Hornet Herald
April 7, 2024
Hello Hornet Families!!!
Before we get to this week's message, I would like to thank our amazing teachers, parents, and students who assisted with Saturday's Choice Fair. It was an exciting time for incoming students and their families and because of your assistance, we were able to create a memorable experience for them all.
Speaking of memorable experiences, on Monday, we all get the opportunity (weather permitting) to witness a total eclipse! 🌒 We're beyond excited to share this amazing event with our students and create a safe space for everyone to experience it together.
Thanks to our Science department and Austin ISD, we've got all the gear and plans in place to make sure everyone can enjoy the eclipse safely. From viewing glasses to guided lessons and safe observation locations, we're all set for an unforgettable experience.
Speaking of exciting stuff, it's STAAR testing week, with the reading assessment kicking things off on Tuesday, April 9th. To all our awesome Hornets: You've got this! Believe in yourselves, stay focused, and remember that each question is your chance to show off what you know. We're here to cheer you on every step of the way!
Just a reminder that there's no school on Wednesday, April 10 for Eid Al-Fitr. Enjoy the mid-week break!
Here's to a week filled with success, and maybe a little bit of cosmic magic. Let's make it awesome!
Wishing you all a fantastic week ahead!
Mr. Estes
Campus Information
Upcoming Dates
- April 8 - Total Solar Eclipse I Bell Schedule
- April 9 - 6th Grade Reading STAAR
- April 10 - NO SCHOOL
- April 11 - 7th Grade Reading STAAR
- April 11 - Tennis @ Bailey
- April 12 - 8th Grade Reading STAAR
- April 17 - 8th Grade Science STAAR
- April 18 - 8th Grade Social Studies STAAR
- April 18 - Track @ Paredes
- April 18 - Tennis @ Austin HS
- April 18 - PTA Meeting
- April 18 - CAC Meeting
- April 20 - Garden Work Day
- April 23 - 6th Grade Math STAAR
- April 24 - 7th Grade Math STAAR
- April 25 - 8th Grade Math STAAR & Algebra I EOC
- April 25 - Track @ Gorzycki
- April 29 - Boys Track Championship @ Burger
- April 30 - Girls Track Championship @ Burger
Each week, we will recognize our fellow Hornets who exemplify our campus-wide values and who have been MEETING and EXCEEDING our campus-wide expectations. We are ALL working hard each day to show each other and our school community kindness, respect, loyalty and safety. Here are this week's salutes.
From Ms. Lorenz: Olivia Gatlin is a leader even amongst the other students in the Student Council. I can always count on her to accomplish any task with thoroughness and efficiency. She is always respectful and is a model student. Thank you for everything you do!
From Ms. Devall, Mr. Hinojosa & Mr. Shettron: Kealing Advanced Bands (Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble) Thank you for all of your hard work this UIL season. The directors are extremely proud of your hard work and dedication to excellence. Thank you for keeping the legacy of success strong in our school by showing loyalty to our band program, each other, and the school community. Let's finish the school year on a “high note”.
From Ms. Payan: Jessica Arce is a natural leader in ELAR class and she leads by example by always participating in class discussions and producing excellent written work. You are amazing, Jessica!
Congratulations to this week's Stinger Salute recipients!!!
Kealing teachers will be teaching the Human Sexuality & Responsibility curriculum in May. You can find more information on the content covered or family resources, visit Austin ISD's Human Sexuality & Responsibility website.
Our science teachers will send out permission slips this week and request that your student return them by May 3, 2024.
The solar eclipse is finally here. Our dedicated science team has designed engaging lessons that focus on the science behind the eclipse, as well as safety precautions for observing it. We have secured enough eclipse glasses for all students and staff.
If your family has plans and you know your child WILL NOT be in attendance, please complete this form. Completing this form does not excuse your student's attendance but will help us plan for the event.
Please be aware that the school office will be closed from 1:10 PM to 1:50 PM to allow office staff to participate in the eclipse viewing alongside the students and staff. If you are choosing to pick up your child that day, we ask that you pick them up between 10:30 am-12:00 pm. For additional safety measures, parents will not be allowed to take their children home directly from the event so please plan accordingly.
All AISD bus routes will run on normal schedule on Monday April 8, Eclipse day. Due to the higher volume of traffic expected in Austin, our afternoon bus routes may have delays. Families are encouraged to use the parents app located on our website https://www.austinisd.org/transportation to monitor the arrival time of their buses to their stops.
What a blast it was celebrating Assistant Principal and Librarian Appreciation Week! From notes of gratitude to surprise treats and flowers, our school community truly showed their appreciation. Even our amazing students joined in on the fun, making it a week filled with smiles, laughter, and a whole lot of appreciation!
