The Ram Review
September 2, 2024
MAP Testing Continues This Week
Ram Families,
Important updates in this newsletter:
MAP testing continues Tuesday in their Science classes. Please remind your child to charge their Chromebook the night before the test and encourage them to bring their charger to school as a precaution.
Students received their ID badge, lanyard, and badge protector when their picture was taken. Plano ISD policy states that all students must wear an ID card during the school day. Please help us remind your students to bring it each day. Students will be required to wear temporary badges this year if they leave it at home. This will start later this week.
Lost ID badges will need to be replaced and will be a $5.00 fee. Please look for the Lost Badge QR code around the school if you lost your badge (yes, it has already happened).
Students absent for picture day will have a chance to get their student ID during picture make-up day on Monday, September 16, 2024.
Read further for more news and updates in this Ram Review!
Natalie Bauerkemper
Wilson Middle School
Important Dates at a Glance
Monday, September 2, 2024 - Labor Day Holiday (No School)
Tuesday, September 3 - Thursday, September 5, 2024 - Science MAP Testing
Thursday, September 5 - Friday, September 6, 2024 - MAP Testing Make-ups
Monday, September 16, 2024 - Picture Retakes
Monday, September 16, 2024 - Plano ISD College and Career Night
Wednesday, September 18, 2024 - Fall Open House
October 14 - October 18, 2024 - Student Holiday (No School)
MAP Testing Continues This Week
Dear Parent/Guardian,
We are excited to announce that students at Wilson Middle School will soon participate in the MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) Growth assessment. This important test is designed to help us understand your student's academic progress and guide their learning throughout the school year.
What is the MAP Growth Test?
The MAP Growth test is an adaptive assessment that measures your student's proficiency in key subjects such as reading, math, and science. Unlike traditional standardized tests, MAP Growth adapts to each student's learning level by adjusting the difficulty of questions based on their responses. This provides a more accurate picture of what your student knows and what they are ready to learn next. You may find more family resources on the NWEA MAP Family Toolkit webpage at https://www.nwea.org/family-toolkit/.
Why is the MAP Growth Test important?
MAP Growth results allow us to identify your student's strengths and areas for improvement. Teachers use these results to tailor their instruction to meet the needs of individual students, ensuring that every student is appropriately challenged and supported. Additionally, these results help track your student's academic growth over time, providing valuable insights for teachers and parents.
When will the MAP Growth Test be administered?
WIlson Middle School will be administering the MAP Growth test to all students during the upcoming dates:
Reading MAP Test → August 26-28, 2024
Math and Algebra MAP Test → August 28-30, 2024
Science MAP Test → September 3-5, 2024
Make-up Session → Sept. 5-6, 2024
How can you support your student?
Ensure Rest and Nutrition - Make sure your student gets a good night’s sleep and a healthy breakfast on testing days.
Device Preparation - Kindly remind your child to charge their Chromebook the night before the test and encourage them to bring their charger to school as a precaution.
Electronics Policy - To prevent any testing violations, teachers will collect cell phones and other electronic devices during the testing period. If you prefer, your child can leave these items at home on testing days to simplify the process.
Bring a Book - After completing the test, your child might have some extra time. Encourage them to bring a book along to read once the test is done.
Reinforce a Positive Attitude - Encourage your student to approach the test with confidence and a positive mindset.
Discuss the Test - Let your student know that this test is just one of the many ways we assess their learning, and it's an opportunity to show what they know.
Thank you for your continued support in helping your student achieve their full potential! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Keith Evetts, Wilson Assistant Principal, @ keith.evetts@pisd.edu or (469) 752-6711.
Natalie Bauerkemper
Estimados padres de familia o tutores,
Nos complace anunciar que los estudiantes de Wilson Middle School pronto participarán en la evaluación de crecimiento MAP (Medidas de Progreso Académico). Esta importante prueba está diseñada para ayudarnos a entender el progreso académico de su estudiante y guiar su aprendizaje a lo largo del año escolar.
¿Qué es la Prueba de Crecimiento MAP?
La prueba MAP Growth es una evaluación adaptativa que mide la competencia de su estudiante en materias clave como lectura, matemáticas y ciencias. A diferencia de los exámenes estandarizados tradicionales, el MAP Growth se adapta al nivel de aprendizaje de cada alumno ajustando la dificultad de las preguntas en función de sus respuestas. Esto proporciona una imagen más precisa de lo que su alumno sabe y de lo que está preparado para aprender a continuación. Puede encontrar más recursos para las familias en la página web de NWEA MAP Family Toolkit en https://www.nwea.org/family-toolkit/.
