Heartland Athletics
Official Athletic Newsletter for Heartland Middle School
24-25 Heartland Coaches
We are Thunderhawks!
Fall Sports:
Cross Country - Softball - Football - Volleyball
Winter Sports:
Wrestling - Basketball - Swimming
Spring Sports:
Track - Tennis - Golf - Baseball
Information from Santa Fe for Middle Schoolers!!
Participation Forms must be completed before tryouts or practices begin
All Edmond Public School athletes must submit a signed physical before being allowed to participate in any sport. Physicals must be dated 5/1/2023 or later for the upcoming school year. Additionally, all parents must complete electronic participation forms online through RankOne. Please see the links below!
We love when students come out to support our Thunderhawk Athletics! Here are some reminders when attending Heartland Sports:
- Must have your student ID
- Cost $5 to attend Volleyball, Football and Basketball
- Be kind and respectful with your cheering!
- Clean up ALL your trash before you leave!
- Must have a ride pick you up within 15 minutes of the game ending.
Heartland Baseball
Heartland Golf
Heartland Track
Heartland Tennis
24/25 Wrestling
24/25 Swim Team!
24/25 Heartland Basketball
24/25 Heartland Volleyball
24/25 Heartland Cross Country
24/25 Heartland Softball
24/25 Heartland Football
Coaches and Contact Info
Colleen Roesslein
Chris Coffman
7th/8th Grade Volleyball Head Coach
Kate Rogers
Email: kat.rogers@edmondschools.net
Mike Jefferies
7th Grade Boys Varsity Basketball Coach
Assistant Baseball Coach
Trenton Bell
8th Grade Boys Basketball
8th Grade Boys Head Track Coach
Garrett McManaman
7th/8th Grade Girls Tennis