Cavalier Community Connection
January 2025

Cell Phone Policy
Club Days for 2nd Semester
Second Semester Club Days will be held on:
January 31
February 28
March 21
April 17
Registration will be open the week of January 20.
Attendance Information
- Attendance is taken everyday per class.
- A student with 8 or more absences may be denied credit for class.
- An attendance waiver is REQUIRED if a student misses more than 8 days in a class regardless of excused/unexcused.
- If waiver is denied, the student must write a letter of appeal to Mrs. Mast.
- For more information please click here for the BCPS Attendance Policy.
Phone: 540-966-8669
Email: jmcconnaughey@bcps.k12.va.us
Virtual Appointments and School
If your child has a virtual appointment (counseling, doctor, etc) please notify the school in advance so we can make proper arrangements.
Study Lab Schedule
School Counseling Office
Schedule Changes
Students who need to change their schedule should email their counselor by Thursday, Jan. 16th. The deadline for changes is Friday, Jan. 17th.
*No elective changes are allowed
Dual Enrollment Fees
Attention Students Taking Dual Enrollment Classes in the 2nd Semester:
All dual enrollment (DE) fees must be paid by Friday, January 17, 2025, to ensure you receive credit for your DE class.
Please bring your payment (cash or checks) to the counseling office. Don't miss this important deadline!
Scholarship Information for Seniors
Scholarship season has begun. Check back weekly for updates!
Summer Bridge Women in STEM Program
The Radford University Summer Bridge Women In STEM program is an exciting way for rising high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors to engage with science and technology. Students have a chance to participate in fun experiments, learn some basics and beyond in many different fields, and make great friendships. It is a FREE week-long, residential, hands-on opportunity.
See more information posted in your student's Google Classroom!
LBHS School Counselors with Alphabet Breakdown
Salena Dewease (A-D): sdewease@bcps.k12.va.us
Lindsay Haniewich (E-K): lhaniewich@bcps.k12.va.us
Paul Craft (L-R) : kcraft@bcps.k2.va.us
Jenna Drumheller (S-Z) : jdrumheller@bcps.k12.va.us
Megan DeHart (SAPP Counselor): mdehart@bcps.k12.va.us
Yearbook Information
Yearbooks are on sale for $75. You can reserve your 2025 yearbook by purchasing it at www.yearbooksonsale.com. Please order soon before they sell out. The yearbooks will be available to pick up on the summer business days. Thank you!
Yearbook Senior Ads
Yearbook Senior Ad Order Form
To reserve yearbook space, please be sure you respond by Friday, January 10th. Order forms are outside room 114.