We are rapidly approaching the April 19 deadline to drop High School credit courses (not Algebra I). If your student is taking World Language (Spanish, Latin, French, German, or Japanese) Geometry, Algebra II, or CTE (Principles of Arts/AV, Digital Media, Principles of Applied Engineering, Fundamental of Computer Science, and Introduction to Culinary Arts) courses and considering dropping the class, please have them speak with their teacher and counselor prior to the April 19 deadline.
7th grade - Sharon Franklin - sharon.c.franklin@austinisd.org
8th grade - Alex Felan - alejandro.felan@austinisd.org
More great news for Kealing Students! Texas PTA received over 800 Reflections entries for state-level judging, and two Kealing students have been awarded.
Cora Truskett received Honorable Mention in the category Middle School Visual Arts for "Rain" from the Austin ISD Council of PTAs
Ellis Paul Reddam received an Award of Excellence in the category Middle School Literature for "Change is Coming"
Congratulations to the Kealing Mathcounts team who is the champion of the 2024 state competition hosted on March 23rd under the coaching of Dr. Hui Quan. Holding the title of Texas' state champion marks a milestone in Kealing's history after a few years of hiatus from Mathcounts. The team members include Vincent Wang (8th), Hyun-Jin Kim (8th), Ethan Gu (8th), and Zihan Mao (7th). Additionally, one of the members, Vincent, will be advancing to Nationals as part of Texas's state team after placing 3rd for his individual performance out of more than 200 mathletes who qualified for the state round.
Our Tennis student-athletes had a great showing in both singles and doubles matches against Murchison Middle School last week.
This week, the team travels to Bowie High School to take on Bailey on Thursday, April 11 starting at 6:00 pm.
We are off this week, before returning to action on April 18th at Lamar Middle School.
The 8th grade formal will be Saturday May 4th from 6-8pm. The theme is "Night in the City" and it is a formal dance (strongly suggested but not required).
In order to make this accessible for all our 8th graders to enjoy, Student Council is also hosting a formal wear drive! If you have any formal wear that your kid has outgrown or just isn't interested in wearing anymore, please consider donating. New or gently used formal wear of any size will be accepted. Students can drop off donations in 223 or to me in 217 anytime between now and April 26th. Our students in need will have first dibs on the donations but afterwards we will open it up to the rest of the campus to make sure all the donated clothes get to be appreciated by a new owner.
Lastly, we will not be selling tickets during lunch like we typically do. Instead, wristbands will be distributed to 8th grade advisories on Friday, May 3rd. The wristbands will be given to all 8th graders who are eligible to attend, but we are asking for a $5 suggested donation from those families who are able to do so. While this is not meant as a fundraiser, we will be spending a good chunk of Student Council funds on this and are hoping to recoup some of the cost.
Additional information (volunteer sign up, concession information and activities) will be posted as soon as we have it available!
- Join us for a Kealing Family Meetup on Sunday, April 28th from 4:00-6:00pm at Central Market (4001 N Lamar Blvd). This will be a fun opportunity to mingle and welcome our incoming 6th grade families. Let’s meet at the picnic tables next to the playground. This event will just be families, no administrators, and this is not a drop-off event. All Kealing families are welcome.
The 2024 Latino Academic Achievement Awards ceremony will be held in person at the AISD Performing Arts Center. Please save the date for April 19, 2024 6 p.m. This event recognizes latino student accomplishments and community members who have supported AISD’s Latino students, schools or district programs while promoting Latino culture.
A reminder that students will not attend classes on April 10, 2024 for the observance of Eid al-Fitr. Eid al Fitr is a three day holiday that ends the Islamic month of Ramadan and is one of Islam’s two major religious holidays. Eid al-Fitr means "Festival of breaking fast." Families who observe Eid al-Fitr will celebrate with family and food after the end of a long fast, engaging in prayer and other traditions. If you would like to learn more about this important holiday, please review these resources:
Eid al-Fitr- This short video from PBS Learning Media provides an explanation and overview of this holiday. This resource also includes short readings about Eid al-Fitr and how it is celebrated.
Eid ul-Fitr- BBC Teach offers a collection of resources for use with students in grades K-12.
Learning about Eid al-Fitr- NYC Public Schools shares a collection of resources and visuals about this holiday.
April is International and National Autism Acceptance Month. Autism refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech, and communication.
In honor of Autism Acceptance month, families, community members, and staff are invited to attend a three-part, virtual learning series focused on Autism hosted by VELA.