SD Met Family Updates
One student at a time
September 16, 2024
Back to School Night! - Please complete SURVEY!
Thanks to everyone who joined us for Back to School Night! We had many families in attendance! See some pictures from the festive night below!
Also, here is a very SHORT survey that we would love for you to complete if you attended. Your voice helps us support you even better! Thank you!
Principal Fung welcomes Met Families
Class of 2025 Fundraiser
ASB Welcome Table
School News
MetUp - Club Rush!
Friday, September 27, will be our FIRST MetUp of 2024-2025! For all students and families new to the Met, MetUps are monthly schoolwide gatherings where we focus on community building and connect as a school in a different way than through traditional classes.
Please note that all community building days are REQUIRED days for students, and attendance is not optional. As part of our Big Picture model and our Met vision of supporting both academic and social-emotional learning, we intentionally schedule unique programs such as MetUps and Leaving to Learn days so that students are engaging in collaboration, community exploration, relationship-building, and learning opportunities that go beyond the core curriculum. Thank you for supporting your student in accessing the full Met experience!
October 4 - School Holiday
Mark your calendar: Friday, October 4, is a district non-instructional day, and the Met is closed.
Makeup Picture Day - Friday, October 18
For any students who missed our first Picture Day, our partners at Lifetouch Photography will be back on Friday, Oct. 18, to do makeup pictures. School photos are required for photo IDs and will be used in our Yearbook as well. Students who need their picture taken on Oct. 18 will need to dress appropriately and will have their picture taken in the Annex.
Save the date: Student Led Conferences - Oct. 9,10,11
As part of the Met's vision of personalized learning and family engagement, we host Student-Led Conferences (SLC) twice a year at the midpoint of each semester. Our Fall 2024 SLCs take place on Oct. 9, 10, and 11, which coincides with the release of student Progress Reports on Oct. 8. More information to follow!
College and Career
Sharp Rees-Stealy Healthcare Partnership
San Diego Met High School has partnered with Sharp Rees-Stealy to provide a unique internship opportunity for Met students. Up to five students per semester are partnered with a mentor in Sharp Rees-Stealy leadership. The mentor not only has students job shadow in leadership positions, but students will have opportunities to work in patient care spaces and network with medical providers in a variety of areas. This brand new program is the result of two years of planning between our school district and Sharp. Here's a peek at what our students have been doing so far this semester:
- Observing procedures in OB/GYN and urology
- Observing pediatric clinic at family care and will start OB/GYN
- Observing optometry and eye procedures. Will be moving to radiology
- Observing and practicing putting on casts, how doctors put Botox in a woman's bladder, hearing tests, removing cancer cells from skin and going into labs to see how tissues are tested for cancer.
As our partnership develops, the opportunities for our students are endless. Sharp is also committed to providing job opportunities for students once they are 18 and graduate from high school.
We are very fortunate to have this opportunity for our students at the Met. If you have any questions, please reach out to Gini Mann-Deibert, Internship Coordinator.
Work Permits
If your student is currently employed, they need a work permit. Applications are available online here, or can be picked up from Ms. Mann-Deibert's room. Permits must be signed by a parent/guardian and employers. If you have any questions, please email Ms. Mann-Deibert at
Parent/Guardian Support Needed!
Message from the SD Met Foundation
Hello Met Families!
I would like to share some info about the San Diego Met High School Foundation. We are the 501(c)3 fundraising group for the school and our board is made up of the following people:
Lindsay Speaker, president
David Speaker, vice president
Nicola Johnson, treasurer
Noha Jackson, secretary
Tabitha Kohmescher, member-at-large
Robert Fung, school principal
Our website is:
This year, we will meet at 5pm on the following Tuesdays:
9/17 (board meeting), 11/5 (general meeting), 1/28 (board meeting), 3/11 (general meeting), 5/13 (board meeting)
Board and general meetings are open to all Met families and faculty members. The Google Meet link:
Please join a meeting to learn more about the Foundation and how it supports hands-on learning opportunities, "leaving to learn" excursions, events like our Week of Welcome, and many other programs that allow us to create the kind of academic and cultural experience that distinguishes the Met!
To support our Foundation, Click here to donate any amount!
Thank you for your support!
Lindsay Speaker
Important Facts
FAQ: When do I keep my student home for illness?
Coming out of the Covid-19 years, it felt like you were supposed to keep your child home with the tiniest of symptoms, from sneezes to tummy aches. The good news is that isn't the case anymore! Our goal is to keep our students safe, keep dangerous infections out of the school, and still support your child in being present as much as possible.
