Mesa Messenger
March 2024 Newsletter
Important Dates
2023-2024 Student Academic Calendar
3/4/2024: Kindergarten Kick-Off @ 2:45pm
3/8/2024: Picture Day (Classroom and Spring Individual) Please see flyer below.
3/8/2024: Wizard of Oz production by Mesa's Team Drama Club @ 5:00pm
3/9/2024: Fountain-Fort Carson District 8 Honor Choir Performance @ 5:00pm @ The Trojan Arena
3/11/2024: Literacy Sessions with Parents from 8:15am-9:45am
3/15/2024: Mesa's St. Patrick's Day Breakfast 6:30am-7:15am
3/15/2024: End of 3rd Quarter
3/17/2024: Last Day to Order Mesa Yearbooks
3/18/2024: Community Day
3/21/2024: Mesa's Multicultural Night and Art Show 4:30am-6:00pm
3/25/2024 - 3/29/2024: NO SCHOOL - Spring Break
Classroom Updates
Kindergarten Families,
It’s hard to believe how fast February went! March is going to be a very exciting month for kindergarten! In math, we will continue working on subtraction as well as looking at how addition and subtraction are related. In reading, we will be learning more about animals and their habitats. Students will work on reading comprehension, sounding out words, and continuing to become independent readers. Our writing will continue to develop into sentences. We will be focusing on conventions of writing: proper capitalization, spacing, punctuation, as well as it making sense.
We are also excited to take the students on their first field trip!
1st Grade Families,
March will be a fun month for 1st grade as we begin a new season and learn about fun new topics. In math, we will be starting Module 5, which will focus on using place value concepts to compare, add, and subtract. In reading, we will be learning new phonics rules to help students continue to improve their reading fluency. In science and social studies, students will be completing an animal research project. Please continue to read with your child each night! Thank you!
The First Grade Team
Ms. Adams, Mrs. Hout, Ms. Huffman, Mrs. Harding, Ms. Lange
2nd Grade Families,
Second Grade is continuing Module 4 for math. We will be working on subtraction within 1,000. Please continue to help your child by practicing math facts at home. In reading we will begin Unit 5. We will be looking at r controlled words, diphthongs, pronouns, sequencing, and synonyms. Our main writing topic will be biographies. Please keep reading with your child at home.We have almost finished three quarters of the 23-24 school year. We have been working on fractions in math. Keep working on those multiplication facts! In ELA we will begin working with point of view, pronouns, possessive pronouns, subject and object pronouns, and pronoun-verb agreements. For writing we will be working on biographies and learning how to use RACE in answering questions. We will be learning about electricity and magnetism and beginning learning about fossils in Science. We look forward to the last part of the year.
4th Grade Families,
Wow- it is hard to believe that it is March already! Your students sure have been working hard and showing great growth this quarter. You should be very proud of them. We enjoyed watching them lead conferences this time around. They were able to explain our new 4 point grading scale, essential skills, and reflect on what they have done so far in fourth grade; as well as set some goals for the rest of the school year. This month, we will be taking ELA and Math Illuminate. Additionally, don’t forget that Spring Break is the week March 25th. Students will return to school on Monday, April 1. Lastly, please keep an eye out for information regarding our upcoming 4th grade field trips, which will take place in May! As always, we thank you for your ongoing support.
Love, your fourth grade teachers
5th Grade Families,
We are excited to jump into March with all of the fifth graders. This month will be full of fun things like, Read Across America Month, Youth Art Month, and the 5th grade Wizard of Oz presentation. As far as academics, we will continue to work through Module 4 and focus on multiplication and division of decimal numbers. For writing and reading, we will be wrapping up our biography research projects and begin learning about haikus. In science, we will continue to learn about Earth’s systems, which include the hydrosphere and atmosphere, and interactions among Earth’s systems. We will end the quarter by looking at energy and food in science and continue to learn about energy and food when we come back from spring break. We will finish out March strong by having students show us what they have learned so far this year on the Illuminate test. We are so proud of all of the continued hard work and dedication that all of the students put in every day. Thank you for your support.
2024-2025 Kindergarten Kick-Off
Mesa's Drama Club Presents: The Wizard of Oz
Fountain-Fort Carson District 8 Honor Choir Performance
Mesa's Pancake Breakfast
Last Day to order is March 17th!
Notes from Nurse Janice
Old LEGOS Needed
March Breakfast Menu
March Lunch Menu
Follow Us
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to hear about upcoming events at Mesa!
Spirit Shirts
Mesa t-shirts are available to purchase in the office! Limited quantities available. First come, first served, NO HOLDS. Cash or check only.
Student T-Shirts: $10.00
Adult T-Shirts: $10.00
Adult XXL: $12.00
Adult XXXL: $13.00
Clothes Needed
District and School Attendance Practices
Mesa Mountain Lion Motto
District 8 Resources
Change Happens… such as loss of housing, homelessness, job and need for resources. If this is you please reach out to your District Liaison. There are a number of resources including school pantry, clothes closet, parent resource nights and much more. We are here to support you! Contact Promis Bruno, MSW 719-492-8810 or”
El cambio sucede… como la pérdida de la vivienda, la falta de vivienda, el trabajo y la necesidad de recursos. Si es usted, comuníquese con el enlace de su distrito. Hay una serie de recursos que incluyen despensa escolar, armario de ropa, noches de recursos para padres y mucho más. ¡Estamos aquí para apoyarte! Póngase en contacto con Promis Bruno, MSW 719-492-8810 o
Mesa Elementary Vision Statement
Mesa Elementary
Location: 400 Camino Del Rey, Fountain, CO, USA
Phone: 719-382-1370