¿Por qué es importante la Prueba de Crecimiento MAP?
Los resultados de MAP Growth nos permiten identificar los puntos fuertes y las áreas de mejora de su alumno. Los maestros utilizan estos resultados para adaptar su instrucción a las necesidades de cada estudiante, asegurándose de que cada estudiante reciba el reto y el apoyo adecuados. Además, estos resultados ayudan a realizar un seguimiento del crecimiento académico de su estudiante a lo largo del tiempo, proporcionando información valiosa para los profesores y los padres de familia.
¿Cuándo se administrará la Prueba de Crecimiento MAP?
Wilson Middle School administrará la prueba de crecimiento MAP a los estudiantes durante las siguientes fechas:
Prueba MAP de Lectura → August 26-28, 2024
Prueba MAP de Matemáticas o Álgebra → September 3-5, 2024
Prueba MAP de Ciencias → September 3-5, 2024
Make-up Session → Sept. 5-6, 2024
¿Cómo puede apoyar a su estudiante?
Asegure el descanso y una buena nutrición - Asegúrese de que su estudiante duerma bien y tome un desayuno saludable en los días de exámenes.
Refuerce una actitud positiva - Anime a su estudiante a abordar la prueba con confianza y una mentalidad positiva.
Hable sobre el examen - Hágale saber a su estudiante que este examen es sólo una de las muchas formas en que evaluamos su aprendizaje, y es una oportunidad para demostrar lo que sabe.
Gracias por su continuo apoyo para ayudar a su estudiante a alcanzar su máximo potencial. Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, comuníquese con Keith Evetts @ keith.evetts@pisd.edu or (469) 752-6711.
Natalie Bauerkemper
Great Job 6th and 7th Grade!
Last week at lunch, we found that fewer than 10 students in both 6th and 7th grades were without their ID badges! We’re excited to reward you later this semester. Just a reminder: PISD policy requires all students in grade 6 and above to wear their ID badges. Thank you for setting a great example and showing what it means to be a Ram!
Wilson Yearbooks on Sale Now!
📣 Yearbooks on Sale NOW! 📣
Don't miss out on the best price of the year for your 2025 yearbook! For just $40, you can secure your copy and get FOUR FREE ICONS when you add personalization.
Act fast—this incredible offer won’t last long! Plus, with Jostens’ convenient payment plan, it's never been easier to lock in this deal.
Order today and ensure you have a keepsake to cherish forever! ✨📚
Wilson Open House - Wednesday, September 16th
September 3, 2024
Dear Wilson Parents/Guardians:
We invite you to attend our Fall Open House on Wednesday, September 18th. The doors will open at 5:30 PM so that you can attend the PTA General Meeting (Cafeteria) prior to the start of the Open House schedule. We ask that you be seated in your student’s 1st period class at 6:00 PM where we will watch a brief Title I Parent Information Video before starting.
You may look at your student's schedule on your phone or bring a copy with you to the Open House. If students attend, they are expected to remain with parents throughout the evening.
This evening is planned as a time for you to familiarize yourself with your child’s schedule and hear important information about each class. If an individual conference with the teacher is desired, parents may schedule an appointment for a separate time with the teacher.
Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to seeing you Wednesday, September 18th.
Natalie Bauerkemper
Plano Senior Future Wildcat Clinic
Reporting Student Absences in Skyward
Yearbook Picture Retakes - September 16, 2024
Plano ISD College and Career Night
A QR code will be available in the cafeteria this week for students who wish to sign up for a locker. When signing up, students can indicate their preferred locker location, and we will do our best to accommodate their requests.
Mrs. Martin will be calling down students over the next two weeks to assign lockers. We appreciate your patience as we roll out this new process, which hasn't been in place since before COVID.
Please remind your students that having a locker does not grant extra time during passing periods. It would be helpful for them to practice unlocking combination locks at home to avoid frustration.
7th Grade Volleyball Schedule
8th Grade Volleyball Schedule
8th Grade Football Schedule
7th Grade Football Schedule
Information For Girls Pre-Athletics
Capital One Coders Club
Plano ISD After School Coding Club Supported by Capital One Volunteers
This is an 11 week commitment with attendance expected weekly. Professionals from Capital One are sharing part of their workday with Plano ISD students.
Capital One Coders will offer an after school coding club through the Plano ISD Computer Science Program for Wilson Middle School students starting September 12, 2024. Interested students will need to complete a Google form to request to participate. There are 20 guaranteed spots with a waitlist for possible additional spots.
