You are invited
November 30, 2023

It's not too late!
You are invited a special presentation called, “(Re)Defining the Goal of Education” on Tuesday, December 5. The presentation begins at 6:00 pm at Chehalis Middle School.
The Chehalis School District has invited bestselling author, Dr. Kevin Fleming, to focus his presentation on career and college readiness goals. His message to parents might be exactly what you need to hear as you think about ways to plan for your child’s future.
Dr. Fleming believes that preparing for life after high school graduation is important. He believes education is important, but he says skills count more. In his presentation, Dr. Fleming will promote the importance of your child’s personality, passions, interests, and skills while making plans for post-secondary experiences.
Some people may choose college or university, while some may be better served in other learning experiences. Dr. Fleming is an eagle scout, life-long learner, father, and recovering academic elitist. He is passionate about helping all learners intentionally equip their potential and enter the labor market with a competitive advantage.
We are so excited for Dr. Fleming to share his story and strategies for ensuring all students identify their purpose, on purpose. To better understand Dr. Fleming's message, take a few minutes to watch the video below:
(Re)Defining the Goal of Education: An evening with Dr. Kevin Fleming is a free event. Some parents have registered in advance, and they will gather for dinner at 5 p.m. However, we want ALL parents to consider themselves invited to the presentation, which begins at 6:00 p.m. There is no need to pre-register for the presentation.
Dr. Fleming's visit is made possible through grant funding from the Washington Student Achievement Council to the Chehalis School District’s Student Achievement Initiative. The primary goal for the SAI is to have graduating seniors go on to complete some sort of post-secondary degree or certification.
This event is being held at Chehalis Middle School and Dr. Fleming’s message is most appropriate for parents and students grades 6 and up. However, parents of all ages are welcome to attend.
We hope to see you!
December 5 at Chehalis Middle School
6:00 pm Presentation