Conduct
Progress Reports
Grades will be communicated to parents at the end of each interim period progress report (3rd and 6th weeks of each grading period). Documentation of parent notification will be maintained when a student’s grade falls below 70. If a student receives a grade of less than 70 in any class or subject on a progress report, parents are encouraged to contact the appropriate teacher.
Report Cards
Report cards are sent home at the end of each nine (9) week grading period. Parents or guardians who have a question about their student’s grade should contact the teacher by telephone or email. A parent conference may be arranged, if necessary. Parents are encouraged to monitor their student’s grades using the online Family Access available on the District website.
Message from the Assistant Principals
Lightspeed, Tardy Sweeps, and Searches
Please reiterate to your Warriors that anything they type, search or do on their chromebook that is inappropriate sends us the Lightspeed alert. This happens both at school and at home. Consequences will be followed by the code of conduct.
Please make sure your Warriors arrive to class on time. Daily tardy sweeps do occur. Every minute counts!
Continued random searches will occur upon entry as a safety measure as outlined in the student conduct of conduct.
Message from the Counselors
Welcome to 7 Mindsets!
This is our social emotional curriculum that guides students today and prepares them for the reality of tomorrow. This month's topic is We Are Connected. The We Are Connected Mindset teaches us that everyone who comes into our lives can help us to achieve and live our dreams. Working with, for, and through others is crucial to realizing our dreams.
When you understand this and constantly seek the positives from relationships with others, your
performance in every area of your life improves. In the lessons for this mindset, we help students
explore synergies with others, embrace diversity, and relish the competition that will allow them to
maximize their potential by working with and through others.
👓Looking Ahead👓
Clubs Start After Labor Day!
WOMS Tutorial Schedule
Warrior Norms
Vaping continues to be a challenge for all schools in the region and state. Changes in legislation last year require a MANDATORY DAEP PLACEMENT if a student:
Sells, gives, or delivers to another person or possesses or uses an e-cigarette or similar vape device per our NCISD code of conduct.
We ask you have conversations with your student about vaping and the subsequent disciplinary actions that will result if a student uses
or is in possession of a vape while on school grounds.
Change of Transportation Change/Need to Get Contact Your Warrior?
Please send an email NO LATER than 2:00 PM if you need a message passed to your Warrior or change of transportation. We only accept changes of transportation via email. Please email: WOMSparents@newcaneyisd.org
You will receive a confirmation reply if received. If a message or change is sent from a parent after 2:00 PM, the message will not be delivered to your Warrior.
Report any concerns using our safe school anonymous reporting form.
Proud to be part of New Caney ISD
Email: cmayes@newcaneyisd.org
Website: https://woms.newcaneyisd.org/
Location: 24161 Briar Berry Ln, Porter, TX 77365
Phone: (281) 577-8800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WhiteOakMS
Instagram: WhiteOakMS
Twitter: @WhiteOak_MS