Jaguar Band Newsletter
Your Place For Jaguar Band News
Johnson High School Jaguar Band
Website: https://www.johnsonbands.com
Location: 4260 FM 967, Buda, TX, USA
Phone: 512-268-8442
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/johnsonjaguarband
November 4th - November 10th
Message From Mr. Lucita
Online Band Store Is Open
Jaguar Band Booster Fundraiser: Poinsettias
Get your limited edition jOURney shirt!
Jaguar Caps For Sale!
Help Wanted: LAST Game Meal Pick Up and Serve
Upcoming Events
Helpful Reminders For Game Days
How To Sign Up With VIPS District Volunteer Program and Log Hours
Sync Your Calendar
How To Sign Up For Remind 101
Follow Us
From Mr. Lucita
And just like that, marching season is over! Saturday night, at the USBands Remo Finale in Kelly Reeves Stadium, the Johnson Jaguar Band marched their competitive show for the very last time. It was a great way to wrap up our inaugural season! The Jaguar Band won their division in prelims and swept every category: Best Music, Best Percussion, Best Guard, Best Visual and Best Effect! The prelims score was high enough to place them into finals competition with all advancing bands, regardless of their division or school size! Later that night, when the 13 finalist bands had completed their performances, the Jaguar Band had scored high enough to place 6th overall. The only band participating with no Juniors or Seniors and ranked 6th out of a total of 26 bands! What a way to finish the season! Setting the bar for next year extremely high!!
Although marching season is over, members of the Jaguar Band will still continue to be very active! This coming week several of our students will participate in the TMEA Region Orchestra auditions. Additionally, we will have students participating in the TMEA Region Band auditions on November 21st and 23rd.
Please be on the lookout for Winter Guard information coming out soon. Once the marching season ends our Color Guard students get to continue in the Spring semester with Winter Guard. It is very similar to Color Guard just minus the band and all competitions are held indoors! Winter Guard is open to any student interested in participating, regardless of experience! Clinic and Camp information will be distributed soon! Please be on the lookout and pass the word to any other students and friends that might be interested in participating in this awesome organization!
This week we will also have percussion auditions for band placement. Now that marching band has ended, percussion students will be assigned to a concert band in which they will participate. This will be based off of their auditions that are scheduled this week!
Here we go, another exciting week with the Jaguar Band! Let’s keep this forward momentum towards success rolling!
Online Band Store Is Open!
All items are expected to be delivered before the holidays so this is a great opportunity to shop for holiday gifts for your current and future jaguars! Don't forget to order something for the adults in your life who support our Jaguars!
Shipping for one item is $3.25 and $5.00 for two or more items.
Please share the link to the online store, all profits go directly to benefit our band students!
New Items!
Holiday Shirts!
Get Your jOURney Shirt Before They Are Gone!
Don't miss your chance to memorialize this most amazing year!
Please note that this is for parent/family shirts only. (Shirts are $15 and are Bella Canvas style/brand)
Order yours before they are gone! https://www.johnsonbands.com/product-page/2019-show-shirt-parent-only
Students have all received a complimentary show shirt courtesy of the Band Boosters! Student shirts are black and Parent/family shirts are royal blue. Both have 2019 show dates on the back.
Jaguar Caps For Sale!
Because of the high demand, we are now taking pre-orders. Get yours by ordering online ($20). Be sure to share this link with all of your Jaguar friends and family!
LAST Game Day Meal!
THANK YOU to the volunteers who helped with meals at Remo Competition!
We have one slot left for helping with meals for this week's game and would appreciate your time!
Thanks in advance for any help you can give!
Volunteer Background Check:
Sign Up Genius to Volunteer on GAME DAYS:
Upcoming Events
11/7: 7:00 pm: Away Game vs Jarrell
11/9: TMEA Orchestra Winds/Percussion Auditions
11/15: TMEA Region Clinic/Concert
11/19: 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm: Band Boosters General Membership Meeting
11/21: TMEA 5A District Band Auditions
11/23: TMEA 5A District Band Auditions
11/25 - 11/29: Thanksgiving Break
12/6: TMEA Region Band Clinic/Concert
12/7: TMEA Region Band Clinic/Concert
12/12: Winter Concert
* Please see the calendar on Charms or Band Booster website for details. Details below.
Helpful and Important Reminders For Game and Competition Days (UPDATED, PLEASE READ)
- FULL UNIFORM: Black compression shorts, black band dri-fit, tall black socks, band shoes.
- ALL uniform pieces are REQUIRED.
- Always pack/store uniform parts back in ONE bag so that it is ready for the next game or competition
- Please see above regarding "show hair".
- Students should pack (and be encouraged to use) deodorant. Game days are long and hot!
- Label caps, shoes (initials on the label on the inside of shoes), shirts, shorts, belts (anything they are changing in to and out of). If we find these items we have no way of knowing who to return them to. With so many kids changing and carrying their clothes around, stuff inevitably gets dropped or left behind. Paint pens (these come in all colors including silver or gold which can be seen on black) or Sharpie laundry markers work best for this. Any other pen or marker will rub off.
How to sign up with VIPS district volunteer program and log hours
V.I.P.S. (Volunteers in Public Schools) is required by HaysCISD for all volunteers that will be around students. Volunteers must be approved as a VIP volunteer BEFORE volunteering.
- From www.hayscisd.net choose Community> Become a Hays
- CISD volunteer.
- Follow the prompts given to complete the application.
- Our VIPS coordinator is Ms. Conder. When you visit the band hall, please see her immediately to get a name badge. Bring your driver’s license in for her to see.
- Go to www.hayscisd.net
- Choose the “community” tab
- Click on “become a Hays CISD volunteer”
- Click on “VIPs Rewards”
- Click on “Log your VIPs Hours (volunteers)” and log in
- Click on the drop down menu on the left –“volunteer”
Sync Your Calendar to Charms!
Visit the Johnson Band Website for information on how to sync the Charms calendar to your phone. "How to sync" links are located above calendar. Just click on link appropriate for your type of phone!
How To Sign Up For Remind 101
To sign up for Remind 101 for band notifications:
- Send a text message to 81010 (enter this number where you would enter the phone number)
- The message will be @jagband19 (type this where you would type your text message)
- Hit "send"
- If you did this successfully, you will receive a text informing you that you signed up for the band remind messages.
Signing up for Remind for other clubs or classes will be similar. You will always send a text to 81010 but what you type into the text box will be different. For example, for an English class, it might be @smithsenglishclass.
Follow Us/Stay Connected
Calendar https://www.charmsoffice.com/charms/calendarembed.asp?s=johnshhb
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/johnsonjaguarband/
Remind 101 Full Band Code - Text @jagband19 to 81010
Remind 101 Parents Code - Text @jbparents to 81010
Remind 101 Pit Crew Code - Text @pitcrewja to 81010
Twitter https://twitter.com/JHS_JaguarBand
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/johnsonhsband/