Mustang Staff and Family Newsletter
December 3, 2024
From the Administration: combined newsletter this week
Picture to the right: A group of MHS volunteers organized by senior, Sabrina Bialy, picked up litter on the Monticello campus and surrounding areas on 11/30. All in all they picked up 124 pounds of trash. Thank you, students!
Was anyone else not ready to start typing December? This school year is flying by and we are quickly approaching another long break and the quick sprint to the semester. We'd like to get ahead of as many things as possible:
Attendance: ACPS has a clear attendance policy for both full day and period absences. Excessive full day absences can turn into chronic absenteeism. Chronic absenteeism rates affect our accreditation. We have a goal that fewer than 15% of our students will fall into this category. To date, we are hovering at 12%. Students who are chronically absent can have their rate reduced by working with a licensed teacher at Saturday School. Saturday School resumes in January. Letters and Remind messages will be sent home alerting families to their options to "buy back time".
Period attendance can vary, depending on the blocks of classes that students miss. Any student who misses more than 10 classes will be required up make up time during lunch, release blocks, Thursday after school, and Saturday School. Even if a student is passing the class, they may receive an NC in Power School (No Credit). Families of impacted students will be notified.
Grades: Q1 and Q2 grades (T1) will be stored at the end of the year and averaged with T2 grades. Please talk with your child about grades and goals to finish the semester strong. With the winter break comiing soon, the semester's end (1/16) will be here before you know it.
We will be meeting with each class of students to review the upcoming changes to our cell phone policy. Changes could include no cell phones during Mustang Morning and Study Hall. The school board votes on their response to Executive Order 33 at their meeting on 12/12.
Curriculum EXPO-Dec 5
Vision and Hearing Screenings
On Wednesday, December 4th, Nurse Tomlin will be conducting hearing and vision screenings for all 10th graders. The screenings only take about 30 seconds per student. We are going to cycle them through the clinic fairly quickly. Here is what we are looking at:
Students will be sent by last name to the clinic every 30 minutes based on the timeline below:
10:10 – last names A – E
10:30 – last names F – J
11115 – last names K – P
11:30 – Last names Q – Z
Choir students will have to report at 9:00 due to a field trip. Please dismiss them and Nurse Tomlin will send them to the auditorium as soon as they finish. If by chance we get behind, we will make an announcement to hold students.
Tech Tidbit (for teachers)
Are you worried about students using AI on your writing assignments? Have you wondered how to make it harder for students to cheat? If so, please join Megan Panek and Jane Engel for a quick “Coffee Talk” PD session.
We will be meeting in the library on Thursday, December 12th for the first 30 minutes of every block to talk about strategies for AI-proofing assignments.
We’ll cover strategies for bringing the writing process into your classroom as well as protocols and procedures to make writing time efficient. This PD comes at a perfect time since many teachers will be giving quarter 2 assessments in January! Coffee, tea, and light refreshments will be provided.
Got Used Magazines?
Donate your used magazines! Many teachers have been requesting magazines for various classroom projects. If you have any magazines you would love to get rid of, just bring them in and/or email Monticello librarians Jason Ver Planck or Charlotte Wood. The more magazines we can provide our students the better! jverplanck@k12albemarle.org cwood2@k12albemarle.org
Leadership Updates: Please read for everything we have going on this season!
ASPCA Giving Tree-located in our front vestibule by the forum
Cafeteria and Custodial Appreciation
School Activities
We are spreading the cheer and getting excited for some much deserved time off with spirit week, a winter pep rally, and gift sales during lunches!
SPIRIT WEEK December 16-20
Monday - Cozy PJs
Tuesday - Rhyme without Reason (find a buddy to dress up at two things that rhyme, but don’t necessarily go together! (pro athlete and wall street, Lightning McQueen and Mr. Clean, little old lady and a baby…)
Wednesday - Winter Wonderland: Wear all white
Thursday - Ugly Sweater
Friday - Snow Gear
PEP RALLY December 13
We will operate on a pep rally schedule with no mustang morning
Get hype for basketball double header v Albemarle and swim meet v Charlottesville
Students can buy small gifts for their friends and family during lunches! Small plush toys are $3 and craft ornaments are $1. On sale during spirit week, December 16-20.
Instructional Coaches for teachers
Just a friendly reminder that MOHS instructional coaches are available to support you in your work. If you'd like to try/learn something new, problem solve with a reflective partner, collaborate on a lesson or unit, get some help with CRE, look at data and make a plan, refine your collaborative teaching practice, be a part of a non-evaluative observations based on specific "look-fors" determined by you, and/or get support with building a community and creating class norms, among other things, we are here to support.
Also, please know that for each hour spent with an instructional coach, you receive an hour of PD points toward your recertification requirements.
Feel free to reach out directly by emailDonors Choose MATCH for Giving Tuesday (today)
Wanted to share the heads-up that there will be matches available for ALL projects on DonorsChoose tomorrow of at least 50%... while funds last.
One MoHS projects posted & two at Center One. The MoHS project is from Ms. Hedberg, who has never been funded on DonorsChoose. It's eligible for extra matching funds (up to $50) if donors end the code "LIFTOFF" when they check out.
Golden Apple
Beginning today, Friday, November 1st, the nomination window for the 2024-2025 Golden Apple Awards will open. Linked below is the Golden Apple webpage, which contains links to the online nomination forms, as well as printable PDF versions of the nomination forms in both English and Spanish, with your school communities. Anyone can nominate a teacher for Golden Apple: students, families, community members or other educators.
Golden Apple webpage: https://www.k12albemarle.org/our-division/golden-apple-awards
VHSL Activities and Athletics
For updated rosters, coach contact information, detailed schedules including live stream video links (when available), ticket information, results, or out-of-season workout schedules, please visit www.GoMonticello.org.
Yearbooks are on SALE!
MHS Yearbooks are for sale! Go to www.yearbookforever.com to reserve your copy today!
Going on and Ongoing
December 5: Curriculum EXPO
December 11: CATEC Open House
December 13: Pep Rally (no MM)
December 16-20: Winter Spirit Week
December 23-Jan 3: Winter Break
January 6: Teacher Professional Development Day (students return 1/7)
February 16: Last day to withdraw from year long, DE courses with a W
April 15: SAT School Day
April 18: Senior Class Trip to Kings Dominion
April 21-25: Senior Celebration Week
April 26: Junior/Senior Prom
May 29: Graduation (JPJ, 6:00 pm)