Bronco Announcements
Bella Vista High School

September 12, 2024
Please Click the Link below to watch Today's BVTV Video Broadcast
Staff Absences
Christina Schlatter – sub Sandra Whalen
Nancy Suarez – sub Erin Batura
David Gonzalez – sub Amy Stockett
Zara Budenbender – sub Amber Bergen
Tyler Gerould – sub Tristan Meyer
Laura Munno – sub Meridith Coenen
Erin Wright – sub Jennifer Hoback
Debbie Carpenter – no sub
Hannah Rudd – no sub
Student Body
- Girls Lacrosse has created special pink BV shirts for the upcoming PINK OUT game in October. Shirts are $10 and orders are due by September 17. Order here!!
- Did you miss the Key Club meeting yesterday? Stop by Mrs. Varanelli’s room in J3 for information about how to get involved!
- Last day for Students to sign up for Clubs is Friday, September 20. Stop by the office student bulletin board or look for Flyers around campus.
- Come join Bella Vista's Student Voice Forum on Tuesday, Sept. 24 during 4th period in the Atrium. If you would like to be part of our first SVF meeting and share your ideas on how to help improve culture and impact change on campus, please sign up at the VP secretary desk.
- Back to school night for parents and guardians is TONIGHT! Be sure to give your parents your flyer with your schedule & classrooms filled in. Tomorrow is a minimum school day!
Upcoming Meetings
- Back to School Night is Tonight, September 12
- Minimum Day - Friday, September 13
- Picture Makeup Day - Wednesday, September 18
- Student Voice Forum first Meeting - 4th period in Atrium: Tuesday, September 24
- Club Launch Day - Large Quad at Lunch: Wednesday, September 25
Athletic Events
Support our Bronco Athletics at these upcoming sporting events! Free home admission with your ASB card!
Tonight come support our JV & Varsity Girls Water Polo as they head to Rocklin HS. JV starts at 6:00pm and Varsity at 7pm. Best of luck ladies!
Good Luck to Freshman Football as they head to Lincoln Today! Game begins at 5:30pm.
Today Girls Tennis match up against Ponderosa and Girls Golf tee off against Rio Americano. Good Luck to All!
- Girls Basketball Open Gym is being held on Mondays & Wednesdays in the Large Gym from 6:30pm - 8:00pm. All grades are welcome!
- Boys Basketball Open Gym is held on Tuesdays & Thursdays in the Large Gym from 6:30-8pm & Saturdays 10-12pm.
- Boys Volleyball Open Gym is the 2nd & 4th Saturday from 8-10am in the Large Gym.
On going Reminders...
- If you are interested in learning more about upcoming Colleges and Universities Rep visits, stop by the College & Career Center to sign up for upcoming Colleges and Universities presentations. Juniors/Seniors have priority. Students must sign up at least 24 hours in advanced. No last-minute walk-ins permitted.
- Attention SENIORS! Don't forget to Schedule your Senior Portraits appointment with Bill Smith Photography ASAP! Appointment Link: https://billsmithphoto.com/bellavista/
- Ordering questions: text or call (916)749-1026
- Student Volunteers needed for the October Arts & Craft Fair! If you need volunteer hours, see the flyer for signups at the office student bulletin board or see Mrs. Sloan in the Library.
- Are you looking for a traveling adventure this summer? Join Mr. Lane and Ms. Yassu on a trip to Switzerland, Italy, Rome and Paris. For more information stop by either of their classrooms and talk to one of them. Look for flyers posted all over the school!
- Students wanting to begin any sports, including conditioning, tryouts and practicing, must be cleared through Sports Net before you can start! Forms/Instructions available in the front office.
- SB Cards ($50), student planners ($5) and class t-shirts ($13) are still available to purchase in the Finance office with Cash or check.
Jessica Cokinos
Jessica is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters