Thompson Friday Forecast
September 27, 2024
Between Two Schools
Dear Thompson Families:
Earlier this week, you received a district communication detailing D303’s efforts to enhance safety procedures for our students. In August, D303 educators took part in online and in-person ALICE training, which stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate. As a result of this training, we are prepared to deliver age-appropriate lessons to our students. This will allow us to provide an options-based approach when responding to critical incidents.
Starting the week of October 7th, students will view an informational video introducing them to the concepts of ALICE. Through the weeks leading to Thanksgiving Break, students will engage in six lessons, roughly one per week. Each lesson is designed for middle school students and focuses on one of the core ALICE concepts: Situational Awareness, Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate.
D303’s Safety and Security website has been updated to include informational ALICE resources, such as parent letters for each lesson. Students will participate in their first safety drill in January utilizing the ALICE concepts. For more information, you are encouraged to visit the ALICE Family and Community site.
If you have any questions specific to your child’s learning, feel free to contact me: 331-228-3100 or matthew.clark@d303.org.
Best Regards,
Matt Clark
Principal, Thompson
Tim Loversky
Principal, Wredling
Parent Teacher Conferences
The sign‐up portal for Parent-Teacher is currently open. We will be using Pick-A-Time again this year.
The Pick-A-Time portal will open FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th at 8:00 am
It will promptly close MONDAY, OCTOBER 7th at 11:59 PM. This is a hard deadline. Once the portal closes parents will not be able to schedule a time for these conference dates.
Pick-A-Time Parent-Teacher Conference Scheduling Directions (clickable link):
- Login to your HAC (HOME ACCESS CENTER) Account
- Click on the link for "Parent-Teacher Conference Scheduler"
- Be sure to ONLY choose Q1 (first quarter) teachers!
* All conferences on October 10th and 11th will be held with individual teachers with the exception of 6th grade Core Teams (see below). Each conference will be eight minutes long with a two minute transition
* 6th grade Core Teams will hold team conferences on Thursday, October 10th. On this day one conference can be scheduled with all the teachers on your child’s team. 6th grade conferences with core teachers on the 10th will only be scheduled with your child’s team leader.
- 6-1: Christine Voreis
- 6-2: Chris Patrick
- 6-3: Katie Scrivani
- 6-4: Amy Wilson
* All conference times from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM on Thursday, October 10th will be reserved for those parents who need to schedule a virtual conference.
A few notes about sign-up:
- Parents should not feel obligated to sign-up for conferences. If your child is doing well at school, both academically and socially, then you might choose not to have a conference. (It does not make you a bad parent not to sign-up for conferences!) If your child is struggling, we would suggest that you do come to conferences!
- You might only feel the need to meet one or a few teachers. There is no obligation to meet every teacher.
- If you wish to visit the explore teachers, please sign-up to visit your child’s first-quarter explore teacher.
- You can sign-up for a conference with a teacher only one time. Our student services team (counselors, social workers) will be available for conferences, as well. If you decide you need more time with a teacher, we are always willing to meet with you.
- In some cases, a teacher may contact you in advance to set-up a conference time. That means we want to guarantee you a time to meet with your child’s teachers.
- When you sign-up, try to sign-up for all conferences in a row. (Do not schedule gap times in the middle or you will be waiting around for a long time!)
- You are welcome to have your child with you during conferences! It is important that they hear what you hear. They are of the age when they are mature and responsible enough to be part of the conversation whether via Zoom or in-person.
PTO Appreciation Dinner + Snack Donations
We’re seeking donations for a 10/10 Thompson Team Appreciation Dinner and Stock the Snack Closet event. Help us spoil our Thompson teachers and support team during fall conferences and throughout the year.
Three ways you can contribute:
1. Make a donation via Push Coin: https://store.d303.org/?YCY57LFFT5=CAG7HW75LL...
2. Sign-up + purchase needed snacks + supplies by 10/7: https://www.signupgenius.com/.../10C084AA5A82AA2FAC61...
3. Ask your company, local business or friend with connections if they can donate a meal for our awesome Thompson team!
Text Lauren Dethloff (773) 844-5092 with any donation questions or sponsor leads!
TMS Book Fair October 2-10
We are pleased to announce the Anderson Book Fair is coming to Thompson Middle School from October 2-10!
Oct. 2nd 7:30-2:00
Oct. 3rd - 8th 7:30-3:30
Oct. 9th 7:30-2:00
Oct. 10th 8:15 AM - 8:00 PM (during Parent/Teacher Conferences)
Our Anderson Book Fair will have a wonderful selection of engaging books for every reading level. Please consider signing up as a volunteer to help our fair run smoothly.
StC Rotary Club Donating Coats to Families in Need
The Saint Charles Rotary Club would like to donate coats to students in need this winter. If you did not fill out the previous needs assessment form and are still in need of winter coats for your child(ren), please complete the form below by Thursday October 10, 2024. If you have any questions please contact Maureen Logsdon, social worker, at maureen.logsdon@d303.org pr (331) 228-6331.
