ACE Newsletter December
Working Hard in 2024-2025!
Principal's Corner
During this month, we are focusing on the value of taking risks. We are going to be reinforcing what this value looks like and sounds like. You can help us at home by reviewing these ideas:
1. Remember it is OK to make mistakes, everyone does and sometimes our mistakes turn out to be really good things
2. Remember to add the word "yet" to things you can't do to validate that practice can help you improve your skill
3. Taking risks can help you improve your skills and help you do things you didn't think were possible
4. Hard work and perseverance are key with this value
We love our ACE community and are proud of the many different personalities we have within the building. Thank you for your support in helping our children learn to demonstrate learning from our mistakes in all they do.
A Look at the Month
Week of Dec. 2
Dec. 3 - 4 - 8 am - 5 pm
Week of Dec. 9
Honey Baked Ham Gift Card Sales
Dec. 12 - 6:30 pm - 3rd Grade Performance
Week of Dec. 16
Dec. 17 - 5:30 pm School Accountability Meeting
Dec. 18 - 6 pm - PTO Spirit Night at Skate City
Dec. 23 - Jan. 6 - Winter Break - No School
A Reminder from the Nurse
Please do not send your children to school with medications of any kind. You must take them to the Nurse, and then she can distribute them as needed. Elementary students are not able to carry medication of any kind (including cough drops) during the school day.
Attendance is Key
Regular daily school attendance is a critical factor in school success. Students who are chronically absent from school are at risk of falling behind in academic learning. Poor attendance in early grades can influence whether children read proficiently by the end of third grade. By sixth grade, chronic absence can be a predictor of whether a student is at risk for dropping out of school. Help us meet our goal of having every child in school every day. If your family anticipates an issue with attendance this year, please reach out to our office and we will make a plan to ensure your student gets to school.
Learn more about why attendance matters, the new CCSD policy, and how CCSD can help.
Lunch Reminder
We have a no sharing food policy at lunch to support our students with allergies and ensure student safety. If you are visiting your child for lunch and are bringing food, please don't share food with other students. While we appreciate your kindness, we ask that you help us follow the expectations.
Educator of the Year
The Cherry Creek School District’s Educator of the Year Honor recognizes outstanding educators who strive every day to meet and exceed our District’s mission – “To help students be inspired to think, to learn, to achieve and to care,” and embody our District’s core values of Growth Mindset, Equity, Whole Wellbeing, Engagement, and Relationships.
Please click here to nominate an educator that has made a difference for your child.
Holiday Shop
Each year, our PTO sponsors a holiday shop to give any students wanting to visit it a time to shop for their family.
The Holiday Shop will be taking place during the first week of December. The Shop will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on both Tuesday, December 3, and Wednesday, December 4, in the Makers' Space.
Purchases must be made with cash or by credit card with the cardholder present.
We need volunteers to help in the Holiday Shop. If you are able to help, please sign up here:
Spirit of Caring
Spirit of Caring - Each year, our school community focuses on supporting our students with community service projects throughout the year. We like to use our school acronym of ACE (Aspen Crossing Elementary) to also stand for Achieve, Care, Explore. We are passionate about helping our students grow in these areas to help them become well-rounded individuals.
In mid November through December 13, we hold a community service project called Spirit of Caring. Our school adopts several families during this time and creates Sign Up Genius forms to ask our community to purchase these items (ie clothing, toys, and other small items) to make their holiday season a little brighter.
We hope that you will help us with this project. You will be receiving a Sign Up Genius from your teacher including items we are requesting to support these families soon.
Access the Spirit of Caring Sign Up Genius Links here:
We thank you for considering this opportunity to support our students and make someone's day a little brighter.
News from the PTO
You are a member of our PTO and we need your help! Please consider helping us with our community events throughout the year.
Please visit our PTO page regularly for information. Click here.
Language Supports
English: Please contact Brandy Davis at bdavis7@cherrycreekschools.org for support with this resource in your language.
Amharic: እነዝህን መረጃዎችን በተመለከተ በቋንቋዎ ዕገዛን ለማግኘት ከፈለጉ እባክዎን ተሊሌን በዝህ እሜይል ያግኙዋት thirpa@cherrycreekschools.org
Arabic: يرجى االتصال بـ )جميعة صباحي أو جاودة العلمي( على ) org.cherrycreekschools@jsebbahi أو org.cherrycreekschools@jdajanialami للحصول على الدعم مع هذا المورد باللغة العربية.
Chinese: 如有需要,请经由 ctaylor9@cherrycreekschools.org 与凯瑟琳•泰勒联系,以您的语言获得此资源的支持。 Dari: برای کمک در مورد اين منابع به زبان خودتان با قزافی مهرزاد لطفا با اييمل org.cherrycreekschools@qmehrzad تماس بگيريد . ً
Hindi: अपनी भाषा में इस संसाधन के समर्नथ के लिए कृपया जेम्स रसाइथिी को jrasaily@cherrycreekschools.org पर संपकथ करें।
Korean: 귀하의 언어로 이 자원에 대한 지원을 원하시면 (리아 리) 에게 (llee6@cherrycreekschools.org) 로 문의하십시오.
Nepali: कृपया जेम्स रसाइथिीिाइथ jrasaily@cherrycreekschools.org मा तपाइथको भाषामा यो संसाधनको सहयोगको िागी सम्पकथ गननहथ ोिा।
Russian: Пожалуйста, обращайтесь к Ларисе Бака по адресу: lbaca3@cherrycreekschools.org для получения поддержки с помощью этого ресурса на своём языке.
Somali: Fadlan la xiriir Omar Nur cinwaanka emaylka onur2@cherrycreekschools.org si aad u hesho macluumaad ku qoran luqadaada.
Spanish: Si necesita ayuda con este recurso en su idioma, póngase en contacto con Ilse Chavez Maldonado en ichavezmaldonado@cherrycreekschools.org, Rosa Han en rhan4@cherrycreekschools.org, Carmen Vargas-Ball en cvargasball@cherrycreekschools.org, Erika Dawkins en edawkins@cherrycreekschools.org, Nancy Quezada en nquezada@cherrycreekschools.org o Monica Pantoja en mpantoja@cherrycreekschools.org. Ukrainian: Будь ласка, зв'яжіться з Зоряною Герман по електронній пошті zherman@cherrycreekschools.org, щоб отримати підтримку з цього ресурсу на українській мові.
Vietnamese: Vui lòng liên hệ với Thuý Ngọc tại Lchung2@cherrycreekschools.org để được hỗ trợ về tài nguyên này bằng tiếng Việt.