There are some circumstances when we will send a child home from school or ask you to keep them home. First and foremost, if your child is very sick or your doctor says not to return to school, keep them home! Here are some of the situations that parents ask us about:
- Fever. A temperature over 100 degrees is considered a fever. If your child is wearing a hat or has been running around outside, have them uncover their head and cool off before taking their temperature. Please wait 24 hours after the fever has resolved without medication before sending them back to school! Any student with a fever at school will be sent home immediately.
- Vomiting. Vomiting is actually a normal bodily function that is designed to protect us. Many students will vomit when they smell something gross, run around in the hot sun, or eat too much in one sitting. We do not consider that a sign of infection and once they are feeling better, we will send them back to class. Please keep your child home if they vomit twice or more in a day, until they have stopped throwing up for 24 hours.
- Stomach ache or nausea. Without a fever or multiple bouts of vomiting, your child CAN attend school in this case. The most common cause of a stomach ache in school is a child who skipped a nutritious breakfast. Good news: We provide free breakfast at school! Otherwise, we encourage them to sip water slowly but frequently throughout the day, nibble on crackers or something easy to digest, and wash their hands frequently with soap and water.
- Headache. The most common causes of a headache are skipping a meal and not drinking enough water. Disrupted sleep can also cause headaches. Headaches are rarely infectious, though, so as long as the headache is not accompanied by a fever, your child CAN come to school. Encourage them to drink a lot of water, and talk to your child's doctor about whether they should take any medication in the morning to help them get through the school day.
- Cough. When your student has a cough, as long as they do not have a fever, they CAN come to school. We encourage them to wash their hands frequently, drink a lot of water, and go to bed earlier to get rid of the virus as quickly as possible.
- Cramps. Please talk to your child's doctor about appropriate medication and other treatment options for cramps. We encourage students to come to school if discomfort is manageable.
- COVID-19. Students who have COVID-19-like symptoms (fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, new loss of taste or smell, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea) should test for COVID. Students who test positive and are feeling symptoms should please stay home. Students may return to school once they are fever-free for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medication AND other non-fever symptoms are mild and improving. Upon returning to school, students should take additional precautions including:
- Maintaining hygiene practices
- Wearing a mask
- Physical distancing
- Testing regularly
If you need to call out your student because of illness, please contact our front desk at 619-388-2299. A doctor's note will be needed if a student is being called out on an ongoing basis.
Please reach out to Nurse Emily at if you have any questions.
Attendance, Absences, Appointments
Good attendance is of the utmost importance for your student's learning. As an independent study school where students only attend their classes three days a week, it is vital that students are on time to EVERY class, EVERY day. Parents/guardians are required to inform our office (619-388-2299 or email Carolyn Dumas at if your students will be absent or late. If you wish to request an early dismissal for your student, please notify our office no later than 10am that same day.
Please schedule all medical and dental appointments outside of school hours. We know that appointments can be challenging to get at times, but please do your best to support good attendance for your students so they do not miss any valuable learning at school!
Mental Health Supports
We will be supported again this year by a mental health clinician from Wellness Together. This year, our clinician will be on campus on Mondays from 8:30 to 3:00, starting on September 16. Students who are in need of mental health services may be referred to the clinician for one-on-one support. Please speak with your student's advisor or our counselor, Mr. Moravec, for more information.
Daily Schedule
The daily schedule for the school year is 8:30am to 3:15pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Tuesdays and Thursdays are dedicated to internships, and all students must attend school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30am to 11:30am to work with their advisor on finding an internship placement. As soon as a student has secured an internship, including a signed contract with the mentor, the student may start attending internship on Tuesdays and Thursdays instead of coming to campus. Please refer to the Daily Schedule here.
Community News
Latin(x/e) Heritage Month
Latin(x/e) Heritage Month, also known as Hispanic Heritage Month, is observed from September 15 through October 15 and recognizes the culture, history, struggle, contributions, and achievements of Latin(x/e) Americans.
Please explore the Latin(x/e) Heritage Month Resource Guide from the Equity & Belonging Division, which provides materials to learn more about Latin(x/e) culture, including background on where the Latin(x/e) term originated, and books from notable authors.
Suicide Awareness Month Resources
September is National Suicide Awareness Month. In keeping with the spirit of raising awareness and protecting our community, here are some supports and resources that you can access and actions we can take now to support ourselves and help others around us.
Know the Signs: Learn how to recognize the warning signs and how to respond by visiting Know the Signs website.
