McClure Messages
Nov 4 - 8 and 11 - 15
Happy November! This month at McClure we look forward to celebrating Veterans at our assembly on Nov. 11 and later that same week we have the opportunity to hear the LT choirs perform for us. Photo retakes are also coming up soon, along with our fall activity photos. Those upcoming dates are all listed below for your reference.
Later in the month we hope you will join us for Parent Teacher conferences either in-person on Monday, Nov 25 or virtually on Tuesday, Nov 26. Please take a look below for sign-up information.
Veteran's Day
Today is the last day to submit a photo or RSVP for our Veteran's Day Assembly. We invite all honorees to attend a welcome reception on November 11th at 9:30AM and then stay to be honored at our All School Assembly at 10:00AM here at McClure. All honorees are welcome to bring one guest to attend as well.
Review 360 screener
As is our annual practice, next week students in grades 6-8 will complete the Review 360 social-emotional screener. It is a short questionnaire that is used to help identify students who may be at risk of internalizing social-emotional issues. This brief screener will be administered in classrooms with teachers. As also is our practice, we will follow-up with students and families as necessary.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conference sign up is open! Please see the letter here for all the details if you missed the stand alone email last week.
Conference sign-up CLOSES at Noon on Friday Nov 22
8th Grade Parents
The LT November 13th Kick-off event is coming up soon. If you missed the recent email about the event, you can find that HERE.
Other helpful links from LT:
- Class of 2029 Fridge Sheet
- Class of 2029 webpage - this website will always contain all email communications sent out to incoming families.
Yearbook items
8th grade Baby Bulldog photos
The McClure Yearbook Club would like to welcome 8th grade parents/guardians to send in a baby or toddler picture of your graduating Bulldog to be featured in the yearbook!
- Photos can be originals, scanned copies, or digital copies and must be emailed to mfumarolo@d101.org
- Photos should be .jpg or .png files
- Please write your Bulldog's first and last name in your email. Without a name, the photo will not be featured in the yearbook.
- Photos will be cropped to be square so keep that in mind as you select a picture to submit!
- Pictures are due Friday, December 6th
Ordering this year's yearbook
Memories may fade, but yearbooks can last a lifetime!
Order your Bulldog's 2024-2025 yearbook now on TreeRing using McClure's access link:
Counselor's Corner
This past month we have spent time talking to students about rude, mean, and bullying behavior in honor of National Bully Prevention Month. On October 16th we celebrated Unity Day at McClure. Students were encouraged to wear orange to school. Unity Day is a signature event of National Bully Prevention Month. The goal is to raise awareness about bullying and unite for kindness, acceptance and inclusion. Our Unity Club helped to coordinate the event. In an effort to help kids feel accepted and included it is also important to talk with them about peer pressure and how to handle uncomfortable situations that may arise especially when in groups. Oftentimes being influenced by friends can cause kids to not make the best decisions which could lead to others being left out and feeling excluded. How do we help our kids recognize this and avoid the negative impact before the situation escalates? Below are some quick ways to help.
How to Say No to Peer Pressure
Know what's right. Trust your own feelings about what's right and wrong.
Have a friend who will stand with you. It can really help to have at least one other peer who is willing to say "No," too.
Help a friend.
Walk away.
Get advice from an adult.
Karen Beilfuss, School Counselor
Upcoming Dates
11/1/24 ........... Late Arrival Day
11/1/24 ........... Raise Right orders due
11/1/24 ........... Ice Cream Friday
11/5/24 ........... No School (Election Day)
11/7/24 ........... Bookfair
11/8/24 ........... Fall Activity Photos
11/8/24 ........... LT visit to 8th grade 10th periods
11/11/24 ........... Veteran's Day ceremony (@McClure) 10am
11/12/24 ........... 8th grade Band Festival at LTHS (7:30 LT Concert)
11/12/24 ........... 6th/7th/8th retake photo day
11/13/24 ........... CogAT testing - 6th grade - Students test during periods 1-3
11/13/24 ........... Parent Council meeting, 7pm
11/13/23 ........... LT Fall Kickoff event for Class of 2028
11/14/23........... LT Choirs visit (10am assembly)
11/15/24 ........... Fortnightly
11/18/24 ........... BOE meeting (6:15pm)
11/23/24 ........... Band and Orchestra ILMEA festival
11/25/24 ........... In Person Parent Teacher Conferences
11/26/24 ........... Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences
Helping Kids Navigate their Digital Life
McClure Dance Company
Please come and join us at the showcase of talent during our first McClure Dance Company shows!
Student Services Parents Night Out (repeat)
D101 Special Services Parents Night Out - This special event is held to introduce the parents of students that have special needs to one another. This opportunity is to help parents throughout the District connect in order to build community relationships and support. Please purchase tickets prior to Monday, November 11. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Fredericks-Tuzzolo, the Director of Student Services, at 708-485-2850 or D101 parent, Carrie Pinkham, at carrietruck@gmail.com.
A Word from WSFEE
Do you have a Big Idea and just don't know where to start? WSFEE is here to help - contact grants@wsfee.org and we can help you through the grant writing process. Grants help support everything from school and classroom libraries to STEM supplies to buddy benches and lunch tables. Remember to visit wsfee.org or follow WSFEE on Facebook or Instagram (@wsfee_d101) to hear about events, donations and sponsorship opportunities throughout the year.
Send a Note of Thanks
There is nothing that feeds a teacher's soul more than a thank you. If at any point you'd like to send a teacher or staff member a note of appreciation, this is one way to acknowledge the way they have positively impacted you or your child's experience at McClure. Click the button below to go to a quick form and the staff member will receive your note on a lovely digital stationary in their inbox.
Community News
Meal Packing Volunteer Event
A local family has hosted a charity meal packing event (like Feed My Starving Children) for 10 years. They work with an organization called Kids Around the World based in Rockford, IL and they provide mobile meal packing events in various locations around the country. For five years, they have hosted this event at McClure. After a two-year hiatus, it is back at McClure on November 23rd. Please click here for more information on how to volunteer for this event.
Presentation on Vaping - Sponsored by the Coalition for a Safe and Healthy Lyons Township
Join us on November 6th at LT’s South Campus Library for a FREE presentation from Dr. Aaron Weiner, PHD about vaping. The presentation will begin at 6:30 with Mr. Scott Eggerding sharing some local data with attendees. Dr. Weiner’s presentation will follow.
Please review the flier for specific information and use the QR code or this link to pre-register for the event. Pre-registration is preferred, but walk-in attendees are welcome.
Parking is available in the South Lot and entry is at the Library located right off the parking lot.
Resources for parents/guardians:
How to Talk to Kids About Vaping
How to Talk to Kids About Vaping (Spanish)
Vaping Resource Tips for Teens
Vaping Resource Tips for Teens (Spanish)
Vaping Misperceptions (Spanish)
Link to the FDA Vaping Prevention and Education Resource Center. This video shows how to use the website which has links and resources for teachers, parents, and students.
Contact Us
McClure Junior High
4225 Wolf Road
Western Springs, IL 60558
Main Office Phone Number: (708) 246-7590
Office Fax Number: (708) 246-4370
Attendance Email: mjhattendance@d101.org
Principal Laura Broadnax: lbroadnax@d101.org
Assistant Principal Thomas Sturm: tsturm@d101.org