Lincoln Links
January 31st, 2025
Progress Reports- First Semester
You child's 1st semester progress report is posted on line on your student's Power School account. We have already mailed these to your homes as well. Please make sure to take a look and share a celebration with your child about their growth!
Power School-
Hello Families- as long as you are in Power School please take a moment to check that all of the information is up to date.
- Phone numbers are current.
- Address is current.
- Emergency Contacts information is up to date.
Cozy Up with a Good Book!
Brrrr! It is cold outside!
Lincoln families when it is too cold outside, warm up with a good book! Read aloud your child's library books or any books!
Read aloud a chapter book to your kids snuggled up on the couch together, making wonderful memories reading together! Priceless!!! Start now and make it a tradition!
Even 5-7 minutes reading together makes a difference in your child's reading, vocabulary and love of learning!
Ice and Boot Skating!
During the months of January and February we will be ice or boot skating the last two days of the week depending on the weather! If it is warm enough for students to be outside for recess (-10 or above) then they will go outside for skating! Make sure your child is dressed warm!
Kindergarten Registration Opens February 3
Going to kindergarten is important for children. It helps them build upon all the learning that they have done so far. In kindergarten, children will learn skills they will build on throughout their formal education and throughout life. It is important to register early to allow FPS enough time to plan ahead for the school year to give students the best experience possible.
Kindergarten Registration for Fargo Public Schools opens on February 3. If your child turns 5 by July 31, 2025, they are eligible to attend school in the fall. Visit FPS kindergarten registration webpage to learn more about the registration process.
Track and Field with Fargo South High- Youth Camp!
The Fargo South Track and Field program would like to invite your child to our three-day youth camp. This is open to anyone of any gender currently in grades K-5. This camp will teach the fundamentals of track and field and serve as an introduction to many events, such as sprinting, throwing, and jumping events. Instruction will be provided by Fargo South coaches and alumni If there is inclement weather, we will hold the camp indoors. Here are the details:
Location: Fargo South Track
When: May 27th, 28th, 29th, from 6:00 pm-7:15 pm
Cost: $30 individual, $40 cap if you have more than one child. Fee waivers are available meaning no one will be turned away if unable to pay.
Make checks payable to Fargo Public Schools. You can bring payment on the first day of camp.
Wear shorts, t-shirts, and tennis shoes (no need for specific track shoes for this camp).
Any questions or comments can be directed to Mike Grant, Head Girls Track and Field Coach
E-mail: grantm@fargoschools.org
Lincoln families- We need your help!
We have big goals for student achievement and success at Lincoln!
All students to grow by at least one year in their reading abilities.
We can do it with your help families! ALL students need to read EVERY NIGHT!
That can look different for every child- you can read to them, they can read to you, they can read to a stuffed animal or pet, they could listen to someone else (brother/sister/grandparent/aunt/uncle), or online stories on audible or SORA.
The big idea is to READ, READ, READ and make it a fun habit!
AD-Ventures for Kids & Teens
AD-Ventures is a District publication intended to help families find activities for their children throughout our community. It is published on the first of each month during the school year (September through May).
AD-Ventures for Kids is for youth in grade levels K-5.
AD-Ventures for Teens is for youth in grade levels 6-8.
School Cancellation Process- Snow Day
The mission of the Fargo Public Schools is to educate and empower all students to succeed. Each day in the school year is essential to carry out this mission and provide instruction to our students. Fargo Public Schools makes every effort to keep schools open each day. Our first choice will always be to remain open, but at times the weather conditions within the city merit a school closing. Click here to read more about FPS' procedures for school cancellation, early release, and late start.
We ask for your help in making sure you’re set up to receive our communications: 1. Opt-in for Text Messages: With the BrightArrow system, students, staff and parents/guardians must opt-in to receive text messages. To opt-in, simply text the word “YES” to 79041. You can opt-in at any time. If you do not opt-in, you will not receive any text messages sent out from the school or District. 2. Ensure Emails Reach You: Parents and Guardians, please add noreply@fargo.k12.nd.us to your email contacts or safe sender list to prevent our messages from being directed to your spam or junk folders. Mass emails from systems like BrightArrow can sometimes be filtered out by email providers, so this step is crucial for ensuring you receive timely updates.
Show your School Spirit!!! Buy and Wear your Lincoln Gear!! Click Here!
SORA- E-Books
The Fargo Public Schools (FPS) library and technology team would like to remind students, staff, and families of the wide variety of reading options offered by accessing our district e-book collection through Sora. We have a number of great opportunities and resources to encourage our students and staff to keep reading over the winter break!
Sora can be accessed on all student PLDs and on just about any other electronic device using the Sora app. Even older devices such as outdated phones that you may no longer use as a phone could still be used as a reading device with the Sora app. If you have a Fargo Public Library card, you can also access the public library e-book collection through your Sora account. If you have never accessed Sora before, check out these directions for how to access your school account!
Lincoln- Our theme this year is Stronger Together! When we are Lincoln Strong!
Title One documents
As a Title I school, Lincoln Elementary receives federal funds for Title I programs that are part of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). As a recipient of these funds, Lincoln Elementary has committed itself to providing enriching learning activities for its stakeholders and sharing responsibility with both parents and students to improve academic achievement, as outlined in the School-Parent Compact. Additionally, Lincoln Elementary is required to notify parents of particular components outlined in the law. Through the Interactive Dashboard, parents are able to be notified regarding the performance measures outlined in the state’s accountability system. The Parents Right to Know document is also a valuable resource as it lays out what information parents have the right to request and ascertain from the school regarding topics like the professional qualifications of staff, state and local policy, and parental rights regarding student participation in mandated assessments. Additionally, the District School Parent and Family Engagement Policy outlines what actions FPS and the school will be taking to provide effective parent and family engagement activities to improve student achievement and school performance. Copies of each of these documents can be found below, and you are encouraged to read through them.