CWC Family News- December 2024-25
Where it is STILL cool to be a COYOTE!
Principals' Notes
Hello CWC families, and Happy December! 2024 is almost over, and we cannot believe how the time has flown by! December may be a short month for us, but we have a lot of things going on, including our school wide service project! Our school will be supporting two organizations through our service project this month along with the Olathe Mayor's Pennies for Shoes fundraiser, so please see the information below for details. Our PTC also has our annual Breakfast with Santa event on the 14th.
Thank you again for all that you do for Clearwater Creek!
Important Dates
Dec. 2nd-14th-Coyotes Give Back (see info below)
Dec. 6th- School Spelling Bee at 9:15am
Dec. 6th- Book Character Ornaments due (particpation is optional)
Dec. 14th -Breakfast with Santa at 8:00am-10:00am
Dec. 19th- Christmas Sing-a-long at 2:30pm (class parties right after)
Dec. 20th- Half-day for students (dismissal at 12:10)
Dec. 23rd-Jan. 3rd -Winter Break- No School
Jan. 7th- Students return (Quarter 3)
Coyotes Give Back Service Project
As part of our 20 Acts of Service, we are partnering with two different organizations to extend our reach beyond Clearwater Creek. We will be working with the Shadow Buddies Foundation and Havencroft Elementary School. Each grade level will have a different item that they will be collecting. Please see the flyer below for specific details.
Olathe Mayor's Pennies for Shoes Fundraiser
Book Character Ornament Contest
Holiday Spirit Days
To help us count down to winter break, we will be having some fun and holding spirit days the last 2 weeks before the break. These are optional, so students are welcome to participate on whatever days they would like to.
Breakfast with Santa
Veterans Day Assembly
Thank you to everyone you participated and joined us for our Veterans Day Assembly! It was a great morning!
Coyotes in Action
Here are a few pictures of Coyotes in action!
CWC Yearbook Order
If you would like to order a yearbook, please see the flier below to order online!
Updates to Drop-Off Lanes
We have updated our drop-off lanes! Instead of the cones, we now have lines painted in the lanes. Instead of pulling up to the next cone, you will pull up to the next open space. Thank you for your cooperation during drop-off and pick-up. It truly helps the process run smoothly!
Just a reminder to make sure to slow down during pick up and drop off. There are students and parents picking up and dropping off. Please do not block any crosswalks during these times so that they can safely cross. By working together, we can keep everyone safe.
Watch Dogs
Watch Dogs are back at CWC! Please see the flyer below to sign-up to be a Watch Dog.
Clearwater Creek Activities
Clearwater Creek Site Council
If you are interested in serving on the Clearwater Creek Site Council, please reach out to Mrs. Evans via email: smevans@olatheschools.org
The purpose of site council is for school officials and families to have collaborative conversations about the school and community and how we are all working together to increase student achievement.
Building Crisis Drills
In an effort to maintain the safety of all of our students, we will be conducting crisis drills throughout the school year. These drills include fire drills, severe weather drills as well as our A.L.I.C.E drills. The intention of these drills are to better prepare both students and staff members in the event of a real emergency. These drills also provide great opportunities for classroom teachers to talk with their classes about the importance of practicing what to do in a real emergency.
Teachers have all shown the following video to their classes about our A.L.I.C.E drills:
Attendance guidelines and action steps
Having your student present and on time for learning is a key factor in their success. Students must be in their class by 8:55. If you are dropping them off after 8:55, a parent or guardian must walk them inside to get a tardy slip. Please see the updated guidelines for student attendance. There may be additional actions taken depending on the situation.
4 tardies in a semester= 1 unexcused absence, parent phone call
7 tardies in a semester= Intervention meeting and plan established with parents and school team
20 tardies in a semester= 5 unexcused absences, truancy authorities notified
5 absences in a semester= Intervention meeting and plan established with parents and school team
9 absences in a semester= Second/updated intervention meeting and plan established with parents, school team, and any additional parties.
10 absences in a school year= Truancy authorities notified
3 unexcused absences in a row= Intervention meeting and plan established with parents and school team
5 unexcused absences in a semester= Truancy authorities notified
7 unexcused absences in a school year= Updated team intervention meeting
These policies align with BOE Policies JBA, JBAA, JBAD, JBAB, JBC.
If a unique situation exists which may interfere with regular, timely school attendance, the parent should work with the school to develop a plan in advance.