Find the Words: If you are concerned about someone, ask them directly if they are thinking about suicide. Why? Asking directly will create that safe space to address any thoughts they are already having. This can be difficult to do, but being direct provides an opportunity for them to talk and connect. The Find the Words section of the Know the Signs website suggests ways to help prepare you to have the conversation and build the connection to essential support.
Reach Out: You are not alone in this. Before having the conversation, become familiar with some resources to offer. Visit the Reach Out section of the Know the Signs website for a listing of resources including crisis lines, programs, and more to help you take action in supporting others.
Food on Campus
Free School Meals for All!
As part of the State of California's Universal Meals Program, all students in our school district are eligible to receive free breakfast and lunch at school. Meals will continue to be "grab and go" bags, and this year we have expanded our menu to include hot lunch options for the first time. If you would like your student to receive free meals at the Met, please sign up by emailing our interim administrative assistant, Carolyn Dumas, at Students may also sign themselves up with Carolyn in the office.
Meals may be picked up inside K203 (office). Breakfast is served from 8:00 to 8:25, and lunch is served from 12:10 to 12:25. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, lunch is served from 11:30 to 11:45 for any student who wishes to take a lunch at the end of the Gateway class.
Click the links below to see our menus!
Parking Information
Parking Options @ Mesa for the Met
For parents/guardians who need to park on campus, there are two options for free parking:
Limited availability: 1 Hour Visitor Parking in front of the I-400 building.
Obtain a temporary parking permit from the Mesa College Police Office. If entering campus off Highway 163 on Mesa College Drive, you will see a 4-story parking structure on the left. DON’T park in the structure; park in the small lot in front of the building next to it - the Police Office is there. Hours are M-Th 8:00am-5:00pm, Fr 8:00am-4:30pm. Let them know you are visiting the Met and would like a temporary permit.
Class of 2025
Senior Early Dismissal Policy
As part of supporting our 12th graders in having diverse opportunities for success, the Met has an early dismissal policy for qualified seniors. Students and parents/guardians must submit this Senior Early Dismissal application and await approval by the principal before any early dismissal can begin. Please note that the earliest that seniors may be dismissed is 12:10pm, and early dismissal does not apply on MetUp days (one Friday a month) or other special events that require student attendance until the end of the school day. Please refer to this Senior Early Dismissal Policy document for more details.
Letters of Recommendation for Early Action or Early Decision applicants
If you are applying for Early Action or Early Decision, you will need to complete your applications by November 1st or November 15th. If you need a letter of recommendation from Mr. Moravec, your teachers, or any other recommenders, you should give them AT LEAST 2 weeks advance notice, preferably more. If you would like Mr. Moravec to write you a letter, please complete this form and submit it to him when you request the letter.
School Tours
We are continuously enrolling new students. Please share this tour schedule with interested families.
We still have copies of last year's (2023-24) yearbook for sale for $60. Email Kathy Baker ( or call 619-850-2104 to get yours! We have already begun work on this year's yearbook (2024-25) so look for announcements of how to pre-purchase your copy for a discounted price.
SD Met Website
We continue to update our school website so that it can be helpful and relevant to our entire community. Please forward any suggestions or comments to Veronica Doyle at Meanwhile, bookmark it for easy reference: SD Met HS.
PowerSchool Parent Portal
The PowerSchool Parent Portal provides you with access to your student’s grades and current progress. If you need support with setting up your PowerSchool Parent Portal access, please contact Mr. Moravec at for support.
The Academic Calendar for 2024-2025 is linked here. Please refer to this for holidays, grading periods, Exhibition dates, Student-Led Conference dates, and other important information. Here are some important upcoming dates:
- September 27 - MetUp Community Learning Day
- October 4 - District Non-Instructional Day (No School)
- October 8 - Grading Period Q1 ends - grades will be updated in PowerSchool
- October 9, 10, 11 - Student-Led Conferences
SD Met Support Staff
Attendance and Absences
To call in an excused absence, late arrival, or early departure
Carolyn Dumas - 619-388-2299,
Records and Transcripts
To request student records or transcripts
Carolyn Dumas - 619-388-2299,
PowerSchool Access
For questions about PowerSchool access for students and parents
Jason Moravec -
For questions about counseling services, college admissions, and Mesa College
Jason Moravec -
Internship Coordinator
For questions about our internship program
Gini Mann-Deibert -
Nursing and Wellness
For health concerns and reporting medications
Emily Deckenback, School Nurse -
Enrollment and General Information
For enrollment information and general questions about the school
Carolyn Dumas - 619-388-2299,
Principal Robert Fung -
Contact Us
Location: 7250 Mesa College Drive, Room K-203, San Diego, CA 92111
Phone: 619-388-2299
Twitter: @wearesdmet