The Rise Up Family Newsletter
January 16, 2025
Letter from the Principal
Greetings PPA Caregivers, Families, and Friends,
I hope you had a wonderful break and enjoyed this beautiful Wisconsin weather. With that said, be on the lookout for summer school information for PPA scholars.
We are coming to the close of the first semester. It has been great seeing scholars complete artifacts, capstone projects, and inquiry about the portfolio process. Many scholars were able to complete tasks to earn credits. As well, our students will participate in aimsWeb testing. The purpose of this test is to gain data on scholars academically and practice positive testing etiquette as well as preparing 9th - 11th graders for Pre-ACT and ACT which will be in the next couple of months.
Remind scholars to bring their chromebook to school with them everyday. They do have an option to leave chromebooks in the main office if they don’t want to carry them home.
Please reach out with any questions, concerns, or celebrations.
Be well,
Ms. Sconiers
Dates to remember:
1/20 No School - MLK Day
1/24 End of semester 1
1/27 No School for students (PD for staff)
1/29 Military Day for students 12:35pm-2:05pm
Office updates
Attendance line: 608-834-6900 Line 1
Please use this number when calling in a student for an absence, illness or an appointment.
You can call the office at 608-834-6900 ext. 5507 for any reason that your student will be absent. Please call the attendance line or the office at 608-834-6931 if your student needs to leave early. Calls will be made when students leave grounds without a guardian's permission.
School day is from 9:00am - 3:20pm.
Follow PPA on Facebook! See our events, photos of activities, and other important updates and information. https://www.facebook.com/PPASunPrairie/
PPA Specific information to keep in mind:
As a reminder, students that are driving should review this information. It is important for our student drivers to continue to be safe for themselves and others in our parking lots and on the roads. Please note that students that do not park in the designated student parking session:
First offense- a verbal warning and ask to move their vehicle to the proper area
Second offense- parent communication
Ongoing offenses will be discussed with families and hopes of a resolution
Scholars should be prepared to learn everyday! Chromebooks should be with students daily. To reduce students transporting their wonderful Chromebooks they have the opportunity to leave the CB’s at PPA to be charged. Those that turned in Chromebooks will be able to pick them up from the main office. We will not issue a Chromebook to students if they have one or more already checked out to them. Please have your scholar return any damaged Chromebooks to the main office. We have a limited number of Chromebooks that students may use as loaners but that is on a first come basis.
Algebra- Data Analysis
In Algebra we have been focusing on data analysis. We collected 2 sets of data with different conditions testing reaction time. Students worked together, one student dropped a ruler, with the other one catching it. Some groups did sitting vs standing, dominant vs non dominant hand, eyes open vs eyes closed. After the data was collected students were able to compare the reaction times using different data displays and a 5 number summary.
We also learned about scatter plots by doing the Barbie Bungee experiment. We simulated a barbie bungee jumping by seeing how the distance dropped when the number of rubber bands (length of the bungee cord) changed. Once our data was collected we graphed it, added in the line of best fit, and then were able to make predictions based on different scenarios.
Digging Deep: Adventures in Paleontology
Our paleontology class, Dinosaur! has been an exciting journey through time. Students have delved into the fascinating world of prehistoric life, learning about:
Geologic Time: How to understand the vast timeline of Earth's history.
Fossil Formation: How fossils are created and what they can tell us about the past.
Careers in Paleontology: Exploring the exciting world of paleontology and geology.
We also have had some hands on fun going beyond the textbook:
Dinosaur Dig: Students "unearthed" a dinosaur skeleton, learning about excavation techniques and the importance of careful observation.
Rockin' Layers: We created our own "rock layers" using candy and cereal, understanding the principles of stratigraphy and how fossils are found within them.
Fossil Sorting: Students learned to identify and classify different types of rocks, fossils, and bones, developing their observational and analytical skills.
We even analyzed the science (and the inaccuracies!) of the classic film "Jurassic Park," sparking lively discussions and critical thinking. Students have shown a keen interest in learning about dinosaurs and the ancient world. We encourage you to continue exploring this fascinating subject together at home!
Student Services Updates
Therapy in Schools at Prairie Phoenix Academy
In the Sun Prairie Area School District, we have different ways to support students' mental health. These include activities to help everyone build relationships and learn social-emotional skills, small group support for some students, and one-on-one help for others. At Prairie Phoenix Academy (PPA), we provide all these levels of support to meet the social, emotional, behavioral, and mental health needs of our students.
