Cartersville Elementary School
September 2024 Newsletter
And in light of recent events, I'd like to take a moment to thank our teachers, students, and families. Friday 8/30 we practiced our first lockdown drill. One week later, we found ourselves under an active soft lockdown just two days after a school tragedy. Every day we know you trust us with your children. I have the privilege of watching our teachers and staff teach and love our students as if they were their own. Please know they protect them like their own, as well. I'm consistently inspired and impressed with the way our teachers handle drills and provide a safe space for our students to learn. We also appreciate the support of our families and patience during events like the one we experienced Friday. If you'd like to thank our teachers for the role they serve in keeping our students safe while learning, I know they'd love to hear from you. You can use the link below to share an encouraging thought or message. I will share the collective words of gratitude once families have had a chance to respond.
We appreciate our families and the support of our community as we continue to grow greatness and build legacies.
~Mrs. Bryant
CES 2024-2025 Important Dates
Please see the year-at-a-glance calendar below provided at Open House with important dates for this school year. While we anticipate these dates to remain the same, please note changes could occur throughout the school year. Please be sure to reference the CES Monthly Newsletters with the most up-to-date information.
Important School Information
· Our school day is from 7:40-2:40. Doors open at 7:15 each morning.
· Early checkouts are not permitted after 2:10 pm for student safety.
· Please remember to send in a written and signed note for all transportation changes.
· All visitors must come through the main office and bring a photo ID to sign in.
· If your child is absent from school, a note must be turned in within 3 days of the absence. You may e-mail doctor's excuse notes to Sabrina McWhorter at smcwhorter2@cartersvilleschools.org
· All medications requiring administration at school must be brought to the school by a parent or guardian.
· No outside food or drink may be ordered and sent to the school for students; however, parents may bring food with them for a lunch visit with their child in our cafeteria.
· Be sure to check your child's grade frequently on Infinite Campus, once available. Progress reports will go home at 9-weeks, and report cards will be issued each semester.
· We kindly request all families picking their students up in cars, use the car rider line each afternoon. Car tags are available in the front office. This is for the supervision and safety of our students.
Upcoming Dates:
September 2nd - Labor Day (no school)
September 3rd - Purple Rain Singer rehearsal
September 9th - Tech Club meeting
September 9th - 4th Grade Sports Stacking
September 13th - PTC meeting
September 16th - 5th Grade Sports Stacking
September 16th - 5th to Pettit Preserve (2 classes - Burns/Villarreal)
September 17th - No Purple Rain Rehearsal
September 18th - Digital Learning Day
September 19th - NEHS meeting
September 19th - Fall picture day!
September 20th - 5th to Pettit Preserve (2 classes - Madrid/A. WIlson)
September 23rd - Tech Club meeting
September 23rd - 5th Grade Sports Stacking
September 23rd - School Governance Council meeting
September 23rd - 5th to Pettit Preserve (2 classes - Armstrong/Smith)
September 24th - Safety Patrol meeting after school
September 24th - Art Club Group 1
September 24th - Purple Rain Singers rehearsal
September 24th - 5th to Pettit Preserve (2 classes - Lowry/McGivern)
September 25th - 5th to Pettit Preserve (2 classes - Ash/Parker) - WILL RESCHEDULE
September 26th - Art Club Group 2
September 27th - PBIS day - first quarter
September 27th - 5th to Pettit Preserve (2 classes - DeBoard/H. Wilson) - WILL RESCHEDULE
September 30th - October 4th - Fall Break (no school)
October 7th - 21st - Charleston Gift Wrap Fundraiser
**Art Club information and dates will be sent home in early September
**4H Club will begin meeting in October
**Student Council elections are underway (see flyer below!)
Attendance Awareness Month!
September is School Attendance Awareness Month! Please see the information below highlighting important aspects of school attendance at CES.
Our start time is now 7:40am (5 minutes earlier than last year). Please remember, every 3 tardies count as 1 unexcused absence
We are now providing bus transportation for students who were walkers last school year. If you'd like your child to ride the bus, please reach out to the school to get the bus information
If your child is absent, please turn in excuses. You can send them with your child, or email them to Ms. McWhorter - smcwhorter2@cartersvilleschools.org
Up to 4 days per semester can be excused with parent notes. Parent notes must be turned in with 3 days of the student returning to school
The complete attendance policy is located on https://www.cartersvilleschools.org/domain/269
Adopt a CES Classroom
Donate at the link below or print and complete the Adopt-a-Classroom form attached below! Our teachers would LOVE your support!
