Cub Connections- CTE
November 6, 2024
News from Principal Schwartz
Dear CTE Families:
Our classrooms all have a partner classroom we call CHAMP PALS. CHAMP PALS meet to celebrate academics such as reading to each other, sharing writing activities or simply get together to build community and have fun. Ask your child about their CHAMP PALS experiences this year. See our collaboration pictures below.
Thank you to our top fundraisers! We got to spend time together in a limo for lunch (photo below) and dessert-a lovely way to celebrate all the hard work for our school fundraising.
All my best,
CTE Calendar
7: CEPO meeting 5:30 pm
15: CEPO Family Fun Night and ButterBraid Pick Up 6-8 pm
28 & 29: No school/Thanksgiving break
Free Family Fun Night
CEPO is hosting a FREE Family event at CTE on Friday, November 15 from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm at CTE. From card games, bingo, large motor movement in the gyms to puzzle races/crafts there will be something for all families to enjoy. Families are welcome to stay for a few minutes or the full 2 hours. Remember … students need to be accompanied by an adult.
REMEMBER … items are perishable and must be picked up the evening of November 15. If you are unable to make it, please arrange for another individual to pick up your order. We do not have freezer storage for unclaimed orders. Any questions please contact CEPO at TeamCEPO@gmail.com
NEXT CEPO MEETING: Thursday, November 7 at 5:30pm - 7:00pm in the CTE Media Center or online. ALL are welcome to join (Meeting link: CEPO Meeting | Microsoft Teams | Meetup-Join)
Follow CEPO on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CEPO.MN
District Office News
American Indian Education Parent Committee meeting
Mark your calendar for the upcoming American Indian Education Parent Committee meeting on November 13. The meeting will be held at Centennial High School, Room 435 from 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted.
CMS Theatre Department, in participation with Community Education, presents:
"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow – A Middle School Mystery"
Performances will be held at the Centennial Middle School Auditorium on Thursday, November 7 and Friday, November 8 at 7:00 .pm., and on Saturday, November 9 at 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. Ticket information can be found here.
Community Education
Beginning Chess after school at CTE! (gr. 2-5) We need more participants! Learn how to play chess in a fun environment right after school. The session will culminate with an exciting tournament on the last day with prizes! Register now, Beginning Chess begins Nov. 14.
It’s almost here! The Winter Activity Guide will open for registration on Wednesday, December 4 at 8 am. Look for all offerings for both youth and adults for winter through early spring including new swimming lessons, gymnastics and more!
Nov. 19- MN Star Watch Program (all ages/family)
Nov. 23- Skyhawks Basketball Camp (ages 5-11)
Skyhawks Volleyball Camp (ages 5-11)
DASH Floor Hockey Camp (ages 6-10)
Cougar Soccer Academy (gr. 4-6)
Nov. 25- Fall Soccer Skills (gr. K-2)
Dec. 2- Intensive Sewing Class (ages 8-1)
Dec 5- Sugar Cookie Decorating (ages 10+, adult)
Dec. 7- Breakfast with Santa (ages 10 and under with adult)
Dec. 14- Santa’s Holiday Workshop: Gingerbread House Making (ages 3-11 with adult)
Go online to view all activities and to register, community.isd12.org.
Welcome to the Digital Backpack, the district’s central posting place for community flyers. If you have questions regarding these programs, please contact the organizations directly. Click HERE to browse the Digital Backpack.