Comet Chatter
October 2024
How 3rd Graders Feel about their first days at Harker
By : Chase Bannon & Elaine Pollard
Coming to a new school for the first time could be scary, especially if you are the youngest grade in the school. We asked a few kids from Mrs. Floyd and Mrs. Ferrara class on how they feel about 3rd grade and about being in a new school.
Mrs Floyd’s Homeroom
Livy from Mrs. Floyd and Mrs. Collins’ class said she likes Harker alot because the teachers are nice and she likes riding the bus. She was excited about being in the same school with her sister. Livy thinks Mrs. Floyd and Mrs. Collins are very funny when teaching. She made some new friends: SJ, Mira, Quinn, and Asoto.
Dane from Mrs. Floyd’s class was not nervous to ride the bus because he was excited for school. His favorite subjects are reading and playing at gym. One of Dane’s new friends is Sebastian, also known as SJ.
Clara: She loves the Harker school because all of the teachers are nice and kind. Clara's favorite subject is writing, she loves the creativeness of writing and getting to express herself. Meeting new people on the first day was exactly what she did. Clara made new friends with Mira and Quinn because she went out of her way to meet them. Clara thinks it will be smooth sailing in 3rd grade.
Santi from Mrs. Floyd’s class likes Harker the best out of all of the district so far. He was so excited for the school year to start. Santi likes the daily route, but he doesn’t have it all memorized yet. His favorite subjects are scientists and art. Mrs. Paccione is his favorite art teacher that he has had.
Brayden: Brayden had butterflies in his stomach with excitement and nerves on the ride to school. His favorite subject is math because he loves numbers, but Brayden also loves running around at gym. Brayden thinks Mrs. Lockmen rocks! He has so many friends now in Mrs. Floyd’s class.
Mrs. Ferrara’s Homeroom
Elizabeth/Ellie: She likes 3rd grade and thinks it’s fun. She likes her teachers Mrs. Ferra and Mrs. Speis. She was nervous to ride the bus because it is new to her. Ellie made new friends such as: Kate, Carson, and Dahlia. Thinks it will be a good year. She loves science and special.
Brynn was excited for a new school, but nervous for the first day. She thinks her new teachers are nice and science is fun because they do many projects. Brynn likes her daily schedule, special, lunch and then comment time. She also made new friends such as: Kate, Carson, Christopher, and Victoria.
Karsyn really enjoys 3rd grade. Karsyn likes writing, the best out of all the subjects. She was nervous on the first day of school, and she also likes daily schedule. Karsyn thinks 3rd grade is going to be a great year.
Kate likes Harker and 3rd grade, reading in her opinion is the best. She was nervous for the first day, mixed with excitement. Kate thinks 3rd grade is gonna be a great year. She made friends with: Victoria, Lula, Emy, Brynn.
James likes 3rd grade and has a lot of friends. James was nervous for the first day, and has learned to like his daily schedule. He likes writing and knew everybody in the class and was friends with all of them.
Christopher likes 3rd grade a lot, recess the most. He likes to play recess with his friends. He was nervous on the first day of school. Christopher likes recess the most out of the periods. He made friends with: Lucas, Karsyn, Brynn and likes his schedule.
The 3rd graders seem to have a lot of fun at Harker. They all like their teachers, and have made new friends. We hope that they all have fun in the next three years in Harker like we did. Just remember,
Aim high, work hard, and make every minute matter, here at the Harker school!
New at Harker : Underground Spirit Days
By Blake Deyoung
On October 28, 2024 every staff member at Harker was dressed in black. It was an undercover ninja day. None of the students knew that they were ninjas; they had to guess the theme of the day. That is why it was called an underground spirit day. Stay tuned because there could be another underground spirit day coming up soon. I wonder if the students will figure it out next time.
Meet Ms. Perez Harker's newest 5th Grade Teacher
By Blake Deyoung & Liam Lichtenstein
My name is Liam Lichtenstein and my partner is Blake Deyoung and we are here to tell you about the new teacher Mrs. Perez. First Mrs Perez loves teaching. Her favorite subject is English. She said the hardest part of teaching is not having enough time Her 2 favorite sports are Volleyball and surprisingly Football. Her favorite thing about teaching is seeing her students everyday and her least favorite thing about teaching is she gets too stressed out. She enjoys helping her students by making sure they accomplish their goals. Her very cool hidden talent is that she can sing which is actually very hard. Something that is special to her in the classroom is all of her students and the pictures of her family . She loves her class because they are great listeners and do what she says. As you can see, Mrs. Perez is a wonderful new teacher.
What's Harker School's Favorite Special ?
By: Makenna Willey and Evelyn Donaldson
It’s a race! What’s the favorite special? Is it art, music, world cultures? We took a poll at the Harker school to find out.
Final Tally
Gym: 90
Music: 4
World Cultures: 3
Art: 23
Steam: 9
We asked Mr. Lockman and Mrs Mission to learn more about them and why they think Gym was the favorite special at Harker. Mrs Mission has always liked working with kids. Sports were a very important hobby of hers growing up. She has been teaching since 2000. She thinks they picked gym as their favorite because it’s a time to socialize and hang out with friends. Mr. Lockman likes being a gym teacher because he's always loved sports and kids, gym is the perfect combo. He's been a gym teacher for twenty-one years in the Swedesboro Woolwich school district. He believes gym was the favorite because kids love to play the games.
In short, specials are such a fun way to jump outside your comfort zone and have fun!