The Wildcat
August 5th-August 9th
- Registration Information
- Back To School Night information
- Arrival and Dismissal
Dates To Know
Monday, August 5th-Registration opens in RDS
Tuesday, August 13rd-Back To School Night
Wednesday, August 14th-First Day of School for students!
Registration Information:
Parents are able to register their child online IF they are returning students to Johnston. Please see our website ( under “Registration Information” for further instructions and necessary forms. You can access supply lists here as well. For those new to Highland or who have a new address, we will be open for registration each day 8am-3pm.
Back to School Night
There will be a Back To School Night on Tuesday, August 13th. This will give parents and students a chance to meet their teacher and see where their classroom is before the first day of school.
There will be three sessions to choose from to help alleviate the crowd. The schedule will be as follows:
6:00-6:25pm - K-5
6:30-6:55 - K-5
7:00-7:25 - K-5
Arrival Procedures
Doors open for students at 7:35 a.m. daily. Students who eat breakfast at school will be allowed entry beginning at 7:20 a.m. Anyone arriving after 7:50 a.m. will need to buzz and come into the main office to sign in.
Cars will enter the parking lot off Duluth Street (right turn only) and follow the curve to drop off students. Please pull up as far as you can and drop all your students off at one time. Have your children ready with their backpacks, lunch money, hugs, and kisses, so that when you stop they may exit the car quickly, and we can keep the drop-off line moving. The line can become backed up onto Duluth Street very quickly which causes safety issues for our parents, as well as other drivers.
Please drop off curbside only. Avoid dropping children off where they have to cross the street, this is extremely dangerous. It will be your responsibility to cross them if you choose to do this.
Please be mindful of other drivers and walkers. We know many of you have to get to work, and we want all children to be able to enter the building safely and on time.
Doors C and B will be utilized for entrance as usual.
5th graders and Mrs. Torres's class will use Door G.
Dismissal Procedures
Grade K will exit through door J (FIVE minutes before the rest of the grade levels)
Grade 1 will exit through door C (main doors)
Grade 2 will exit through door B
Grade 3 will exit through door J
Grade 4 will exit through door I
Grade 5 and Mrs. Torres's class will exit through door G
Bus riders will exit through door J (a few minutes prior to the remainder of the school being dismissed where the buses will be waiting).
Cars may enter the parking lot off Duluth Street and follow the curve to pick up or park in the parking lot to walk up to get students.
We would like to thank you in advance for your cooperation as we strive to keep our Johnston families safe.
Breakfast and Lunch Information
Breakfast is $1.50
Lunch is $2.00
Johnston Elementary - Highland's Shining North Star
How to get a hold of me:
Location: 8220 5th Street, Highland, IN, United States
Phone: 219.923.2428
Twitter: @harrington_jn