PPA recently partnered with Crossroads Counseling Center in Sun Prairie to offer therapy at school for a small number of students. These students may have challenges that make it hard to get this kind of help outside of school. Rochell Floyd, MA, LPC is a Licensed Professional Counselor with over 10 years of experience working with adolescents and families in mental health care. She comes to PPA one day a week to provide therapy to students during the school day.
The PPA Student Services Team and Principal have created a process to identify students who may need this service. This process includes talking with caregivers and getting their permission. No student will receive therapy without their consent and their caregiver’s permission.
Rochell is also available at PPA to talk with staff and provide information about mental health and related services. She may help staff and students during difficult situations. These brief interactions don’t require caregiver consent because they are short and focused on the moment. If these interactions become more frequent or involve ongoing support, caregivers and students will be asked for consent.
If you have any questions about these services, please contact Principal Sconiers at nsconi@sunprairieschools.org. We’re excited to welcome Rochell to the PPA community!
Please visit the SPASD Local and Support Resources website for more information about community resources. https://www.sunprairieschools.org/district/reopeningtogether/support-resources?post_category_id=
Winter Clothing
It’s getting cold! If you need winter gear, we have some in our free closet at school! Please reach out to Ellie, Ms. Ayanna, or other school personnel. Additionally, you can request to shop at CARDS closet for the winter season through Ellie, please reach out and STAY WARM!
The Counselor’s Corner
Parent Senior Night
Upcoming FAFSA Nights at PPA!
PPA Students, are you interested in taking a second-semester course at your boundary school or taking an online course through JEDI? Please contact Ms. Annetta Wright. Parent, and Principal approval is required.
2024 - 2025 Senior Planning Presentation
- Thursday, February 27, 2025: During Family/Teacher Winter Conferences
What You’ll Need to Complete FAFSA:
- Set up FAFSA Accounts here (parent and student should set up separate accounts at least 3-5 days prior to FAFSA Night)
- Laptop (Let us know if you need one)
- An email address with login information
- Social Security number
Birth, death, marriage, and divorce dates
Tax returns/W-2s for the prior-prior year to the FAFSA
Current bank account balance(s)
Other income amounts (social security, child support, unemployment, etc.)
Value of any other assets
Madison College Application Dates at PPA! (12:40 pm - 2:35 pm)
Wednesday, February 5, 2025, 12:40 pm - 2:35 pm
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 12:40 pm - 2:35 pm
Students interested in taking Start College Now courses for the 25 -26 school year, please contact Annetta Wright. Applications are due March 01, 2025.
Sophomores, the applications for the STEM Academy at Madison Area Technical College are available. Please see Annetta Wright for more information. Click here for the STEM Academy Application
PPA Students, are you interested in taking a second-semester course at your boundary school or taking an online course through JEDI? Please contact Ms. Annetta Wright. Parent, and Principal approval is required.
Show Me The Money! Scholarship Tips
Looking for scholarships can feel like a treasure hunt, but with the right tools, you can strike gold! Start by using scholarship search engines like Fastweb or Scholarship.com, and don’t forget Instagram—follow educational accounts and use hashtags like #ScholarshipAlert to discover hidden opportunities. Explore local scholarships from community foundations or your school district, and get creative with your unique talents—there’s a scholarship for everything from coding to skateboarding! Stay organized, track deadlines, and happy hunting!
Instagram: Mos.com
Free Summer Camps
We are still accepting applications for our FREE Summer camps! The Wisconsin School of Business offers FREE, Precollege Programs for high school students interested in exploring a career in business through one day workshops and weeklong summer camps. WSB Precollege Programs is available for all high school students, but we will prioritize enrolling students who identify as first generation (first in immediate family to attend four year college/institution) and students who qualify for free or reduced school lunch. Students who do not meet these preferences will be waitlisted.
Attached you will find our 2025 summer camp flyers in English, Hmong, and Spanish. *Please note that precollege summer camps do not offer housing or transportation. Precollege programs will provide snack, lunch, activity supplies, and cover all field trip expenses including transportation and admission fees.
Please review the benefits of our program and consider sharing our summer camp flyers with your students!
Benefits of participating in WSB Precollege programs include:
Career Exploration: Participants will learn about different business majors and participate in business exploration activities including entrepreneurial challenges and job shadowing field trips. *Job shadowing opportunities are available for 10th and 11th graders participating in the Junior Business Badgers Summer camp.*
Community: Participants will build meaningful relationships with business-minded students through interactive community building activities. They'll also have the opportunity to learn from college mentors and top business professors and faculty at the Wisconsin School of Business.
