Goliad Update
Weekly Update
Below you will find a weekly overview of what each grade is generally covering.
Google Classroom Weekly Overview
Here is the week at a glance for each grade level. We sure have a lot of learning happening.
How to contact the School
- Call the school at 659-3660 - listen to prompt and leave a message
- Emergency--- a phone number is given at the end of the prompt to call
- Email - zachary.ramirez@saisd.org ; judy.knight@saisd.org
- Home access link - https://www.saisd.org/Families/HomeAccessCenter.asp
General Information
- Google Classrooms - we are still trouble shooting, but many have gotten in and are becoming more successful
- SAISD wifi hotspot locations - https://www.saisd.org/5056
- Devices that need to be swapped out are by appointment - contact teacher and they will set up the appointment
- Troubleshooting - continue talking to teachers first
- We are continuing to work through those who still do not have internet - Suddenlink is offering still 3 months free just need to pay the activation fee of $20
News from the Counselor
- If your student needs to speak to a nurse or school counselor please complete this form and a virtual meeting will be scheduled. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf-QeJJu08QjVF7hskrsFfsJ0YVYjFMn7V197TzLJBAx_9Gmw/viewform
- Check out the San Diego zoo panda camera!
- Click below for a list of available food pantries in our area. Share with families in need!
Pass it On!
This virtual learning experience is new for all of us. Hang in there and remember to contact your child's teacher via email, Dojo, Remind, or join their Zoom sessions if you need help. We've got this.
This sheep dog joins in on the virtual learning experience with us. He is guarding the sheep.
This fun-loving pup reads along with Mrs. Riddle.
Happy Birthday Mrs. Young
We love you!!!
Mrs. Duarte's Family Social Contract
Emmitt and Evelyn proudly display their social contract.
Go Cowboys!