Hawthorne Happenings

Hawthorne Happenings
November 11th Veterans Day School Closed
November 12th Elementary PTA Meeting 7:30 p.m. CES
November 14th Family Math Night 6:30 p.m. HES
November 15th Turkey Bingo CES 5:30 and 7:00 p.m.
November 17th Turkey Trot WHS
November 22nd Picture Retake Day
November 27th HES Portrait of a Learner Spirit Day: Wear Red for Empathy
November 27th Dismissal at 11:55 a.m.
November 28th and 29th Thanksgiving Recess School Closed
Thank You Veterans
As part of Art Enrichment with Ms. Mancini, students in Ms. Biagiotti and Ms. Fennell's class created a banner to thank our veterans for their sacrifice and dedication. During morning announcements, Hawthorne recognized our veterans who gave their time and service to keep us safe.
STEM Lab with Ms. Aboulenein
We have been busy enjoying fall themed learning in the STEM lab! Before Halloween, all classes participated in Halloween themed STEM activities. Kindergarten students enjoyed the "Five Little Pumpkins" challenge, first grade had fun doing the "Creepy Carrots" challenge and second grade loved the "Candy Corn Bottle Flipping" experiment!
We are now learning about pumpkins! After the pumpkin patch event last week hosted by our wonderful PTA, we collected the leftover pumpkins and brought them to the STEM lab. Each class made a prediction about what they think will happen to their pumpkin over the next few months. We then read the book Pumpkin Jack by Will Hubbell and learned that pumpkins go through a very interesting life cycle. We learned important vocabulary such as decompose or rot, mold, vine and much more.
Each class then made their own Pumpkin Jack! We carved a pumpkin and explored the parts, touching the fibrous strands, seeds, pulp, rind, ribs and stem! We placed some pumpkins outside to watch them decompose and we kept some pumpkins inside the room to rot in a jar. Additionally, we planted some of the seeds under the plant light and are already seeing sprouts! We are eager to watch our pumpkins decompose and grow into new pumpkin plants soon! It is so neat that nature has its own way of recycling! Thank you to the HES PTA for these pumpkins!
Our HES community will be collecting items to make snack bags to donate to Feeding Westchester, feedingwestchester.org. We are asking that each family send in 1 package of items, between November 6th - November 18th.
Our students will be assembling the items into quart sized Ziploc bags and creating cards prior to Thanksgiving. This is an excellent hands-on opportunity for our students to understand what it means to help others in our community.
Items must have nutrition facts and ingredients on labels, be nut-free and newly purchased. In addition all items must be nut-free. We cannot accept any glass containers or items past the “best by” date. Thank you for your support!
Kindergarten: 1 package of snack size pretzels, snack size veggie chips, or snack size teddy grahams.
Grade 1: 1 package of breakfast bars or snack size crackers
Grade 2: 1 package of juice boxes or juice pouches
Portrait of a Learner Focus for November: Empathy
Our Portrait of a Mount Pleasant Learner focus for November is Empathy. When we are empathetic, we understand and share the feelings of others as if they were our own. We can also see things from different points of view. As part of character education, students will learn to recognize and understand the feelings of others and see things from their point of view.
Ways to support developing Empathy at home:
Ask your child to use a feelings word when having a conversation.
Ask your child to consider how someone else feels in a situation. It is great to do this with characters in the books you are reading together.
Engage in role-playing focused on identifying and sharing thoughts and feelings.
When there is a family disagreement, work through it together, noticing and naming the different points of view.
PJ Family Math Night
1. Please do not send in Halloween candy. Please do not send your child to school with food containing nuts or sunflower seeds. Thank you for working together to keep our kids safe.
2. Please have your photo identification when you visit Hawthorne.
3. Please use School Dismissal Manager to report your child's attendance information ( absences, late arrivals, leaving early). Please do not email the teacher or call the office regarding attendance.
PTA Corner
Picture retake day is scheduled for November 22nd. Please use the link below to register for picture retakes.
Sharing Our Cultures
We are looking for volunteers for our annual Multicultural Fair. This a great opportunity to share your heritage and learn about other cultures. Please use the QR code below to sign up.