Academy of Science and Technology

January Dates-Reminders
January Calendar Dates
1/18, 1/22, 1/24-AST Class of 28 Interviews
1/25-SciTech-Science Fair for all 9th graders, and for 10-12 R&P Students
1/26-Science Symposium @ A&M for qualified students
1/27-SciTech Awards @ Lone Star College
1/30-Internship Night (this is GREAT for our juniors who will be looking for internships this year)
Internship Night-January 30th-CP Cafeteria-6pm-7pm
Internships are a requirement for graduation in AST and hours should be completed prior to the start of senior year in most cases. Each student must complete an 80 hour (or more) internship at some point (typically between junior and senior year, but can be earlier). In order to qualify for an internship, students must have completed (or be extraordinarily close to completing) all 14 of their exploration credits.
Students obtain internships by either self selection-where they secure an internship on their own, or through competitive selection with a summer internship program--which is typically the EFTA Summer Internship Program that students can apply to in late March/Early April of their junior year only. While interning, students complete a daily journal, are evaluated by their mentor on site, and create a presentation to share with others at our annual internship night. During this night on January 30th, we invite ALL AST families, but especially our junior families with students who have not completed an internship yet, to come to the CP Cafeteria. The evening is come and go from 6pm-7pm. Our students who have completed an internship will each have a table set up with information about where they completed their internships.
Internships can serve as a very important introduction to what the day to day of a certain career looks like. Internship mentors often write letters of recommendation for specific scholarships for students as seniors as well. Internships should be STEM in nature, however we have had students find some creative ways into STEM. For example, we have had students complete marketing, communications, and education based internships that all have a mathematics bent to them--for example working to improve social media and marketing by analyzing the internet traffic data of websites. We've had students work with The Woodlands Pavilion during summer concert season interning with their sound department and ticketing department learning new skills related to STEM.
Please come and out see the hard work and amazing opportunities completed by our students!
Faculty Spotlight...Stephanie Marts-Chemistry
I asked our faculty members to write up a little about themselves that I could share with you all. I think it's important that you all get to know who is with your student each day! We are all committed to doing our best and we appreciate your trust in us.
I'm the chemistry teacher at AST, and I absolutely love teaching at the Academy! I tell my friends and family that it's an academic dreamland, because the students are the BEST!
I'm from Wisconsin originally, and graduated from the University of Wisconsin with a bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering. After working for an engineering and design company for four years, I retired from engineering to be a stay-at-home mom for quite a few years. I have three children, and when my youngest started kindergarten, I decided to become a chemistry teacher.
This is my 21st year teaching chemistry, and my third year at the Academy. I moved to The Woodlands to be near my three grandchildren, and I'm amazed and grateful that I found the best teaching job in the world here.
AST Students All Around!
Organic Chem Students Presenting In Class
Having Fun In Organic Chemistry
Organic Chem Students Presenting In Class
AST DI Students Helping Elementary DI Students
AST DI Students Helping Elementary DI Students
AST DI Students Helping Elementary DI Students
Summer College Admissions Information & Coffee With The Headmaster Recording
For those of you who did not make it to the Coffee with the Headmaster, I did a voice recording below.
Voice Over Recording from Coffee with the Headmaster
At the Coffee with the Headmaster, I shared some news about implementing summer assignments for students in an effort to prepare them for college applications as seniors. These summer assignments will be very straightforward, mandatory, and due the week that students come back.
8th -9th--portfolio set up, and college knowledge quiz
9th-10th-portfolio update, first college list, Naviance assignment
10th-11th-portfolio update, Naviance assignment, list refinement, essay and short answer pre writes
11th-12th--portfolio final update, list finalization, rec letter forms completed
There will be VERY specific guidance given for each of these with easy to follow directions. Again, these are not meant to burden students and families in the summer, but rather get ahead in the process and stay organized.
Staying Scheduled In Spring
Things to add to your family calendar:
- Family Events
- Doctor/Dentist/Orthodontist Appointments
- Extra Curricular Obligations
- Please double check with your sponsors about your R&P dates for competitions
- Please double check with your Athletic/Band/Choir/Orchestra competitions in the spring
- AP Testing Calendar
- Please note, when there is a multi test conflict, we (AST/CP) set the resolution of that conflict as we need to look at ALL the testing that is going on, not just the individual.
- Other AST Events
- Internship Night (great for anyone, but especially juniors looking for internships)-1/30
- Interview Nights (will need some student volunteers)
- DLS/DSS Opportunities--DLS: 2/20, 3/26,4/16 DSS: TBA
- Senior Specific Events--you will receive much more information about these in the spring. That information will come from Dr. Murrell. (The Gala information will come from PAST and me)
- 4/9- Mandatory Senior Class Meeting w/ Dr. Murrell (during the school day-students only)
- 4/26–Prom
- 4/26-Panoramic Picture (before early release)
- 4/30 -Honor Graduate Breakfast 8am (Invitation Only)
- 5/5-AST Gala
- 5/16- Senior Awards Night 6:30pm (Invitation Only)
- 5/23 -Graduation Practice
- 5/23 Senior Picnic
- 5/23 -Graduation 7:30 pm