Sunset Express
November 22, 2024
Sunset Lake Elementary, PreK-5th Grade Building
At Sunset Lake, We are Lifelong Learners and Lifelong Leaders.
Principal Amie McCaw
Email: amccaw@vicksburgschools.org
Website: Vicksburgcommunityschools.org
Location: 201 N Boulevard St, Vicksburg, MI, United States
Phone: (269)321-1500
Twitter: @TLIMPrincipal
Thankful & Grateful
Hello Sunset Lake Families,
Thank you for a successful set of fall conferences. We always appreciate having our families in the building and partnering in the success of your child's education.
Your voice and insight is needed. We really want to hear from YOU. In today's Skylert I shared our Family Survey link again--please take some time to complete the survey if at all possible. The results of this survey helps us with our School Improvement goals and how to help us grow.
Habit #2-- Creating plans and goals is what Habit #2 Begin with the End in Mind is all about. Our grade levels have set Wildly Important Goals (WIGS) and students help track them. I have included more information below about Habit #2.
Family Lighthouse:
Our Family Lighthouse met this morning and we were able to discuss some great ideas. The team will be helping us with a Literacy Leader Night in March. More details soon! Our Family Lighthouse will also be helping us with our family survey results-- please be sure to get this survey completed so we can review the results next month.
Bulldog Dads:
Bulldog Dads is a volunteer group of fathers and father figures dedicated to enhancing the educational experience at Sunset Lake Elementary. Volunteers will spend quality time with students, fostering connections that promote positive male role models. This initiative not only encourages family engagement but also contributes to a safe and supportive school environment.
If you are interested in participating in this group of Dad and Dad Figure volunteers you can reach out to Erik Schoof at erik@postcardgr.com.
Student Stewardship:
Yahoo!! We surpassed our goals for both our Peanut Butter Drive and Hurricane Relief donations.
Thank you Sunset Lake for teaching our students the importance of giving back and helping those in need when we can.
PTSO News:
The third Tuesday of the month our PTSO meets in our Sunset Library at 5:30. Our next meeting is scheduled for November 19th 5:30 in our Sunset Lake library.
Yours in Learning,💕
Amie McCaw
Sunset Lake Elementary Principal
November 27-29, 2024 - Thanksgiving Break
December 13, 2024 - Half Day; 12:15 Dismissal
December 23-January 3 - Winter Break
Family Survey
Last Friday our Family survey was sent out and we will be looking at gathering as many responses this first half of November. If you have not already done so, PLEASE take the time to complete our survey.
Your voices matter!!!
Click on link below
UPDATE: Sunset Lake Helping the Community Locally and Nationally
Donation Total to the Red Cross: $285.27
Donation Total to Generous Hands: 792
Thank you all so much!!!
Rising Stars Boys Basketball
Attention 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th grade boys!
The Vicksburg Youth Basketball Fundamental Program, Future Stars, starts January 6th!
Registration opens December 3rd at 9am
Limited spaces available!
Visit the Community Education tab of our website or scan here to register. https://vicksburgschools.revtrak.net/rw-community-education/
Spaces will fill up fast!
Cost is $60 and includes a reversible jersey.
Games run Saturdays January 18th to February 22 at various locations in the Greater Kalamazoo area.
Practices start January 6th, twice a week at a VCS school.
BenJammin Holiday Concert - November 23 at 10:30am
Join the Vicksburg District Library and the famous musician, BenJammin, for a Holiday Sing-along Concert at 10:30am on Saturday, November 23 at the VIcksburg District Library! This FREE concert for children and families takes place in the library's lower level. This is a great way to start your holiday spirit!
Healthy Habits for Students
Things to Keep in Mind:
When sending in snacks, please refrain from high added sugar snacks and highly processed foods if possible. Lunches with high protein and low sugar are best. Refrain from sending in soda-pop as a drink and remember that water bottles are allowed to be filled with water only.
Mobile Food Initiative - distributions
Updated food distribution sites and times
Attendance Code Changes
Always Report Your Child's Absences
To help us ensure that we are aligned with our 6-12 district attendance policies our elementary schools have adopted new attendance codes this year. Please see the graphic below.
This will change in which your child's attendance is recorded.
*Also--please note, that if your family is planning a vacation or your child will be missing multiple days of school for an event, we require families to complete our building's leave form to help your child's teacher to be informed of missed school days and to help determine work to be made up.
Complete your School Meal Form
Complete Your School Meal Form Today! Time is running out!
Even though all meals are free for the 2024-25 school year, other education benefits provided to the district are determined each year based on the information provided in School Meal Forms.
These are very important benefits you can help make sure our students get, simply by filling out the Education Benefits Form.
Scan the QR code or visit our website today: https://www.vicksburgschools.org/departments/food-service/
December Lunch Menu
Drop Off and Pick-Up Directions
Click on the link for the 2024-25 Drop Off and Pick Up Directions.
Bulldog Lacrosse
Device Free Dinner
2024/2025 District Calendar
Here is our District Calendar. Feel free to visit https://www.vicksburgschools.org/parent-links/calendars/ to get a view of the calendar that you prefer. You can also find important dates for upcoming school years as well.
MET - Michigan Education Trust
Michigan Education Trust (MET) is Michigan's 529 prepaid tuition savings program, allows parents, grandparents, businesses, and others to pre-purchase a child's future college tuition.
Find out more by clicking on the link below.