Scholarship Opportunity: Participants who participate in our precollege program will receive preference for the Business Emerging Leaders(BEL) Scholarship. The BEL Scholarship recipients will receive a minimum of $10,000 per year for 4 years. Students can apply for the scholarship during their senior year of high school. Consideration will also be based on students' acceptance to UW-Madison, direct admittance to the Wisconsin School of Business, and completion of the BEL Scholarship application materials. To learn more about the Business Emerging Leaders Scholarship, click here to sign up for one of our Spring, Precollege and BEL virtual info sessions.
Please reach out to myself or our WSB Precollege Program team at wsbprecollege@wsb.wisc.edu, if you have any questions!
Summer School
Please refer folks to the Summer School website. All public facing communication is posted on the site.
My thanks to all of you for your ongoing input, involvement, and support. Let me know if you have any questions.
Junior Information 25-26
Shades of Unity
Ladies, are you interested in coming together with other young women of various ethnicities and cultures to foster a sisterhood that encourages unity, and wellness, while addressing issues and problems concerning young girls of color? Join us in the Dry Lab on Tuesdays at 1:25 pm. See Mz. Annetta for more information.
JAG (Job’s of America Graduates)Notes:
The last two weeks during my JAG workshop we’ve been focusing on goals,budgeting, learning about W-4’s & W-2’s, learning how to write checks, and learning about the different deductions that come out of paychecks.
This week WTRP/Big Step came in to talk to the students about the programs and career services with special emphasis on apprenticeship readiness training and tutoring to prepare participants for the necessary apprenticeship qualifying tests they’ll face in the skilled trades. I had three students sign up for the Pre-Apprenticeship Program that will help them prepare for an apprenticeship.
The next field trip that will be offered to JAG students is learning more about the careers that take place at the Fiserv Forum on January 28th( graphic design, social media, account sales, and video producer.)
Community Schools
-Parents/Caregivers you all have an opportunity to enter our Trivia and win a prize!
-”HOW DO YOU ENTER”?: Click the link below. Answer the following questions and the family that has the closests answer to the real definition wins!
"Fueling Up for Learning: Why School Lunches Need Fruits & Veggies"
Hey parents!
Did you know that the government has rules about what makes a "complete" school meal? It has to include fruits or vegetables at breakfast and lunch. This is because healthy food helps kids learn better!
Here's the deal:
Complete meals = Government funding: When your child takes a complete meal (with fruit or veggies), the school gets money from the government to help cover the cost.
Incomplete meals = Costs for you: If your child refuses the fruit or veggies, the school doesn't get that funding. This means we might have to charge your account, even if your child gets free or reduced-price meals.
Lots of tasty options: We offer a variety of fruits and veggies every day, including fresh salads and always at least two fruit choices.
Why it matters:
Healthy bodies = Healthy minds: Fruits and veggies provide essential vitamins and minerals that help kids grow and learn.
Fighting childhood obesity: Eating healthy foods helps kids maintain a healthy weight.
Let's work together to make sure our kids are getting the nutrition they need to succeed in school! Encourage them to try something new from the salad bar or fruit options.
Remember: Hungry kids can't learn!
Bus News
We hope you’re having a great school year! We wanted to take a moment to remind everyone of
an important safety policy regarding our school buses. For the safety and well-being of all
students, parents/caregivers are not permitted to board the school bus for any reason.
We understand that sometimes it might seem convenient, but keeping the bus environment
secure and on schedule is our top priority. If you need to speak with your child or address
something related to transportation, please contact your school principal or Brinda Thompson at
Kobussen Buses at (608) 825-8700, and they will be happy to assist you.
Thank you for your understanding and support in helping us maintain a safe and efficient ride for
all our students.
¡Esperamos que estés teniendo un excelente año escolar! Queríamos tomarnos un momento
para recordarles a todos una política de seguridad importante con respecto a nuestros
autobuses escolares. Para la seguridad y el bienestar de todos los estudiantes, Los
padres/cuidadores no pueden subir al autobús escolar por ningún motivo..
Entendemos que a veces puede parecer conveniente, pero mantener el entorno de autobuses
seguro y a tiempo es nuestra principal prioridad. Si necesita hablar con su hijo o abordar algo
relacionado con el transporte, comuníquese con el director de su escuela o con Brinda
Thompson en Kobussen Buses al (608) 825-8700, y ellos estarán encantados de ayudarle.
Gracias por su comprensión y apoyo para ayudarnos a mantener un viaje seguro y eficiente
Prairie Phoenix Academy
Email: nsconi@sunprairieschools.org
Website: https://www.sunprairieschools.org/prairie-phoenix-academy-home
Location: 220 Kroncke Drive, Suite 13 Sun Prairie, WI 53590, USA
Phone: 6088346901