Viking "Friend"Ship
Blue River Valley Elementary
October 28, 2024
Thursday, October 31st
Each student is encouraged to dress as their favorite book character. All costumes must be school appropriate.
Veteran's Day Program
Monday, November 11th at 9:00 in the Jr/Sr High School Gym, we will have our Veteran's Day Program. The entire corporation will be attending the program. If you are interested in adding your Veteran to our video please use the following link.
Don't forget to call the office is your student is not going to be at school.
Please make sure to talk to someone in the office or leave a message with the reason why you student is not at school. This information helps us to identify patterns of illness in a class. Our goal is to keep everyone as healthy as we can.
Attendance Letters
Attendance letters will be sent home for students when their absences have triggered our attendance thresholds.
It’s important to note that while the state of Indiana does not differentiate between excused and unexcused absences, our school closely monitors both types. We take all absences seriously and are committed to ensuring the success and well-being of every student.
In order to keep parents informed, we will send letters regardless of whether absences were excused or unexcused. Our goal is to partner with you in addressing any patterns that may impact your child’s learning.
If you have any questions or need to clarify the type of absences recorded for your child, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Important Safety Reminder for Parents
To ensure the safety of all students, we kindly ask all parents to use the designated drop-off line rather than parking and walking across the car rider line. This helps us keep the flow of traffic safe and organized.
Please follow these guidelines:
Stay in the Drop-Off Line: For the safety of all students, please drop your child off in the designated drop-off zone and do not park and walk across the car rider line. This helps avoid dangerous situations with moving vehicles.
Follow Staff Directions: Our staff is here to help ensure a smooth and safe process. Please follow their instructions when using the drop-off line.
Avoid Walking Across Traffic: Walking across the drop-off line can be dangerous for both pedestrians and drivers. Please help us minimize the risk by staying in your vehicle until your child is safely dropped off in the designated area.
We appreciate your cooperation in making drop-off safe for all students. Thank you for helping us keep everyone safe!
Parent Hub
Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) is now featuring a Parent & Family Hub through Indiana Learning Lab. This Hub will feature vetted websites, videos, workshops, and other content focused on literacy and STEM instruction. These resources will be available to parents 24/7, allowing access to the content whenever it is most convenient.
The IDOE team is currently planning several September sessions in the Learning Lab about the Dolly Parton Imagination Library...and the important role that parents and families play in supporting their children to read.
Use this direct link to create a free account and access a variety of resources
Safety Tips for Car Rider Line
Have your child ready to unload. All backpacks, instructions, hugs, and kisses should be taken care of BEFORE you arrive at the drop-off area. This is a huge help in keeping our car rider line moving.
Students who arrive by car are to remain in the car until dismissed by school staff.
Students must exit the car on the passenger side of the vehicle for safety reasons.
All adults should remain in the car at all times.
Only pass other cars if directed to do so by school staff.
Please pull forward when school staff instructs so we can load 5-8 cars simultaneously.
Students must remain behind the line on the sidewalk until their vehicle comes to a complete stop and school staff permits them.
For safety reasons, students must load the car from the passenger side. Once you have moved through the pick-up line, you can pull around and park in the parking lot to check car seats.
Adults must remain in the car at all times.
Only pass cars if instructed to do so.
BRV Breakfast and Lunch for 2024-2025 School Year
Blue River Valley breakfast and lunch is provided by Chartwells K12. FREE breakfast is provided to ALL BRV students each morning before school in the cafeteria (7:30 am until 8:05, after 8:05 students will receive a grab and go breakfast).
2024-2025 Lunch Price: $3.25 (increase of 5 cents from last year)
Money can be deposited in your student's account via cash, check, or MySchool Bucks.
If you need assistance with the cost of lunch please complete a Free and Reduced Lunch Application and turn into Mrs. Jarvis. You can find the form below or visit our website. If you have any questions or need a form, contact Mrs. Jarvis (kim.jarvis@brv.k12.in.us) or contact the school office (765) 836-4811.
Other Important Information for the 2024-2025 School Year
Late Start Wednesday's - We will continue 'Late Start Wednesday's' for the 2024-2025 school year beginning on August 14, 2024. On those days, school will begin at 8:30 am in both buildings. This means that the busses will run 30 minutes later on Wednesday mornings. We will release at our normally scheduled time of 2:55 pm. In the event of a 2-hour delay on a Wednesday, 'Late Start Wednesday' will be cancelled.
Aldi Bus Route - The Aldi bus route will continue for the 2024-2025 school year. The bus will pick up students at approximately 7:20 am. The morning pick-up on 'Late Start Wednesday's' will occur around 8:00 am. After school drop off will also occur in the Aldi's parking lot. If you have any questions, please contact the office.
Latch Key - Castle Kids at Memorial Wesleyan Church will be offering before school and after school latch key. The Aldi bus will pick up students in the morning at 7:30 am and drop students off in the afternoon. Castle Kids will have a sign up table available at Meet the Teacher Night.
Attendance - Please make sure if your child will not be at school that you call the school and let us know their name and reason for absence. As a reminder, we are following the Attendance Policy outlined in our Student Handbook this year.
Dismissal - Students are not allowed to ride home on the bus with a friend. All students will follow their normal dismissal plans unless the office has been notified. Please notify the office by 2:00 pm if changes are needed.
Important Dates
October 28th - Skate Night at The Rink
October 30th - Late Start Wednesday
November 2nd - Jr. Vikings (grades K-4) Basketball game 8:30 am
November 6th - Late Start Wednesday
November 11th - Veteran's Day Program at the High School
November 13th - Waiver day - No school or E-learning for Students
November 20th - Late Start Wednesday
November 27th - 29th - Thanksgiving Break
December 4th - Late Start Wednesday
December 11th - Late Start Wednesday
December 18th - Late Start Wednesday
December 20th - Last day before Winter Break