We would love to have you join our PTC program! There are multiple ways to be involved and support our school, and we'd love for you to be part! Our first PTC meeting will be Friday, September 13th at 8:30 in the CES cafe! We hope to see you there! If you ordered spirit wear it should be delivered the week of September 9th.
*Our Charleston Giftwrap fundraiser will be October 7th - 21st, following fall break!
*Please reach out to 770-891-2203 if you are interested in sponsorship opportunities!
Digital Learning Day
On Wednesday, September 18th, students will observe a digital learning day. Teachers will prepare students with expectations prior to the 18th. All work will be posted to Schoology online. If your student will require paper copies of assigned work, please let your child's teacher know. Teachers will have a block of time designated for office hours but will be engaged in professional learning the remainder of the day.
CES Clubs
Cartersville Elementary School is excited to offer multiple afterschool club programs for our students. If you have questions about any of our club/programs, or are interested in sponsoring a club, please reach out to the club sponsor(s) below.
Sports Stacking - Club Contact: Coach Hynes
Technology Club - Club Contacts: Mr. Ruff, Mr. Wilson, and Mrs. Harris
Art Club - Club Contact: Ms. Turem
Student Council: Council Contacts: Ms. Turem and Ms. Gainor
Purple Rain - Club Contact: Mr. Bowman
4H - Club Contact: Mr. Ruff
NEHS - Mrs. AJ Wilson and Ms. Carr
**Student Council elections are happening now! See the flyer below:
Student Cell Phones and Watches
The number of students with cell phones and cellular watches in grades 4 and 5 has grown tremendously over the past two years. In order to minimize distractions during the school day and prepare our students for middle school expectations, the following rules for student electronic devices will be in place at CES.
CES Student Cell Phone/Watch Expectations:
Student cell phones and smart watches are expected to be off and remain in students' backpack during the school day. If a cell phone or smart watch is visible or used during the day, the following consequences will be put in place:
· First Offense - Student Warning
· Second Offense - Infraction: Warning - Parent Contacted
· Third Offense - Infraction: Teacher assigned consequence - Parent Contacted
· Fourth Offense - Infraction: Teacher assigned consequence - Parent Contacted
· Fifth Offense - Office Referral to Administration - ISS
*A student refusing to put away an electronic device when asked could result in an additional office referral for defiance.
We are fortunate to be a one-to-one school, with a school laptop available for every student. In addition, all of our classrooms have phones and digital clocks. Should you need to get in touch with your child during the school day, please call the school at 770-382-0983.
Infinite Campus
Free/Reduced Lunch Applications
Free and Reduced Applications are now live on https://www.myschoolapps.com/. This year we are encouraging all families to apply online. This year's printable application is a fillable PDF which you can find on our website (https://www.cartersvilleschools.org/nutrition) in English and Spanish (also attached).
You must complete an application by 9/12 or students will start getting charged full price for meals.
Lunch Menu and Information
Payments for school nutrition accounts can be set up and accessed at www.myschoolbucks.com. Please remember to check your student's lunch balance and pay or replenish funds as needed. You can also fill out your free/reduced lunch form on MySchoolApps - Home Page. The school nutrition website and additional information can be found at https://www.cartersvilleschools.org/domain/63. If you have any questions about balances or charges or free/reduced meals you may contact Christina Nichols at cnichols@cartersvilleschools.org.
The September lunch menu can be found at: Cartersville Elementary School - MealViewer Schools
Capturing Kids' Hearts Newsletters
Each month we will share the Capturing Kids' Hearts Newsletter for the month. Both August and September will focus on Empathy. Attached are the English and Spanish parent newsletters highlighting empathy any ways to support this focus at home.
This month, we’re focusing on empathy and challenging students to make sure that everyone they interact with feels seen, heard, and valued. We are partnering with you to grow and develop empathy in your student at home. As a family, use these activities to reflect on and better understand the needs of others.
Student Insurance Available
Please visit the link below to learn how to access this voluntary opportunity.
Clever Login Information:
Cartersville Elementary School
Email: bbryant@cartersvilleschools.org
Website: https://www.cartersvilleschools.org/ces
Location: 340 Old Mill Road, Cartersville, GA, USA
Phone: 770-382-0983