Principal's Corner
What's Happening at Rice Elementary?
February 2025
Principal Note
Happy February! It’s hard to believe we are already halfway through the school year. This month is full of exciting learning opportunities, special events, and a focus on kindness and community.
February is a time to celebrate friendship and appreciation for one another. With Valentine’s Day approaching, we encourage students to show kindness, respect, and gratitude in their daily interactions. We are also recognizing Black History Month, where students will learn about the inspiring contributions of African American leaders in history, science, arts, and beyond.
As we continue through the winter months, please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather, especially for outdoor recess. Also, a friendly reminder to encourage good attendance—every day in school is an opportunity for growth and learning!
We appreciate your ongoing support and involvement in your child’s education. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Wishing you and your family a wonderful February!
Warm Regards,
Rice Elementary Principal
Box Tops for Education
At a recent PTA meeting, a parent shared they had just recently discovered how easy it was to re-engage with Box Tops and asked if I would share this with families and staff. She was super excited because she had her Mom sign up too and Rice Elementary received $2.00 just for having her mom do this! Here is a link to the website if you haven't checked it out lately!
IB Edge--Learner Profile--
Our February focus is being a Thinker. Students who are THINKERS work to solve problems independently. They can imagine many solutions to a question or challenge. Thinkers make good decisions and can predict the outcomes of their actions. They think creatively and critically.
How can parents help to develop students who are Thinkers at home?
- Encourage your child to try to think of solutions to problems independently.
- Pose different real-life problems and questions to your child:
- "I’m not sure how to arrange the glasses so they can all fit in the cupboard.”
- “I wonder how much the groceries in the cart will cost... how can we make an estimate?”
- “We need enough cookies for the 20 people in your class. What kind of change should we make to our recipe?”
- Ask your children questions when they are working on a problem:
- Do you have any ideas about how we might begin?"
- " How can we do this differently?"
- I had never thought of that. Tell me more about it."
- What other ways can we show that?"
- " Why do you think that?"
- " How did you figure that out?"
Why Attendance Matters
As we enter the second half of the year, I just wanted to send a brief reminder about the importance of regular attendance at school. Routine school attendance is an important factor in a child's academic success. When students consistently attend school, they build strong learning habits, develop essential social skills, and stay on track with their learning. Here are a few key reasons why school attendance is so important:
Builds Strong Foundations – Elementary school lays the foundation for future learning. Missing school means missing fundamental lessons in reading, writing, and math, which can make it harder for some students to catch up later.
Develops Good Habits – Attending school regularly helps children develop responsibility and a strong work ethic, setting them up for success in middle school, high school, and beyond.
Encourages Social & Emotional Growth – School is where children learn how to communicate, collaborate, and build friendships. Frequent absences can make it harder for students to feel connected to their classmates and teachers.
Prevents Learning Gaps – Even missing just a couple of days each month adds up over time. Students who are frequently absent may struggle to keep up with lessons, leading to frustration and decreased confidence.
How Parents Can Help:
- Set a consistent bedtime and morning routine to ensure your child gets to school on time.
- Schedule appointments and family vacations outside of school hours whenever possible.
- Talk to your child about the importance of showing up every day.
- Communicate with teachers and the school if your child is struggling with attendance; we are here to help, support and partner with you.
Every school day counts! Thank you for partnering with us to ensure your child has the best possible learning experience
Helping at Home
If you are looking for things to support learning at home, some great suggestions are available on the Helping at Home page. This page is broken down by grade level and standard allowing you to search for specific standards if you want to check it out! Reading, discussing books, and practicing math facts are simple things that can be very helpful. It is also beneficial whenever you can make math and reading visible through what you do every day. Examples include talking about fractions when cooking, measuring, reading directions, or just setting aside family reading time and finishing it with a quick summary of what everyone read.
A Few Reminders
Upcoming Dates
February 14-No school
February 17-No school-President's Day
February 18 No school-Teacher Inservice
March 6-End of Trimester 2
March 7-No school-Teacher Inservice
Cold Weather (reminder)
As we transition from this very nice fall weather to cooler temperatures, please make sure your child brings appropriate gear to school. Kids will go outside if the temperature is -10 degrees or warmer, so having appropriate clothing and boots every day is very important both for recess and getting to and from school.
Please label all gear with your child's name so if it happens to be left outside or in some other area of the school we can get it back to them as soon as possible.
If your child is in need of winter gear, please reach out to the office for assistance.