Have you ever wanted to create your own website or app? Coders is designed to teach you about Computer Science through a virtual classroom and hands-on learning. Capital One mentors will teach you the basics of programming while challenging you to put your skills to the test with real-world examples. By the time the program is over, you will have built your own website! No experience required! Snacks will be provided.
Past students have loved our program, and we hope you will too!
Plano ISD after school coding club sessions will be held in room K 212 the following Thursdays from 3:55 p.m. - 5:25 p.m.
● Start Date: Thursday 9/12/2024
● End Date: Thursday 11/21/2024
● Skip Dates: 10/17, 11/28
● Culmination Event: Thursday 12/5/2024
Students will use computers in the computer lab. The club will meet in room E107 after school. See the above dates and time. By signing up to participate in this after school coding club, you agree to participate in all eleven sessions.
No prior programming experience is needed.
To request participation in this program, please complete this application and parent permission form by Friday, August 30, 2024. Students should have parent(s) permission prior to completing the form.
Questions about this program should be directed to Don King at don.king@pisd.edu.
Information Worth Repeating Below
Important Information About Safety and Security
Please review the notice below from our Safety & Security team:
Cell Phone / Electronics Policy
During the school day, students are prohibited from having their cell phones, earbuds, or any other personal electronic devices visible. We kindly request that these items remain concealed in their backpacks. Once students are dismissed to their 1st period classes, they will be reminded to put away their devices. To ensure everyone is aware, we will reinforce this procedure the first few days of school. We encourage you to have a conversation with your child regarding this policy before the school year starts.
*NEW* Bell Schedules
To accommodate the district's addition of 5 minutes to each school day, we have revised our bell schedule. Starting this fall, we will have a Monday-Thursday schedule and a separate schedule for Fridays.
The new Friday schedule allows for more flexibility, enabling us to meet in smaller groups, foster collaboration, and build connections as a whole school community. Additionally, this revised schedule provides opportunities for increased collaboration with our feeder high schools and senior high schools, promoting a stronger sense of continuity and cooperation across our educational community.
Wilson Bell Schedule (Monday - Thursday)
Wilson Bell Schedule (Friday)
Celebrate your Student's Birthday!
Ram Families,
***You will have the option to pay in Rycor beginning on August 13th.***
Celebrate your child's birthday and support Wilson at the same time! Pay $25 for your child's name to be posted on the marquee during their birthday week (Monday - Sunday). The student's first name, last initial and birthdate will display on the marquee. We will also either shout out your student over the school announcements or during lunch time over the microphone!
*If the marquee is not working, which is rare, their name will display the next working day.
Complete the details below and submit payment at least two weeks prior to the Monday of your child's birthday week.
Step 1: Complete this Google Form
Step 2: Make payment of $25.00 (You will have an option to pay beginning on August 13th)
Credit Card only: Sign into your Child's RYCOR account: https://www.studentquickpay.com/pisd
Interested in Volunteering?
All volunteers (PISD staff volunteers, too) must create or update their application at plano.voly.org.
Wilson Middle School PTA
Hello Ram Families! Your Wilson PTA is open and ready for the 202-2025 school year!
Visit us at https://wilsonmiddleschoolpta.membershiptoolkit.com/ to get started on your back to school preparation. On our website, you can complete the following:
- Update your annual Parent/Student Info (including updating your student's current grade)
- Purchase your annual PTA Membership
- Subscribe to the PTA calendar & newsletter
Please visit https://www.pisd.edu/volunteer to complete your annual volunteer application/background check. Stay tuned for more information on volunteer opportunities at WMS.
School Meal Application
Free and Reduced Price
Plano ISD participates in the federal meal program, which provides free and reduced-price meals for students who qualify. Families who may qualify for meal benefits are encouraged to complete a federal meal application for the 2024-25 school year. Applications may be completed through SchoolCafé by logging in to your account, or by creating a new account.
Students who qualified for free or reduced-price meals at the end of last school year are eligible to participate at their current eligibility status for the first 30 operating days of the 2024-25 school year or until a new eligibility determination is made whichever comes first.
- In order for meal benefits to continue, a federal meal application for the 2024-25 school year must be completed.
- Students with no application on file after 30 operating days will return to full-paid eligibility status effective September 25, 2024.
- Households that have submitted a federal meal application for free or reduced-priced meals for the 2024-25 school year do not need to reapply.
- Households who wish to apply for free or reduced-priced meals will need to complete an online federal meal application for the current school year.
- Applications will be processed within 10 business days.
- Eligibility notification letters will be sent via email.