At Clearwater Creek, we are committed to finishing the school year on a strong note, and regular attendance at school makes all the difference. Your child's regular attendance at school is invaluable, not just for their academic growth but for their social and emotional development too. Your child is a vital part of our school community, and every day they're absent, we miss the opportunity to partner with them on their educational journey and watch them learn and grow. Together we can work to ensure they can make the most of every school day, building a foundation for a bright and successful future.
If you're facing obstacles to regular attendance, please reach out. We're more than ready to collaborate on making school a priority for your child
Important Assessment Information
Please read the documents linked below for important information regarding student assessments.
Community Activities & Information
Olathe West Basketball
Substitute Teachers Needed
We would love to add your friends and family to the Olathe Public Schools substitute pool!
Below is information for you to share with your friends and family to see if they might be a good match for one of our substitute positions.
(Think about your college student coming home for break, your neighbor, your family, or a friend for the positions listed below.)
To apply:
www.olatheschools.org -> click Employment -> click external applicants -> choose position and complete the external application
or click this link:
Looking for more information?
Substitute Para
- No college required
- Flexible hours
- Can get started quickly
- Pay is $15.00 an hour
- We will work with you on start and end times of jobs so you can get your children to and from school if needed.
- You get to work in the schools with amazing special education students.
**College students wanting to work while home on break should begin the process now to ensure they are able to begin when they are home.
Modified Emergency Substitute Teacher
- For this position, you do not have 60 college credit hours, do have a high school diploma, and are 21 years old. You would be required to get a Modified Emergency Substitute License from the state of Kansas. Directions are attached to this email to help with this process.
- Flexible hours
- You can attend orientation while waiting on license so when you receive it, you are able to get started quickly.
- Pay is $15.00 an hour with a 4 hour minimum guaranteed for daily jobs. ($120.00 for a full day)
- In this position, you will let us know what positions you would be comfortable with, but you would not take any jobs. Substitute Services will place you in a position in the morning on the day of a job.
- We will work with you on start and end times of jobs so you can get your children to and from school if needed.
- You get to make a difference in the day of a child. You choose what age group you want to work with, and what schools you want to work at.
**College students wanting to work while home on break should begin the process now to ensure they are able to begin when they are home.
Substitute Teacher
- Only 60 college credit hours required to get an Emergency Substitute License from the state of Kansas. Directions are attached to this email to help with this process.
- Flexible hours
- You can attend orientation while waiting on license so when you receive it, you are able to get started quickly.
- Pay is $17.50 an hour with a 4 hour minimum guaranteed for daily jobs. ($140.00 for a full day)
- Long term positions of 10 days or longer pay $20.63 an hour. ($165.00 for a full day)
- We will work with you on start and end times of jobs so you can get your children to and from school if needed.
- You get to make a difference in the day of a child. You choose what age group you want to work with, and what schools you want to work at.
**College students wanting to work while home on break should begin the process now to ensure they are able to begin when they are home.
Substitute Nurse
- RN in the state of Kansas required
- Flexible hours
- Can work other nursing jobs at the same time
- Pay is $17.50 an hour with a 4 hour minimum guaranteed for daily jobs. ($140.00 a day)
- Long term positions of 10 days or longer pay $20.63 an hour. ($165.00 a day)
- We will work with you on start and end times of jobs so you can get your children to and from school if needed.
- You will have three days of training with our computer systems and our nursing staff to ensure you feel prepared to work in our schools.
Clerical Substitute
- No college required
- Flexible hours
- Can get started quickly
- Pay is $15.00 an hour
- We will work with you on start and end times of jobs so you can get your children to and from school if needed.
- You get to work in the schools with amazing office staff.
If you have questions, please contact me at: mlbaldwin@olatheschools.org or 913-780-8268
HELP Clinic
Did you know that our school district offers mental health services for students, at no cost to the family? The HELP Clinic offers up to six individual and/or small group counseling sessions to Olathe students, between the hours of 4 and 6 pm, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. All sessions during the school year are located in the Mill Creek Center, at 300 E. Loula. The H.E.L.P. Clinic is staffed by professional school counselors, school psychologists, social workers and other school-based mental health providers. All clinicians are Olathe Public Schools employees or retired employees who have an active license in school mental health.
Parents can sign up using the HELP Clinic website, or can contact their child’s school counselor to assist with the sign-up. The website is: https://www.olatheschools.org/Page/11565