El Club Rotario de Saint Charles desea donar abrigos a los estudiantes que los necesiten este invierno. Si no completó el formulario de evaluación de necesidades anterior y aún necesita abrigos de invierno para sus hijos, complete el formulario a continuación antes del jueves 10 de octubre de 2024. Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con Maureen Logsdon, trabajadora social, a maureen.logsdon@d303.org o al (331) 228-6331.
School Supply Reminder
Just as a reminder: ALL students are expected to come to school with basic school supplies such as wired headphones and pens and/or pencils. Having the right supplies means they are ready for learning! We've provided a link to the school supply lists below.
Math Corner with Mrs. Zitella
Did you know that soccer players use angles and dilations to make decisions on the field? Angles are used to determine the best shooting position which gives players more opportunity to score a goal. Dilation is applied as a strategy for players to understand how movement, in relation to the goal, may effectively “enlarge” or “shrink” their shooting angle. These skills may result in the player’s choice to pass to another player or shoot for a goal. Looks like we need to practice these skills on the field! See the grade level below to find out what we are studying in math class!
Coming Soon: Walk & Roll to School Day October 9th!
District 303 is proud to partner with the Glenbard Parent Series (GPS) to offer our families broader access to information sessions and resources that support their child’s development.
For decades, GPS has been offering free programs that aim to empower and strengthen families, individuals and communities. As a partner organization, District 303 will support promoting upcoming programs and their importance to our local community.
Athletics Update
Our Winter sports season is fast approaching, and we will be offering Boys Basketball and Wrestling! All 7th and 8th grade boys are welcomed to come tryout for basketball on Monday, October 21st after school. Wrestling is open to all 6th, 7th, & 8th graders, and the season will start the week of October 21.
Parents, please make sure to register your child prior to the season's start date. Also, please have an updated Sports Physical on file in the office.
Registration and all sports' schedules can be found on our Athletic Website: https://schools.snap.app/tms
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Athletic Director, Daniel Ballines (daniel.ballines@d303.org)
Upcoming PTO Restaurant Nights!
Portillos Oct 1 and CPK Oct 2
Builder's Club Update
On Thursday, September 12th Builders Club prepared lunches for Lazarus House in St. Charles. Lazarus House provides safe shelter, food, and a range of support services for men, women and children in need of help.
The following Thompson Middle School students arrived at Thompson at 7:15 AM on September 12th to prepare lunches for Lazarus House: Eli Hill, Gavin Langston, Madilyn Gilpin, Macey Marshall, Bud Sax, Annabelle Jarm, Sophie Marshall, Eden Custer, Colton Cormody, and Micah Marshall. Thank you students for taking the time to make a difference in our community.
Thompson’s Builders Club will have its next meeting on Thursday, October 3rd at 7:15 AM in Mr. Simone’s classroom 237. If you are interested in joining Builders Club please attend this meeting. All are welcome!
In addition, Builders Club needs help supporting the Northern Illinois Food Bank. On Thursday, October 17th we are scheduled to serve at the food bank, and we need people to volunteer. Students who attend need to attend with a parent. Those who volunteer will need to arrive at the food bank by 5:15 PM. This opportunity is an excellent way to serve the community, to spend time with family/friends, and earn service hours. An entire family, along with friends, may attend with a Thompson student who would like to volunteer. If you want to attend this rewarding service opportunity, please email David Simone at david.simone@d303.org with the first and last name of each individual who will be attending by Thursday, October 3rd.
Worries of the World Wide Web
Donations Gladly Accepted!
D303 will host the 4th annual Pathways Night at Compass Academy on October 30. This career fair welcomes employers and educational institutions supporting careers that don't require a 4-year college degree. If you are a business owner and wish to participate in Pathways Night, please complete this form. More information for students and families interested in attending will be available in the next few weeks.
Voices of D303 Podcast
Upcoming Community Events
Link to Order School Pictures
HR Imaging is the company we use for school pictures. Here is the link to order pictures .
To contact HR Imaging with questions: https://shop.hrimaging.com/pws/contactus.aspx
Community Backpack
Referral GPS
An anonymous, easy-to-use, secure website to locate mental health and substance use treatment resources
Homework Help
NHS Honors students help our Thunder students with their homework 2:55 - 3:40 pm every Tuesday and Thursday in the LRC
Thompson Middle School
Mrs. Michelle Dague - Assistant Principal
Mr. Ryan Wood - Assistant Principal
Mrs. Danielle Moeller - Student Support Coordinator
Mr. Sam Pasholk - Student Support Coordinator
Email: katrina.michaelis@d303.org
Website: http://thompson.d303.org
Location: 705 West Main Street
Phone: (331) 228-3100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Thompson-Middle-School-671638232903851/