- If you have not received the letter in your inbox, please check your junk and spam folders.
New School Hours
Beginning in fall 2024, new school hours will be:
- Early Childhood Schools: Beaty, Isaacs & Pearson (full day): 7:55 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.
- Head Start (full day): 7:55 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.
- Pre-K (full day) at Elementary School Campuses: 7:40 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
- Elementary Schools: 7:40 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
- Middle Schools: 8:25 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.
- High/Senior High Schools: 9:05 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (note later start and end times)
- Plano ISD Academy High School: 9:20 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.
Important Announcement: Changes to Food Delivery at Wilson
In our ongoing efforts to ensure the safety and security of our students, we have made an important change to food delivery at Wilson. Effective immediately, Wilson will no longer accept third-party deliveries or food deliveries from services such as Uber Eats, DoorDash, or Grubhub.
We understand that sometimes students may need a meal or forgotten item brought to school. Parents and guardians are still welcome to personally bring food and drop it off for their students at the designated drop-off area.
Please note that any third-party deliveries that arrive at the school will be turned away, and the person who placed the order will be responsible for any associated fees or costs.
This policy change is driven by our commitment to maintaining a safe and secure environment for all students. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.
Boys and Girls Club - After School Program
Dear Wilson Rams,
We are excited to announce that Plano ISD and the Boys & Girls Clubs of Collin County (BGCCC) will continue their partnership and offer an after-school program at Wilson Middle School for the 2024-2025 school year. Through our partnership, your student will receive daily assistance with their homework, participate in fun enriching activities, and have access to test-taking strategies and skills that we are confident will increase their readiness for future college or career plans.
The program, called Club Reach, is only accepting 50 students who are in grades 6,7 or 8. Club Reach will be located at Wilson Middle School and will start immediately after school until 7:00pm daily. Students will receive daily snacks and be supervised and mentored by responsible and trained Boys & Girls Club staff members.
Typical after-school care, including Plano ISD’s PASAR program, cost upwards of $250 per month. However, this partnership allows an affordable rate of only $100/month plus an annual Boys & Girls Club membership fee of $20.00. Your Boys & Girls Club membership provides your student access to all of the programs and activities that the Club offers, including weekend programs, field trips, and special events.
Boys & Girls Clubs have a 160-year tradition of enabling all young people to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. Their vision is to “provide a world-class Club Experience that assures success is within reach of every young person who enters our doors, with all members on track to graduate from high school with a plan for the future, demonstrating good character and citizenship, and living a healthy lifestyle.” Furthermore, the Boys & Girls Club helps kids become their best selves on their paths to great futures. Focusing on six key areas, we: create Safe Places; provide caring Mentorship; meet youth Mental Health needs; bridge the Workforce Readiness gap; champion Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; and ensure our Youth Advocacy elevates issues impacting youth.
1. When does this program start? August 19, 2024
2. Is there transportation to bring my student home? No, parents will be responsible to transport students home everyday. Pickup time is 7pm.
3. What is the total cost of this program? Monthly payments of $100 can be made to the Boys and Girls Clubs of Collin County ($20 for annual membership fee). Limited scholarships are available.
4. How can I get more information or speak to someone from the Boys & Girls Club? For more information and to apply for membership go to www.bgccc.org/enroll. Or you can call our Plano Branch at 469-752-0001.
Bus Route Finder
2024-2025 School Supply List
7th and 8th Grade Athletics Information
Parents of Ram Athletes,
Please see the information below and complete the necessary forms in order for your son/daughter to compete in athletics for the upcoming school year:
- A student athlete must have all paperwork signed by a parent/guardian before he or she can participate in any physical activity.
- Medical History: This form now is on Rank One for the parents to complete online.
- Physical - uploaded by the parents. This form also needs to be dated after April 1, 2024.
- Use the following link to complete the required Rank One forms: https://planoisd.rankonesport.com/New/Home.aspx
Counseling Corner
Counseling assignments for the 2024 – 2025 school year:
6th Grade
Jasmine Hanks469-752-6716
7th Grade
Drew Obert
8th Grade
Cynthia Wilcox
Welcome Mrs. Hanks!
Please join us in welcoming Mrs. Hanks to the Wilson counseling team!
Moving Schools? Need records?
Our registrar returns from summer break on Tuesday, July 23rd. She will be happy to assist you once she is back in the office.
Wilson Middle School PTA
Ram Review - Available in Over 50 Languages
The Ram Community can translate the Ram Review newsletter into multiple languages. Please look at the top of the newsletter and click on translate. From there, you will be able to translate the newsletter in your preferred language.